The Word On The Street: Cruelty
Filed under: 11215, Greenwood Heights, Greenwood Heights Brooklyn, The Word On The Street
Taken September 30, 2019.
New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Patterns
Filed under: 11215, Greenwood Heights, Greenwood Heights Brooklyn, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
Despite the blustery weather there was a handsome turn-out at last night’s show at La Bodega. A nice array of work and folks! This show will be up until September 29th for any/all who are interested in checking it out. Once again:
In closing:
In light of the graffiti I found when dropping off my work La Bodega (as seen above), I felt an item I had commissioned would be best deployed there. This community is to which it can some shred of succor. An “outlet”, if you will.
An ICE/Border Patrol pinata! I can hardly wait to see what they do with it. Cheers!
The Word On The Street: A 5th Avenue PSA
Filed under: 11215, Greenwood Heights, Greenwood Heights Brooklyn, The Word On The Street
I happened to be in Greenwood Heights dropping off work for the following group show, which opens tomorrow. I found this too good (if that is the word for it) to pass up sharing. So here it is.
From what I could tell, this is shaping up to be a diverse, jam-packed show. La Bodega is run by great folks. Check them out here, on IG, or even better, in person.
LAST GASP: Yes We Can!
As found by lostinbrooklyn— and, as you can see, it already has one taker!
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: (speechless)
What can one say about this item (as found in Greenwood Heights by lostinbrooklyn) other than perhaps “Wow, this is really offensive”? Are any of you, dear readers, fluent in Russian? If so, please do yours truly the favor of translating the label of this delightful product. My curiosity is killing me.
Miss Heather
Now On The Blog Roll Of Gowanus Lounge Dot Com: IDT Energy
Filed under: 11101, 11206, 11211, 11215, 11222, 11231, 11237, Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Gowanus, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Kensington, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Manhattan, Maspeth, Navy Yard, New York City, Park Slope, Queens, Sunnyside, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
In regards to Bob Guskind (to whom they have dedicated a page) they write:
Bob Guskind was a unique man, and his writing will forever stand as a testament to the person that he was.
While we’ve bought the site Gowanus Lounge, we are not trying to replicate or replace his work or his spirit. We intend to continue to explore issues that are important to the people of New York, while also addressing topics of concern to other markets and communities.
Bob Guskind’s work has been moved to another location where fans can continue to read his prose and benefit from the wisdom that he provided.
Speaking as someone who has had the benefit of Bob’s wisdom I found Gowanus Lounge 2.0’s linkage to “Energy Savings” and “IDT Energy” of particular interest. The Mister and I pointed and clicked. Here’s what we found:
Energy Savings
The IDT Energy Store (You can see the registration info by clicking here). When you click on “Company” here’s what you’ll find:
Yup, the same people who saw fit to plague my community with people hitting our buzzers— REPEATEDLY— stating they were from Con Ed and that they wanted to review our energy bills. Time and time again. This is not purely Greenpoint phenomenon either. You can read other accounts/musings/ranting regarding IDT’s chicanery by clicking on any of the following links:
- A Letter address to yours truly from Joe Lentol’s Office along with an ESCOS primer
- Consumer Tips About Buying Energy
- What is an ESCO?
- IDT in effect in Flatbush
- IDT shills on Christmas Eve
- IDT does Park Slope, Part III
- IDT does Bushwick
- IDT does Park Slope, Part II
- Concerned Citizens Of Greenwood Heights Raises Hell
- IDT Hires, $400 – $600 a week!
- IDT does Gerritsen Beach
- IDT Does Park Slope, Part I
- IDT Does BoCoCa
But I do not want to suggest IDT has plied its dubious trade solely in the county of Kings. No sir, their nefarious reach goes much further. Which brings me to this delightful video submitted from a reader in Harlem.
Needless to say after the aforementioned barrage of negative publicity IDT has seen fit to retool its image. In the 20th century the last refuge for a scoundrel was religion. In the 21st Century miscreants and ne’er do wells go “green”…
and operate blogs:
In closing, I leave you with this choice morsel from Gowanus Lounge 1.0 dating from January 28, 2009. Note the comments (and all caps abuse). Here’s my favorite segment from someone who calls himself IDT EMPLOYEE:
Can a leopard change its spots? I’ll leave it up to you, dear readers, to make the call All I ask is please be an informed consumer and do not take this businesses promises at face value. Exercise due diligence!
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Meineke Man!
Filed under: Brooklyn
Being a lover of men rendered out of mufflers (and fezzes) I couldn’t resist posting this image. It hails from (what I would presume to be) Greenwood Heights and comes courtesy of Lost In Brooklyn. Great find!
Miss Heather
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