Greenpoint Blind Item: Anti-Semitism For Sale

January 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Before I proceed with today’s blind item I would like to share how I kicked off the New Year with you. I awoke in the afternoon to the sound of Mister Heather babbling on the telephone. I quickly deduced that I was the subject of the conversation after I heard the following:

…she was born the same year I was. She’s older than me. Yeah, we’re closer to 40 now than we are to 30. It doesn’t bother me any though.

He then proceeded to expound upon this upbeat topic by pointing out that we have a few years left before health insurance starts getting expensive. While on the toilet. Wearing the very suit nature provided him. I later learned the Mister was talking to his mother.

Why was my husband talking to my mother-in-law about my age while using the crapper buck naked, you ask? This is an excellent question. One I initially mulled over positing but soon thought the better of it. I had already started off the day on a rotten enough note and —knowing full it could (and probably would) get worse— I saw no need to push the matter.

The way I see it you really can’t do anything about getting older so why bother with it? Besides, I had dinner to prepare. I mention the previous anecdote because when I checked my email this morning I came across an item that made my New Year’s experience seem downright quaint, if a wee bit amusing by comparison. S writes:

yeah, I was at the (excised) St/Manhattan Ave bodega re-upping my 24 oz PBR requirements when I asked the owner if he was staying open later on account of new years eve. He replied that “he’s not a greedy Jew” I told him that it’s not fair to categorize folk and he of course asked if I was Jewish which then led him to change the subject and say “for the 6th time happy new year…

I can think of a number of reasons one could bust S‘s chops over his/her selection of beer: PBR is nasty and over-priced. A six pack of Shaeffer works just as well, is less expensive and doesn’t have all the hipster baggage. But my criticism of S’s taste in beer (to each their own— as long as I don;t have to drink the stuff I don’t care) is not to suggest he/she deserved to be subjected to abuse for asking what was a very legitimate and innocuous question: will you be open late on New Year’s Eve? A simple “yes” or “no” would have sufficed.

I may very well be getting older but for the life of me I still haven’t figured out why people take the time and energy to spout this kind of garbage. We should be using our precious time being nice to one another. Life would be a lot easier for everyone if people would quit fixating on WHAT a person is and pay attention to WHO they are. Seriously.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Revive

January 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Meeker Avenue.

Miss Heather

Word Of The Day: Jollification

January 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I would imagine those of you who are reading this are probably not feeling too hot. You braved the wind last night, went out and one HELL of a good time. Perhaps a little too good. And now you are paying the price.

Before you amble off to have brunch (replete with Bloody Marys) or go back to bed, dear readers, I would like to submit for your approval the following motley crew of north Brooklyn party animals from yesteryear. Broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder (from falling off an ash dump) and a moonlit dip in the icy waters of Newtown Creek are a few of the niceties the local constabulary had to deal with on New Year’s Day 1900 per the January 2, 1900 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Enjoy!

Maybe they were (still) distressed by the City of Brooklyn’s incorporation into New York City?

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Heather (who will be graduating from medical school this year!).

Happy New Year From New York Shitty!

January 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I can think of no better way to kick off 2009 here in the Garden Spot than with this very special assortment of New Year’s babes. They hail from the junk shop and (I have been told) were used by a performance artist for one thing or another. I for one like the gal garroted by the Ikea I.D. holder.

Miss Heather

Great Moments In Advertising: Mixed Signals

December 31, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I have been seeing a great many of these posters gracing Manhattan Avenue of late. Speaking as someone who has seen A Christmas Story many, many times (who hasn’t?) I have to wonder what the spin wizards at Samsung are trying to get at here.

In any case I do not associate having one’s tongue stuck to a light pole (or anything else for that matter) as being a good thing.

Miss Heather

Thought Bubbles

December 31, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of New York Shitty reader, fellow Greenpointer and a very talented photographer named Katie Soloker. She writes:

Hey Heather! …I recently started taping up fun thought bubbles around Greenpoint and just wanted to share it with you!

Do check out the images from Katie’s thought bubble project at her web site. They’re a lot of fun!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Sleep Tight!

December 31, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I can think of no better way to end 2008 than with this festive window display from Manhattan Avenue. On that note today’s offerings on New York Shitty will be lite. In lieu of making Christmas dinner yours truly will be creating a New Year’s feast of gargantuan proportions. Wish me luck!

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: G Is For…


This evening I received a most curious email from a gentleman named Angel. It was entitled “A step up from Dog Shit, as seen on the G on Court Sq.” and it read as follows:

Here’s my 2 cents for before 08 comes to an end…

Me and my family saw this (and laughed hard as I took out the camera without hesitation) on our way into the first G car on Court Sq. (headed towards Greenpoint of course) First thing that came to my mind. “This is so material”

Intrigued, I clicked my way over to Gubatron’s flickr page. The following is what awaited my delectation.

I have to confess: this image gave me goosebumps. They were not of the warm and fuzzy “I just had my first kiss” variety. Rather, it was more like the onset of a case of stomach flu —which I suspect is what the person who left this, the most piquant and direct critique of Crosstown Local service I have ever beheld, was probably experiencing. What’s more, it is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen on the G train. And for the record, that includes two subway masturbators and this.


The next time, dear readers, you get angry because you didn’t get a seat while commuting on our very own G train think of the above image. Sometimes it’s just better to stand.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Gubatron

Lost In America

December 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today I would like to pass along an email I received recently from film maker (and Greenpoint citizen) Ian Kennedy. He writes:

hey heather. happy holidays-

awhile back I sent you a trailer for a film I am making with Phil, legendary Greenpoint guy….I just finished the film and here is a new preview of the below for the video and myspace! thought u might be into it….thanks!

Although I have not seen the complete 16 45 minute feature (which Mr. Kennedy plans to show at East Coast Aliens in the near future) I heard from Phil personally that he really liked it. On that note I thought you would enjoy a sneak peek the new and improved trailer.

Uploaded by eonfilms

When I get the deets as to when (and where) Lost In America will be screened I will post them here. Otherwise you can track Mr. Kennedy’s progress via his myspace page.

Miss Heather

Word Of The Day: Proofreader

December 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear the River Ballel Barrel will be kicking things off with brunch on New Year’s Day.

River Barrel
160 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(718) 389-8881

Miss Heather

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