From The New York Shitty Inbox

Per a tipster.

A tee for Greenpoint600

It would appear Brooklyn Industries is either unaware that GWAPP ain’t what it used to be— or is shilling the same old t-shirt with the same old premise:

We fought the power plants and won!

If GWAPP was/is “winning”, why did this come to pass? And why does someone charged with appointing new board members behave in this manner? (start watching at 5;00)

I harbor a downright Darwinian attitude when it comes to “community orgs”. Simply put: if GWAPP is failing it is because the leadership has failed the community. GWAPP failed, shuffled the deck and now GWAPP 2.0. (which should not be confused with its predecessor), in its infinite wisdom, is going to charge former board members to appoint new ones. Exactly how this is going to create a different outcome is a mystery to yours truly. In any case GWAPP or whatever one wants to call it) is a one trick pony. They fall back on the power plant fight because, quite frankly, that’s all have.

And of course my personal favorite:


You gotta love this kind of hypocrisy. Be sure to thank GWAPP— Adam Perlmutter, Esquire— in particular, when they start piledriving at Greenpoint Landing. That should work wonders for the air quality ereabotus. Is this worth a t-shirt? Really?

P.S.: Melinda Katz, you took a shit on my community. I have returned the favor— via a snow globe!

Queens id for lovers 600

The Word On The Street: Special Banker Street Edition

Banker Street 1 600

Banker Street 2 600

Banker Street 3 600

Taken June 11, 2014.

Urban Artifact: Street Soup

Street Soup 600

From Manhattan Avenue.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

June 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Whoops 600

Given the East River Ferry has not serviced Greenpoint since February 13th— and probably will not for the foreseeable future— I find this ad copy a mite bit troubling.  I predict a number of “foamers” being not the least bit pleased with being “detoured” to Williamsburg so as to be shuttled back to India Street and West Street (and from there, having to find this event). My (tongue in cheek) advice: take a cab instead.

Let’s all try to be good neighbors/”hosts” and help these folks find their way to their planned destination. By their fanny packs, visors and rather large cameras ye shall know them…

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: And Then There Were Two



From Huntington to Greenpoint NYS





As taken today, June 4th.  It would appear now we have two rather large vessels “parked” at the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch. They are neither kayaks nor are they being “launched”. As you can see gentle readers it would appear one watercraft is, how shall we say, “inhabited”?* Isn’t refreshing to see what precious public park space we have in north “Point being pressed into service in such a manner? Of course the “authorities” have their fair share of blame for allowing this to happen (and not repairing the fence for that matter). Straight up: if you can afford a boat such as either of these, you can afford to pay to have it moored legally. It really is that simple.

*Exactly why anyone would want to live where delights such as this


are the commonplace is a mystery to me. Anyone?

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Stars & Stripes

noble 1

noble 2

From Noble Street.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: And Now 49 Dupont Street…

June 4, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


wheres levin NYSI have had the above tome from The Real Deal brought to my attention by a number of concerned citizens. While I am thankful for them doing so, I am honestly at a loss for words. Mind you, gentle readers, this is not because I am surprised. I am not.

Rather, I have been asking myself where does our City Councilman, Steve Levin, stand on this issue? Or in Greenpoint, for that matter?

I used to see Mr. Levin quite a bit. This is because we are “neighbors”. And then I didn’t. I found that odd. Then came news via the Honorable Levin’s own “Word in the 33rd” newsletter that he, a Greenpoint resident, failed to notice/mention a Community Board meeting in his own neighborhood.* After that I got inquiries from people who have called him. They heard nothing. One highly motivated person even called Levin to tell him to call one such person back. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Hence I am imploring Greenpoint citizens to, in “Where’s Waldo” style, please, PLEASE, report any and all Levin spottings in Greenpoint (with a photo, date, time and location— feel free to add commentary) to me at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

No newspaper articles, press releases, etc. I want photos of our “public servant” serving “his”, our, community.

Your identity will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise.

Photo/Image Credits: The “Where’s Waldo” image comes from here. And the image of Councilman Levin comes from here.

*I later learned from an anonymous source Mr. Levin blamed this on his staff. They did not put it on his calendar. Um, okay.

I have seen this shit before. The Lone Star State refined the art of the “sidestep” long before Mr. Levin— or I— were born.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Where The Rainbow Ends

We got a nice clip of rain this afternoon, but as the Mister and I were having dinner at Casanova’s this evening the sun finally reemerged. The owner of Casanova’s went outside to take a look. I joined him.

Looking for rainbows?

I asked.

He said that, in fact, he was not but— suggested that perhaps one could be seen to the west. I disagreed:

No, it will be over there (pointing east, towards our splendid waste water treatment facility).

I went around the corner and guess what?

Where The Rainbow Ends 600

I was right! I went inside, grabbed my camera and hauled ass to Provost Street. The proprietor of Casanova’s was quite amused by this. To wit, I replied:

rainbow 2 600

I know my shit.

Provost Street 600

Where Dreams Come From 600

If you look carefully, gentle readers, you will notice the faint trace of a second rainbow emanating from the “poop stack”. I gleefully advised the Mister of this discovery, observing:

It’s there because that’s where dreams come from!

Because of course, it is. Closing on a (downright uncanny) note of dreams, rainbows and the Shit Tits, today I completed my first (but definitely not last) Greenpoint-themed snow globe. I proudly present Superfund Me!


A big New York Shitty shout out goes to the owner of Casanova’s for keeping my pizza in the over while I went forth to chase rainbows. I just love rainbows…

This post is dedicated to Christine Holowacz who, I have learned, will be leaving her position as the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee community liaison for the greener pastures of the Koscuiszko Bridge Project!

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Greenpoint Feral Furniture Watch: On The Waterfront


Sofa Sleeper


India Street looking west


Those of you who are following such things (and you know who you are) should be advised there is a bounty of feral furniture out there simply waiting for a new home— maybe yours? NOTE/CAVEAT: Supply is seemingly endless and yours truly assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any “value-added” these items may harbor.

Urban Fur: Furban Jungle

June 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Fur 

Furban Jungle 600

Taken June 3, 2014.

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