Greenpoint Photos Du Jour, Part II: The Mean Girls Of Salem

It would appear I was a mite bit hasty deeming Monitor Street as the “go to” in Greenpoint in terms of Halloween decor. Of course I have never seen Greenpoint as one monolithic community. It’s actually at least two, arguably three, sub-communities. This contender hails from my corner of the 11222 and it is MAGNIFICENT! Without further ado, I present “The Mean Girls Of Salem”!

“Get in Loser, we’re going Hexing”

Taken October 29, 2019.

Heidi’s Recovery Fund

Please take a moment to read Heidi’s story (of which the above screencaps are an excerpt), donate if you can and please spread the word. She really needs our help. As is the case with many people nowadays unfortunately, she stands to lose weeks of wages and is not insured so this accident (which is in and of itself traumatic enough) stands to be financially catastrophic to Heidi. Thank you for your time.

P.S.: Since we are on the subject of the intersection of India Street and Manhattan Avenue, I would like to present the following which I wrote fairly recently on this site (in regards to an email from the Department of Transportation regarding the “Manhattan Avenue Parking Spot of Death”, specifically some “Vision Zero” nonsense tacked onto said email):

Let’s consider pedestrian safety on the block in question. If “traffic enforcement” took the time/effort to, say, hang out at the intersection of India Street and Manhattan Avenue and ticket each and every motorist and bicyclist who blew through through the traffic signals located there they would make a tidy sum. They would also actually be doing something which does facilitate safer streets for pedestrians. But it is much easier to go after the long-hanging fruit of people parking in an ambiguously marketed parking space.

I wrote this on April 17, 2017. This accident came to pass May 10, 2017. Are the Department of Transportation and NYPD Traffic paying attention?

The Word On The Street: Alive

India Street Piernys

Taken October 18, 2015.

The Word On The Street: Special North Brooklyn Development Edition

Baggie haul August 22 2015 39 total nys

Many of you have undoubtedly noticed that I have not been terribly prolific on the blog. This should not be construed as a lack of interest in the affairs of this community (or this city in overall). Quite to the contrary: I have been quite busy. About a month ago I had a revelation: why not tap into what is the Garden Spot’s most renewable resource? This, of course, is garbage.

Think about it, gentle readers: litter is not only free but by making regular “collection” runs I am, albeit in a small way, making this community a cleaner place. What’s more, by (tongue firmly in cheek) “up-purposing” Greenpoint garbage I am raising awareness about the problem here. And we most assuredly have a problem.

Presently my focus is on drug baggies. These, as I have discovered, come in an array of colors and designs. The working plan is to fill the following 5 1/2 inch diameter snow globe with them.

Taste the rainbow! nys

The working title for this piece is “Taste the Rainbow” (for obvious reasons).

Taste the rainbow top view nys

Playgroudn rules WNYC Transmitter Park nysAs you can see it is still in progress. Very pretty if I may say so myself! Over the last month I have acquired no less than 181 182 baggies. These were “sourced” exclusively in Greenpoint/11222. I felt parameters needed to be established. What’s more, Williamsburg probably would have proved to be too easy. But I digress.

This project has led to a number of fascinating discoveries. For starters, most of the baggies I have found were discarded (and presumably consumed) in our public parks. I have long suspected this was/is the case— now I have some numbers to back it up. Playgrounds are not spared either. The item to the left was found in the playground at WNYC Transmitter Park. I also found five on the premises of the Vincent V. Abate Playground. One specimen had the Superman logo emblazoned on it. Regardless of one’s position on the “war on drugs” you gotta appreciate that kind of wiseassedness.

Magic carpet ride 2 cropped nys

This piece’s working title is “Magic Carpet Ride”.

Magic Carpet ride cropped nys

The other location I have found a significant number of baggies is development sites. Especially those which are stalled and/or sport sidewalk sheds. Sidewalk sheds = privacy. Makes sense. Drug paraphernalia is not the only thing I have found at them, hence the (ostensible) purpose of this post. I have spied a few sullen utterances of revolt scrawl on them during my rounds. I am not the least bit surprised by this. Follows is a curated selection of those I found especially compelling and/or entertaining. Enjoy!

1. India Street

India Street Screed nys

This one is somewhat indecipherable but the rage come across nonetheless.

2. 26 West Street

26 West Street nys


Yuppie Shelter nys

There are not less than three churlish missives on this one. Two are plainly visible. Follows is the third one. It is located to the left of “No Future”.

Bunch of fucking losers live here nys

And last, but hardly least…

3. Orient Avenue at Olive Street

Orient Avenue 1 nys

As you can see this property had been served a Stop Work Order. Let’s go in for a closer look!

Orient Avenue 2 nys

Great stop more of these bastards.

If the Department of Buildings is paying attention someone is very appreciative of your work. Happy Monday!

Urban Artifact: Special India Street Pier Edition

August 20, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, Wow, WTF 

India Street Pier nys

For approximately the last month I have been foraging “urban artifacts” around the Garden Spot. These are being (tongue firmly in artisanal cheek) up-purposed to works of art. Ar some point I imagine I will write about this project here. Or maybe I won’t? Who knows.

What I do know is India Street between the East River Ferry Pier and West Street has proven to be a gold mine. It can be reliably counted upon to provide a number of interesting (and generally unsavory) items. For example:

Let’s just say I grown to expect the unexpected. Which brings me to today’s find. It is located at the foot of the India Street Pier where the red arrow is in the above photograph.

Fish heads! nys

Nothing says “Welcome to Greenpoint” quite like a combined sewer overflow sign festooned with not one, but TWO fish heads. After I took the above photograph a fellow at the adjacent construction site remarked that this was “pretty crazy”. That, it most assuredly is— but I have come to expect this kind of thing in the 11222. On that note I will leave you, gentle readers, with this. Happy Thursday!

Lost At/Around India & Manhattan: Wojtek


As spotted today while running errands. If you have seen this fellow (whose name is pronounced VOY-TEK) please contact his family at the above-listed telephone number (whose last four digits are 3951). He is clearly missed.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Special “Starting To Feel Like Spring” Edition

Manhattan Avenue nys

Franklin Street nys

Noble Street nys

India Street nys

Taken March 10, 2015.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

February 21, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Manhattan Avenue nys

Taken February 21, 2015.

The Word On The Street: BEWARE


Beware 1 nys

Beware 2 nys

Taken February 8, 2015.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Welcome

January 9, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Welcome To Greenpoint nys

Taken January 9, 2015.

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