Dog Doo Sign Du Jour: Failure To Communicate

March 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dog Shit Signage, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic 


There is simply too much goodness going on here to go into in a mere blog post. This having been said I honestly don’t know which I like better: the carefully balanced box of beer bottles…


the total ineffectiveness of this missive or the fact the author of this missive appears to have no problem with having large quantities of beer bottles inhabiting the sidewalk. Then again I suppose this is Greenpoint: we are well known for our affinity for intoxicating substances.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: Street Theater

March 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 


Have you ever had one of those mornings when something comes to pass over your first cup of coffee and you think to yourself:

I suppose it can only get better from here.

Earlier this week I had one such morning.

Now I will endeavor to explain to you what you have just watched. The gentleman on the left is filling this apartment building with heating oil. This is the job he has been hired to do and in order to discharge his responsibilities his truck has to idle in such a manner so as to obstruct the street. The woman to the right (who clearly has somewhere she needs to go and needs a S.U.V. to get her there) is displeased by this. She wants this chap to move his truck. Our heroine lays on her horn. Repeatedly. This, in turn, precipitates a lively exchange from which I overheard a number of colorful colloquialisms including but not limited to:

  • “Suck my dick.”
  • “Fuck you.” (numerous times)

It was at this point I grabbed my camera and, well, you can figure out the rest. For those of you who are wondering the woman eventually gave up, turned her gas guzzler around and commenced her commute using a different street.

May your day be happy. May your day be peaceful.

Motherf**ker. 😉

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Where The Buffalo Roam

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 








From Greenpoint Avenue.

Miss Heather

Borough Of Found Toys Volume VI

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Last night I was absolutely thrilled to find this great photograph from Garsav in my photo pool. In fact I liked it so much I wanted it to kick off this— arguably the latest and greatest installment of my “Found Toys” series. Enjoy!


From Graham Avenue.


From McGuinness Boulevard.


From Eagle Street.







From Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Fool’s Gold

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Crazy People, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic 


Initially the Mister couldn’t understand my fascination with this poster other than the fact it is really, truly, seriously, BAD product placement. Some watery tart doing yoga on the on the East River does not appeal to us Greenpointers. As a matter of fact we find the water here quite revolting. But I digress.

Who’s Cluck?

Mr. Heather asked. I pointed out the subtle commentary via ball point pen.


He got it.


I wonder if either of the previous fellow G train travelers is aware that Dean Palin, the mastermind behind the Oro Condominiums, has been given the greenlight to build a 39 story tower on West Street? I don’t think so. Well, he has (courtesy of our local Community Board) and it’s ugly as hell.

Miss Heather

Post Blizzard Wrap-up Part II: A Walk Around The Garden Spot

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As promised here is a slide show featuring highlights from my jaunt around Brooklyn’s one and only 11222 yesterday. Enjoy!

Inasmuch as I gripe about the snow I have to admit it has does have its charm— as does Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: Presenting The Animals Of Animal Planet

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


Meet Kobe and Cee Cee. Kobe is the orange and white tabby to the left, C.C. the black and white tabby to the right. They are the fabulous feline duo who keep careful watch over Greenpoint’s very own Animal Planet.* Be it by “quality testing” the occasional catnip mouse, tearing up paper towels, sleeping behind the counter or (as seen above) demonstrating the the use of Animal Planet’s products; they make sure everything is up to snuff.

They are a very affable pair. I make it a point to pick up Kobe and hug him despite the fact he has “grown out” of the “cuddling” stage. This once little guy has become a man now. Kobe has opted out of hugs and prefers to spend his winter afternoons napping. He makes this clear to his apprentice, C.C., in the following video. Albeit eventually. Enjoy!

So it goes with being a working class cat at Animal Planet. I have to confess: I rather envy Kobe.

Animal Planet
1084 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(718) 349-0602

Miss Heather

*Which is run by very lovely people. They really care about animals. I recommend them highly.

Cookie Road Update

March 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


After sorting through all those deliciously beautiful photographs of The Blue Stove bakery earlier today I found myself a wee bit peckish. Remembering that today was supposed to be Cookie Road’s grand opening I decided to swing by Oak Street and get my sugar fix.


Only to find she was out to lunch! However, I was not the only person who was wishing to make the proprietress’s acquaintance: a woman representing her beverage vendor was sitting on her stoop. From this very nice young lady I got the inside scoop about what it going on with Cookie Road. Long story made short the owner of this establishment has not received all her licenses from the city. Until this comes to pass I am sad to report she will only be serving beverages (which purportedly is the solitary duck she currently has in a row). Yes folks, it looks like we have to wait a little bit longer for our sweet stuffs on Oak Street. *sigh*

Cookie Road
97 Oak Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Post Blizzard Wrap-up Part I: Best. Snowman. Ever.

March 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This weekend I met up with my buddy Norman over at Atlantic Yards Report and had pizza at Motorino.* After we discussed the latest book I am reading (In The Country Of Brooklyn by Peter Golenbock) I told him I could hardly wait for it to snow so I could scout for snowmen. Of all the neighborhoods in all of Brooklyn no one makes a snowman like we Greenpointers do.

Well, today I finally got around to doing my scouting. The pickings were pretty slim but we must not confuse quantity with quality. I was (and am) not the least bit disappointed.



This finely fettled little fella from brought a smile to my face.



Of course there is no hard and fast rule stating one can only build “people” out of snow.


Someone in the Garden Spot of the Universe understood this and elected to make this item which I call “The McCarren Park Snow Mound”. I do not want to suggest that all snowmen need be pedestrian. A little ingenuity (an empty garbage can and a pair of work gloves) can reap delightful results. Case in point:




Miss Heather

*Which he liked!

P.S.: I will be posting more photographs from my jaunt around Greenpoint in a bit so stay tuned. I have some pretty nifty stuff up my sleeve!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: L.A. Deli

March 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


I have to admit that I am still get wistful when I walk by the “L.A. Deli”. As far as bodegas go I suppose it is okay— but sometimes I’s still prefer to have my old L.A. Ristorante back. Especially their potato croquettes (which were absolutely wonderful). But I am aware that the only thing one can count on in life to be constant is change— and had L.A. Deli not come into being we would not have this wonderful photograph taken by Caryn Rose to enjoy today. Great shot!

Miss Heather

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