Quicklink: About The India Street Pier

April 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Yes folks, the not-so-small matter of the fact Greenpoint has been without ferry service for over two months has merited the attention of the New York Daily News! I encourage each and everyone to give this tome a read. Yours truly’s favorite passage is as follows:

The operation would require the use of a crane for the investigation, and again during the repair work. The city wants to determine what went wrong before the repairs will be authorized.

RedSky’s principals only want to hire the crane once, officials said.

“Them balking because they didn’t want to spend some extra money getting a crane out to do the investigation is outrageous,” said Councilman Stephen Levin (D-Greenpoint). “There has to be answers as to why this happened,” he added. “Because somebody really could have died.”

Indeedy! Those of you who have not done so already can, should see the photos I took of the pier and surrounding environs earlier this month. Let’s just say I am not the least bit surprised by the pier owner’s intransigence. I mean if he cannot be bothered to provide basic maintenance/upkeep, why should balking at hiring a crane be the least bit surprising? Really?

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