Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Wheels

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Presented for your Friday afternoon entertainment: a selection of wheels from the Garden Spot and beyond. Enjoy!


This Fred T. Sanford special hails from Calyer Street.


If this gent’s defensive driving skills are anything like his ability to parallel park it would certainly explain all the “boo boos” gracing his ride.



I pity the fool who is paying $1,500+ a month for this studio apartment!


North 12th Street goes south of the border.



Some food for thought from Manhattan Avenue.


Everthing is coming up roses on Noble Street.





Thames Street prefers hogs.


Greenpoint gangstas prefer Volkswagens. Lest you are wondering a solitary rose was gracing its bud vase— even tough guys like flowers!

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Hot Chicks & Bulging Men

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This one pretty much speaks for itself, folks.

A Special Evening Of Valentine’s Day Fun (and perhaps bananas being used incorrectly?)
February 14, 2009
The Habitat
988 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222


In other related news it would appear their upstairs neighbor, The Cee Flat, has moved their live drawing sessions to Friday evenings (for those of you keeping track, that’s today).

Figure Drawing
Tuesday Friday nights, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
The Cee Flat
988 Manhattan Avenue (second floor)
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Cost: $15.00

Miss Heather

Reader Question Of The Day: Polish Nazis?

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This disturbing query comes courtesy of a chap name Frankie. He writes:

Long-time listener, first-time caller. As someone who has read your blog and lived in the neighborhood for a while now, I thought I’d ask you about something that’s been troubling me recently. I’ve noticed an increase in neo-Nazi/white power skinhead types in Greenpoint, mostly younger teens (I remember that there was more of a visible presence a long time ago, but it seemed to have mostly died out). I’ve seen kids wearing swastika pins, and last night I saw some kids wearing white power shirts.  As someone who spends a lot of time out and about in Greenpoint, have you noticed anything similar? I don’t mean to sound paranoid, but this is really upsetting.

PS – I’m not one of those people who sees a shaved head and assumes the worst. I know the diff between classic skins, SHARPs, etc.

Speaking for myself I have not seen this. It should be noted, however, that I live in the far north part of Greenpoint (which is largely Hispanic and as such would take a dim view of such stuff). The previous having been said (and in light of a video one of my neighbors shot a couple years ago) I would not rule it out. Thoughts, anyone?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 7:55 p.m.: A reader forwarded me this news story from twenty years ago. Go just past the eight minute mark. Very interesting.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Hanging In There

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



From Greenpoint Avenue.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEKEND: The Brooklyn Record Riot

February 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Although I am not a vinyl enthusiast myself the fact of the matter is I know a great many folks who are. Bearing this in mind I wanted to pass along  that the Third Annual Brooklyn Record Riot will be going down this upcoming Sunday, February 15, at The Warsaw right here in Greenpoint. Here’s the 411 per their press release:

Hey kids, the Brooklyn Record Riot is less than 96 hours away and the buzz is still growing mysteriously…this may our best show yet! BRR #3 features a number of new dealers (hey, I’ve never heard of them either but they promise great things), along with old stalwarts and local heroes. Plus we are now offering the DOLLAR ROOM, the area that also houses the bar (oh ok, have a beer while digging). Everything in this room is a buck, records and CDs, full-length albums and 12″ singles. Phast Phreddie leads a stellar group of DJs (identities unknown, tunes classic), and the Warsaw is cooking and cooking getting ready for this kielbasa and pierogi-fest. Of course the drinks will be flowing and the vibe steamy. Records of all genres and price-range will be offered. Hip families will be strolling around. There are always a few fanatics who make a crazy scene. Hours are from noon to 8pm and admission is three dollars (total lunatics can pay twenty dollars from 10am to noon)…

Early admission (10:00 a.m.) will set you back $20.00. Otherwise regular admission (from noon until 8:00 p.m.) is a measly three bucks! For more details point and click your way over to Iris Records.

Third Annual Brooklyn Record Riot
February 15, 2009
The Warsaw
261 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

While you’re in the area why not check Greenpoint’s very own Permanent Records, Eat Records and scrounge around for hidden treasure at The Thing— at two bucks a disk, how can you lose?

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Maneki Neko

February 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


I have always had a soft spot for calico cats. This one hails from Green Street but another such beauty beckons from Empty Cages Collective. Her name is Sunny— and although she may be blind— she is hardly deaf and dumb. Sunny has a taste for jazz and is damned cute to boot!

Anyone interested in giving this “hep cat” a home should contact Empty Cages Collective at:

emptycagescollective (at) gmail (dot) com

Miss Heather

Greenwick Photos Du Jour: More Pre-Valentine’s Day Goodness

February 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Here’s another installment of north Brooklyn love to get your heart pumpin’ this upcoming Valentine’s Day weekend!


A Bedford Avenue recession special.


Laid off? No worries, Just For Fun on Manhattan Avenue has your severance package!*


Someone on McKibben Street hearts J.R.


A very Greenpoint (Avenue) Valentine.


And last— but not least— ladies, beware of the Seigel Street hymen hunter!

Miss Heather

*They also have an assortment of anatomically correct (in all the right or wrong places— one’s sense of taboo and/or religious upbringing notwithstanding) inflatable lady dolls behind the counter for all you single guys out there. Hey, at least you won’t need Plan B the morning after!

Tell ’em Miss Heather sent you.

Dog Doo Sign Du Jour: Gratitude

February 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dog Shit Signage, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic 



This public service announcement has been brought to you courtesy of 150 West Street.

Miss Heather

Boobification Photo Du Jour: Finished At Last!

February 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Boobification, Greenpoint Magic 

In two short months my father, Pa Heather, will be coming to town. Although I am very pleased at this most auspicious (and long overdue) development it also means I will be spending a significant amount of time taming the clutter beast that is Chez Shitty and motivating the Mister to finish a few household projects. Like so many of his male brethren, the Mister has issues with follow-through. I try to be understanding about this (after all the man works his ass off) but after some point I have to cry foul.* Today is that day.



This is our bathroom ceiling. After living with clogged bathtub drain for FIVE YEARS (and bailing out used bath water via their toilet) our upstairs neighbors finally pressured our landlord into fixing it. This came to pass almost two years ago. And for almost two years I have had to look at this eyesore while taking a bath.



This is our bedroom. Back in 2003 I decided to give it a paint job. Not possessing the brute strength needed to move our captain’s bed by myself I asked the Mister to give me a hand. I am still waiting.

Nothing irks Miss Heather’s “type a” sensibilities more than when someone leaves something half-finished (or half-assed). So you can imagine my dismay when I encountered the following on Greenpoint Avenue today.


One year is more than enough time to finish this piece.

I thought to myself. I may not be strong enough to move furniture or tall enough to repair my own bathroom ceiling— but I am more than capable of finishing this piece of art work. So I did.


Behold the boobification of Paul Richard! I did this at around 4:00 p.m. today. I was so pleased with the result I autographed my “girls” and left them there.

Is this the end of my boobification project, you ask? Not by a long shot. After walking the streets of Brooklyn, Manhattan, and yes, Queens, my girls were starting to look a little rough. I may not have had the pleasure of being born in this fine city but I have lived here (and walked around the Upper East Side) long enough to know what to do when one’s snack trays have lost their youthful perk: buy a new pair.

Miss Heather

P.S.: All you Sesame Street and art enthusiasts out there will be pleased to know I have embarked upon the completion of The Passion Of Big Bird.

*This is satire. I’m not really that angry.

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Bike Lover’s Special

February 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Before I go out to savor today’s lovely weather I will leave with this selection of photographs I put together with bike lovers in mind. Enjoy!


From South 4th Street.


From the Smith – 9th bound platform of the Crosstown Local at Greenpoint Avenue.


From Kingsland Avenue.


From North 14th Street.


From Monitor Street.

Miss Heather

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