Urban Artifact: Chapter One

October 21, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, Wow, WTF 

Chapter One nys

It is rare that I find myself mumbling “There’s something you do not see everyday”. Greenpoint is host to a great number of oddities. This is part of its charm. However, this item (which is located on Huron Street) did just that. This piece (which is signed by “Steven”) reads as follows:

Grandpa hangs his Japanese flag while World War II is going on.

“Grandpa” sounds like one hell of an interesting guy. It should be noted that the flag in question, and I can assure you “Steven” is being quite modest, is the war flag for the Japanese Imperial Army. Yup. I can only imagine what Chapter Two will bring. I am not sure I want to find out…

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