From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dispatch From Frost Street

gothamistscI am certain a number of folks reading this tome are familiar with the item Gothamist posted recently about an attorney having what can be best described as an alcohol-fueled melt-down in Williamsburg. Those of you who are not in the know can become so by clicking here.

In any case, I found the incident downright uncanny as something very similar happened— also in Williamsburg— twenty four hours later. A doppelganger, if you will. I’m guessing the 94th had a very busy weekend— but I digress. My tipster writes on Sunday, June 2nd:

It isn’t Even hot yet and people are nuts. Whackjob… flipped out cross the street last night. 30’s white dude with braided bracelets was kicking and punch the shit out of somebody elses car. Then lays down on the sidewalk crying. Hell-o 94th! Sad, nobody loves him and he is mad about it. Really nice young Polish cop came. I liked seeing a cop in his own hood.

As it was explained to me by another witness this fellow managed to inflict several thousand dollars worth of damage to this defenseless motor vehicle before passing out on the sidewalk.  And passed out on the sidewalk he conveniently remained until our Finest arrived. Upon being awakened next to his “handiwork”— I want to make this perfectly clear— this chap apparently had enough wits about him to deny any wrong-doing.

Yup. Methinks we’re in for an interesting summer north Brooklyn. On a related note, this evening the monthly meeting of the 94th Precinct Community Council will come to pass at the Church of Ascension’s Parish Hall. NOTE: this will be the last meeting until September.

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
June 5, 2013 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension’s Auditorium
122 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222



From The New York Shitty Inbox: Coming At You From WNYC Transmitter Park

June 4, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 





A Greenpoint resident and parks patron we’ll call “N” writes:

Ok. Here’s shocking news for you. Transmitter park has a proper resident.

Au contraire. I’d hazard to guess these are two French cinema enthusiasts staking out their seats for August’s film festival.

In all seriousness folks, am I the only person who finds a community which has a chronic addiction and therefore homeless problem— which is more often than not manifest in our public spaces being host to a French film festival a mite bit absurd? Please tell me I am not.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Monkey Is Back


A friend and fellow cat lady named Lisa writes:

Meant to send you this sooner but I keep getting distracted. I’ve been told it’s a condition called “kittenhead” that afflicts people who care for bottle babies this time of year! Anyway, this really great couple stopped by our adoption event at Muddy Paws and brought the flyer attached. The cat looked familiar and the address was spot on. I pulled up my old flickr set and sure enough, IT’S MONKEY!

Monkey is NOT A STRAY!


You were able to draw attention to his living situation last time and probably were the reason his people responded in the flickr comments last time, maybe we can do the same this time. Their flickr accounts are stagnant and maybe they moved leaving Monkey behind? I’ll get some updated photos of the “Bloomblight” on my way to the new Indian restaurant tonight and send them, but the plywood with Monkey’s declaration is long gone as are the Enchanted Gardens as you know too well.

You can view a wonderful video of Monkey in “action” by clicking here. Otherwise, if anyone reading this knows to whom this winsome fellow belongs— or wants to provide him the loving permanent home he so richly deserves— please contact Kristen! Thanks— and spread the word!

Urban Artifact, Part III: 200 Days & Counting


Taken June 3, 2013. (Previously)

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Ride


Just another day on Greenpoint Avenue… (Taken June 3, 2013.)

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Found On Greenpoint Avenue

June 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


A very nice fellow named Dave writes:

dunno if you can help but maybe you can –

i’m attaching a pic of a cute little guy that showed up at my windowsill a little while ago.  he’s in my kitchen now, segregated from my other 2 guys in the living room.  the situation is tense.

he’s got a collar but no name.  just a Chicago anti-cruelty Society # 312.644.8338.  no clipped ears and pretty friendly i hope he’s just lost.i live at the corner of manhattan ave and greenpoint ave.  heavy traffic.

please repost in hopes of home

Done! If anyone reading this knows to whom this fellow belongs— or wishes to provide him a foster home— please contact Dave via email at: dmblenk(at)gmail(dot)com


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Cat Nap

Snoozing kitty on a hot day in Brooklyn.

Taken by Diana Gee.

Quicklink: 25 “Douchiest” Bars In New York City


A short while ago I heard the Mister breaking into a fit of roaring laughter. The above-depicted item is the reason why. He enjoyed it so much he saw fit to email me the link. Mind you, he was sitting about 20 feet away from me— within the confines of Chez Shitty— when this came to pass.

After having him note— “verbally” (READ: shouting)— a number of other north Brooklyn watering holes on this list I finally broke down and read it. You should too. Am I honestly surprised by my community’s presence for such a dubious distinction? No, I am not.

Congratulations Williamsburg and Greenpoint, you’ve arrived. Not even Bill Murray can save us now.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Mona Lisa



From India Street.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Bonjour!


From Huron Street.

  • NYS Flickr Pool

    tires gone! someone in for a bad morning! haven't seen this since I lived in downtown Detroit20241224_204606christmas tree oddly placedDissociationMalevolent and asking for donations20241031_095113Hudson Yards  EDGELooking east-
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