From The New York Shitty Inbox: It Came From Beneath The Creek

August 6, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Or: Release The Kraken!

gwapptopus 600

This corker was sent to me a couple months ago via anonymous tipster. I tabled sharing it until I felt the time was right. Today, for reasons which will soon become apparent, is that day. The above polemic was created shortly after the 2005 rezone. As it was explained to me (by said tipster) its purpose was to criticize GWAPP assuming the lion’s share of credit for the successful fight against the Trans Gas power plant which was slated to grace Bushwick Inlet. For those of you who were not here in 2005 (and I suspect there are many) I present the following video from NY1.

If the above “Community Activist” looks/sounds familiar it is because:

1. He was recently appointed* to the advisory board of the new “GWAPP”.


2. And I also recently verified that contrary to what is stated in this gent’s biography on the aforementioned site (an excerpt of which is above), Mr. Perlmutter is not now nor was he ever under the employ of Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn.
GWAPPscSMALLInteresting yes? Well today I had the item at left brought to my attention by my buddy Crappy. It got me to thinking— and finally it hit me:

What is not mentioned in this biography is every bit as fascinating— if not more so— than what is.

Namely, that in addition to being a “Community Activist” in the fight against the Trans Gas power plant, Mr. Perlmutter also happened to be under the hire of George Klein, the fellow responsible for Greenpoint Landing, so as to argue in favor of the 2005 rezone.

But don’t take my word for it. It is stated quite clearly in the April 29, 2005 edition of the New York Daily News.


(You can/should read the rest here.)

Straight up: as the featured cartoon attests, GWAPP has been the subject of controversy for some time. Controversy which persists to this very day. Controversy which would have, could have, should have been avoided by the simple practice of transparency.

Greenpoint Landing, regrettably, is going to happen whether we want it or not. That’s reality. However, I do not think expecting an organization which purports to represent the interests of the community giving full disclosure of their activities and board/advisory panel’s business relationships— past and present— is asking too much. Or is it? Now if you don’t mind, gentle readers, I am off to corner the market on ear plugs. I sense a very lucrative entrepreneurial opportunity is at hand!

*By a panel which includes his spouse. How’s that for nepotism?*

Quicklink: A Story To Tell

screencapThis tome was brought to my attention by a fellow named Richard. Richard is a resident of Lawrence, Kansas. This Letter to the Powers That Be, not surprisingly, pertains to matters in Lawrence, Kansas. However, while reading this tome more than one community hereabouts— and the non/not-for-profit organizations (which purport to act as a “voice”/”advocate” for the aforementioned communities) came to mind.  I do not think I need to list/name the previous here, gentle readers. We know them.*

Follows is an excerpt from this essay so as the pique your interest:

…I have been long in forming my opinion of the Cultural Arts District and the 9th Street Corridor.  When the pros and cons of the issue are laid across a scale, I find myself on the side of favor.  I am in support of the Cultural Arts District and 9th Street Corridor in East Lawrence.  I am excited at the prospect of renewal and repair that the Cultural District designation dollars can bring.  I want new sidewalks and safer lighting and renovated limestone curbs and bricks in my streets.  I want the businesses in my neighborhood to thrive and prosper and have the funds to reinvest in my community.  I want an economic base that can support an East Lawrence or Downtown grocery store. I want my daughters to grow up in a vibrant, thriving neighborhood that supports the arts and creativity.  I am personally invested in positive outcomes for the Cultural Arts District. 

And yet…

There remains a sense of unease when I think about what will happen as the Cultural Arts District and 9th Street Corridor develop.  I cannot shake the feeling of anxiety, of foreboding, of “ick” in my belly and bad smell wrinkle in my nose.  And this time, it isn’t a downdraft from the wastewater treatment plant (Emphasis mine— Ed. Note) or the river.  It’s the aftertaste of cultural co-option.  But what does that mean, you say?  I can’t explain it to you without the help of Alice Walker.  Here’s where the story comes in… 

You can— no, make that should— read this essay in its entirety by clicking here. Pass it along. Who knows? Maybe it’ll inspire someone (else) in our fair burgh/city to speak up?

*Hence why I found this excerpt of Adam “GWAPP Advisory Board”  Perlmutter’s biography so fascinating:

Adam is a currently lawyer for Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn opposing the Atlantic Yards project …

Speaking as a resident of Greenpoint for fourteen years now who knows quite a few bloggers— bloggers who have taken a keen interest in Atlantic Yards, no less— I have not once heard his name mentioned. What’s more, someone closely connected with DDDB confirmed my suspicions:

He isn’t in the employ and never was.  He volunteered with DDDB  about 9 years ago and helped them find their great lawyer Matt Brinckerhoff  – but he’s not done anything with them for about 7 years.


“About” seven years ago Mr. Perlumutter signed off on the by-laws of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.

Note the “Treasurer”. It is none other than Steve “Brooklyn Beer/I loves me some Atlantic Yards” Hindy himself.

Double hmm…

Quicklink: A New Chapter?

GWAPPscChoice quote: teaser:

After a multi-month process, the Greenpoint Association for Parks & Planning is pleased to announce it’s new Executive Board: Barbara McGlamery (Chair)*, Rich Mazur**, Trina McKeever*** (Treasurer), Laura Treciokas (Secretary)****,Manuel Zuniga and Katie Denny*****. Learn more about each of them and their connection to Greenpoint on the Board Members page

New York Shitty translation: the nominating committee stalled until mid-summer (when folks are on vacation) to announce that they have appointed themselves.

You can read this “news” in its entirety by clicking here. In closing I feel compelled to share the following video. It features the new chair of GWAPP in action. It is quite something as you will see…

*Wife of a founding member and board member of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn. Samesaid fellow was under hire by George “Greenpoint Landing” Klen to argue the case for the 2005 rezone.

**Head of North Brooklyn Development Corporation which is overseeing the distribution of the Greenpoint Environmental Relief Fund money.

***Employee of the North Brooklyn Development Corporation. Also the owner of The Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park web site’s url. (Run a “who is” search and see for yourself!)

*****Co-chair of the Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park group.

***** Former Community Co-chair of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.

From The New York Shitty Inbox

Per a tipster.

A tee for Greenpoint600

It would appear Brooklyn Industries is either unaware that GWAPP ain’t what it used to be— or is shilling the same old t-shirt with the same old premise:

We fought the power plants and won!

If GWAPP was/is “winning”, why did this come to pass? And why does someone charged with appointing new board members behave in this manner? (start watching at 5;00)

I harbor a downright Darwinian attitude when it comes to “community orgs”. Simply put: if GWAPP is failing it is because the leadership has failed the community. GWAPP failed, shuffled the deck and now GWAPP 2.0. (which should not be confused with its predecessor), in its infinite wisdom, is going to charge former board members to appoint new ones. Exactly how this is going to create a different outcome is a mystery to yours truly. In any case GWAPP or whatever one wants to call it) is a one trick pony. They fall back on the power plant fight because, quite frankly, that’s all have.

And of course my personal favorite:


You gotta love this kind of hypocrisy. Be sure to thank GWAPP— Adam Perlmutter, Esquire— in particular, when they start piledriving at Greenpoint Landing. That should work wonders for the air quality ereabotus. Is this worth a t-shirt? Really?

P.S.: Melinda Katz, you took a shit on my community. I have returned the favor— via a snow globe!

Queens id for lovers 600

Wednesday: GWAPP!

The nuance/”selective cognition” GWAPP— or at least certain members acting unilaterally therein*— employs to continue their charade of being a “grassroots” community organization continues to amuse and confound yours truly. Per Ms. Holowacz and Mr. Thompson organizing meetings requires work. Yet, since the whole “Greenpoint Boathouse” thing went down (which of course GWAPP, among others, “endorsed”) they have been quite active despite the shortfall of “helpers”/”worker bees”. Why is that?

I’ll be wearing this button at this meeting (while filming it), what about you? I for one really hope this lady (who speaks at 1:19) shows up.

She’s got my vote!

P.S.: North 9 street and Kent Avenue is not Greenpoint. DUH.

*…I am not a butler, maid, chauffeur, or Gigolo.

I am a personal “Life Coach” and will be treated in a professional manor. Our relationship will be close, but boundaries will be outlined before employment. Children and Pet Friendly. My requirements for employment: $10,000 USD per week plus travel expenses, and lodging. I take sunday afternoon off. Non Disclosure Agreement – No problem…

I motivate you to be a better person through etiquette, personal relationship development, skill and behavior modification and tact…

My apologies to David Lee Roth.

Live From The GWAPP Meeting*

Spoiler: the “vote” was eighteen for and seven against. What I found particularly intriguing is one person purporting to represent three different “member groups” of GWAPP (Barbara Vetell, a veritable “army of one”) was allowed to vote three times. That’s “democracy” Greenpoint-style, folks! It makes yours truly yearn for the “old school” methods of Tammany. E.g.; before election day, you grow a beard. You vote sporting said beard. You go home and shave it down to a mustache. Then, you vote again. Then you go home, shave your face entirely and vote a third time. In the clarity of hindsight (and this evening’s convocation), this is downright quaint— and dare I say “cute”— by comparison. It should also be noted that neither Steve Levin nor Joe Lentol (or their representatives) were present at this meeting. I stand corrected:

Part I:

Part II:

  • The matter of GWAPP’s finances are discussed. Pay careful attention to their anticipated funds. They include GERF grants (remember who is in charge of this, readers?)  and money from Councilman Levin.
  • Christine Holowacz announces that a lease is being procured for the Greenpoint Boathouse. Presumably this would be 51 Ash Street.
  • Barbara McGlamery touts that GWAPP’s website got 2,000 a hits a month as of November 2013 but has fallen since.

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:

  • Del Teague speaks against the new by laws.
  • Barbara Vetell speaks on the behalf of three organizations (and was rewarded accordingly by giving three votes regarding changing these by laws).
  •  At 5:38 you can watch Jens Rasmussen (who later voted on the behalf of the North Brooklyn Boat Club, an ostensible not-for-profit organization**).

Part VI:

  • Two words: WATCH THIS. (The lady who speaks starting at 1:19 kicks ass!)

Part VII:

  • Dewey interacts with a couple of fellow citizens while the “vote” is being conducted. The question being raised is over the addition of new member organizations. What follows is not pretty.

Part VIII:

Then the “transition “team” comes in: Rich Mazur, Barbara McGlamery (AKA: Mrs. Adam Perlmutter) and Trina McKeever will comprise the “selection committee” charged with picking members for a new board. That’s the bad news. The good news: they’ll have a(nother) public meeting later this month— and I have every intention of filming it. Thanks GWAPP 2.0! And oh yeah: those ostensible “member groups” who voted themselves out of a so-called “community organization”, in one case in triplicate, what are they going to get out of this?

UPDATE, March 6, 2014 2:52 p.m.: Looks likes the North Brooklyn Boat Club received not one, not two, but three “GERF” awards. My personal favorite is as follows:

I know. Shocking…

*Or: Darth Sidious manifests himself.

**The North Brooklyn Boat Club is registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Office Database of Corporations. The address listed is Dewey Thompson’s residence. However, as of 3/6/2014, the North Brooklyn Boat Club is NOT a registered charitable organization per the same-said Attorney General’s Charities Database:

Any/all donations to the North Brooklyn Boat Club are handled via Open Space Alliance. Of which Dewey is a Board member. Can you say eating your cake and keeping it too? At $150.00 a person and a two person minimum for a four hour workshop (which comes out to roughly $72.00 an hour) I cannot exactly say I do not understand Mr. Rasmussen’s “interest”. However, it is a conflict of interest. Some people have a problem with that kind of thing. What’s really interesting is the North Brooklyn Boat Clubs’s applications for Exxon Mobil money (“GERF”: which we have established is being handled by Rich Mazur— who will also be part of GWAPP’s “nominating committee”) money are via GWAPP. Once Again: the North Brooklyn Boat Club’s “fundraising” is handled by Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn. Guess what kids, Dewey Thompson is a chair on both GWAPP and OSA!

Hear me, Conflict if Interest Board? Steve Levin? Joe Lentol? Anyone?

UPDATE, 10:02 a.m.: I love the smell of spam in the morning!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Dissent

Yes, dear readers, tomorrow’s meeting is going to be a hoot. I give a big New York Shitty salute to the ladies of “Park Moms” for standing up and saying something. Well done!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Dissent

The ball is in your court, GWAPP…

Quicklink: Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts


Please take a moment and give this tome a read, gentle readers. It is well worth the time!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part I: And Now A Word From GWAPP

February 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Naturally I had to kick this corker over to Queens Crap. Follows is his analysis:

“The Board is proposing amendments to those by-laws to reflect an organization that is no longer an association of local orgs meeting regularly but, rather, a Board overseeing various programs and initiatives with volunteer help.”

or, rather:

“We don’t like having members who question the things we do, therefore we’re planning to dump them all and close the group off so that’s it’s just the rotten inner circle that makes decisions.”

And what if the reps in attendance vote no?

I do not have much to add aside from noting that, in essence, the powers-that-be behind this organization are using the revision of by-laws to effectively create a new and very different “group”. Of course one has to compare and contrast both sets of by-laws in order to draw this conclusion. While it is refreshing to see that GWAPP seems to have made their by-laws available to the public I find it a mite bit disconcerting they only did so after a blogger, I, made them public. I will share them here once again:

And here are the old/present ones.

Please take a moment, gentle readers, and compare them. You’ll find some interesting differences.

UPDATE, 5:55 p.m.: It has been brought to my attention that the Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts has published an item regarding GWAPP and this upcoming meeting. This you can read by clicking here. Follows is a segment I for one found interesting:

But Dewey Thompson — with Christine Holowacz (Board of Directors co-chairs) who are on the receiving end of complaints — is caught off guard by the sudden attacks. “My biggest crime is volunteering my time too much,” he said, also adding, “there’s a misperception that organizations exist at the whim of community input. To set up meetings takes a lot of energy and incredible amount of time. Those people who will want to participate will actually need to commit themselves to this work, and be a part of it, and open to that kind of participation.”

This governance issue, he said, is to change bylaws so there are no longer membership organizations—he indicated that many are no longer active, and that the particular politics that brought them together aren’t relevant anymore.

“We are asking them to now amend those laws, so we can operate the board the way we are doing it now.”

In response to the notion that it would exclude public participation, he said: “We expect the nominating committee to do outreach and find people interested in the committee. We are not beating people away from GWAPP. We are very well known — anyone can have easy access to the board. We’re totally open to meeting new people and hoping we find new blood. We are hoping to refresh the governance, get a new board, and a new set of bylaws, for what we think is a very vital organization.”

Exactly who constitutes this nominating committee, you ask? Well, if a source who took up this matter with Mr. Thompson recently is to be believed, it is the following folks:


(From the April 29, 2005 edition of the New York Daily News)

Interesting, yes?

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