Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Rainbow

Bandanna Rainbow NYS

Now that summer is with us someone has seen fit to dust off and launder those bandanas. Happy Pride weekend everybody!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Jailbear

June 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken by autovac.

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Live From Manhattan Avenue

June 24, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 


Rubber Gloves


wheres levin NYSNote the fellow walking and texting the whole time. Oblivious.

Where’s Levin?

You ask? For what it was/is worth he was spotted at McCarren Park the same day this was filmed. Someone even took a photo. Our City Councilman asked if it was going to be part of New York Shitty’s “Where’s Levin” call for Greenpoint spottings (and, technically, McCarren Park is located in Greenpoint). She said no. Regardless, it’s nice to know you have a following.

The source material for my snow globes never stops! Imagine if every person in this community who was mentally disturbed and/or engaging in disorderly conduct— while white and affluent— got such “attention”…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Missing

June 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Danielle Selig

Per the NYPD:

Selig, Danielle
44-year-old white female
878 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY

Danielle Selig was last seen on the corner of Livingston Street and Gallatin Place on Saturday, June 21, 2014 at 1300 hours, within the confines of the 84 Precinct. She is described as being 4’6″ tall, weighing 90 lbs., with green eyes and red hair. She was last seen wearing a pink t-shirt and pink jeans.

A photo of the missing is attached and available at DCPI.

Anyone with information in regards to this missing person is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).  The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

Per a tipster:

Silver Alert issued 6/22/14 at 3:05 PM. NYPD has issued a Silver Alert for the disappearance of Danielle Selig, female, white, 44 years of age, from Manhattan Avenue and Greenpoint Avenue in Brooklyn. Ms. Selig suffers from down syndrome and is not able to speak. She is described as 4’6″ tall, 90 lbs., with red hair and green eyes. Ms. Selig was last seen wearing a pink shirt, pink pants, and white gloves. She was last seen at a doctor’s office located at Gallatin Place and Fulton Street in Brooklyn at approximately 12:00 PM on Saturday, June 21. A photo is attached. If you see Ms. Selig, please call 9-1-1.

UPDATE, June 23, 2014: She’s been found and is safe and sound. YAY!

From The York Shitty Inbox: No, Just HELL No….

June 20, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 

Laura Hofmann, board member of the Newtown Creek Alliance, writes:

Here’s a few photos I took today at the Nature Walk (on the premises of a sewage treatment plant — ed. note).  didn’t get my camera out in enough time to catch the young man wading. But I did catch the young man throwing a stick out into the water for his dog to catch. People (and pets) aren’t swimming in the creek when they see agency boats around. But it is indeed happening as these photos show. Therefore, USEPA & NYSDOH and other involved agency documents and processes should be reflecting that this activity is happening. And in addition those agencies should raise the bar in terms of water quality expectations.

wheres levin NYSTo wit, T. Ellis Wilkins  (who reputedly maintains the NCA’s website) replies:

I also see a discrepancy in that the EPA survey boats (Anchor QEA) are out on the creek a lot – but almost exclusively M-F 8am to 4pm. But most people interact with the water on the weekends or after 5pm on weekdays – so they are not really seeing the full scope of use. With the boat club, for instance, many people who regularly paddle (right by the Anchor dock no less) may never see the surveyors out on the creek because of this, and vice versa.

So there have you. I can hardly wait to see what the “‘boat club” does at 51 Ash Street The Broadway Stages Boatyard tomorrow. Perhaps they’ll throw a keg or two into the creek to chill? Maybe someone will see Levin and ask him what he has to say about this?

UPDATE, June 22, 2014: For those of you who are wondering, the Nature Walk being being pressed into service as a dog run is not a new problem. I blogged about this phenomenon on May 5th, 2013.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Redacted

Jailbear 6162014 NYS

606 days and counting!

(Taken June 16, 2014.)

From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Ado About The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch

Thumbs UpNYS

Or: Ten Days & Counting!

June 16 2014 1 NYS

June 16 2014 2 NYS

June 16 2014 3 600

June 16 2014 4 NYS

June 16 2014 5 NYS

(Taken June 16, 2014.)

A tipster writes (on June 6th, 2014)

Hi Heather!

Thank you for your post about the Manhattan Ave Boat Launch. I actually attempted to make an online 311 complaint about it a day or two before your post. However, the 311 website did not accept the complaint since the launch is not listed. Today I attempted to make the same complaint via phone and was again unsuccessful. I ended up making an “agency complaint”. I’m sure many people give up long before this point.  I spent about 15 minutes attempting to make the online complaint and 40 minutes making the agency complaint via phone.  My agency complaint number is C1-1-977259887

It lists the following:

  • Parks Dept does not list the site as a park to enable 311 complaints
  • Broken waterfront railing
  • Broken railing surrounding grassy area
  • Wood chips have not been replaced
  • Grass dry and unkempt
  • Boats moored to kayak launch access gate
  • Dead trees
  • Trees with broken branches
  • Excessive weeds

I found the the first bullet point rather fascinating. The following, gentle readers, should clarify why.




Let’s review:

  1. Permits can be/have been issued for the use of this park.
  2. This would suggest that this piece of public space is in the “Parks” system.
  3. However, when a complaint is to be lodged it cannot be located. Fascinating.

wheres levin NYSI suppose the argument could be made that our local parks conservancy/partnership “arrangement” is more interested in the monetization of our public spaces (via the issuance of permits and hosting events such as the Northside Festival) than enforcement/”upkeep”. I would like to kindly counter that much-needed revenue is being lost by allowing these watercraft to moor for free. I wonder what our City Councilman’s position is on this? Anyone?

In any case I was recently advised to poke around online boating forums regarding free mooring at Newtown Creek. Today I did. It was rather illuminating.

Those of you who, say, struggle to pay rent, property taxes or bemoan the woeful condition of our public spaces— few as they are here— should take a moment, read and re-read the previous. Angry yet?

June 16 2014 6 NYS

You should be.

Trouble No More

“Playing by the rules” is for chumps.

P.S.: It would appear the North Brooklyn Boat Club is now the North Brooklyn Community Boathouse.

NYS DOS Division of CorporationsNYS

Still no listing on the New York State Charities Database. Hmm.

NYS state charities database

Nonetheless it is located on the premises of the “Broadway Stages Boat Yard“, is still “fiscally sponsored” by Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn— and they’re having a party!



Um, isn’t OSA’s job to help finance public parks?


Flyer credits: the North Brooklyn Boat Club’s Facebook page.

Photo Credit: Dustin Brugmann.







Urban Artifact: Special Crosstown Local Edition

Puttin on the Ritz NYS

Taken June 15, 2014.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: I <3 NY

I have been meaning to touch upon the subject of “ironic” t-shirt wearing for sometime. This is because it is becoming much more commonplace on Manhattan Avenue. First it was a 20-something with a great many facial piercings wearing a shirt which read “I was country when country wasn’t cool.” Fail. Then a fellow who works at a bodega on my block (which does an impressive amount of business selling Baltika malt liquor) wearing a shirt “You are pretty because I am drunk” That one I give two enthusiastic thumbs up. This morning it was a young lady sporting a shirt which read “Titties and Beer”. No just no, but hell no on that one. Then came the piece de resistance: this.

I heart ny 600

Starbucks Cup NYS

As you can see this fellow is blind. I am not sure how a I “heart” NY shirt came into his possession, but clearly it has. The cup he is using (so as to solicit change) is from the Starbucks across the street. Is this funny? Only in a certain “gallows humor” kind of way. If I had to pick one photo to exemplify the dismal legacy that was our former mayor’s (especially in terms of homelessness) the first one would be it. In any case,we are rapidly approaching the time of year when many of our less fortunate neighbors, having consumed spirits, feel the ill effects of the heat. If you see something along these lines, gentle readers, say something to 311. Have a heart…



Presenting “If It Ain’t Fixed, Break It”

As many of you have undoubtedly noticed the bloggage has been spare/sporadic of late. There are several reasons for this:

1. I have been out and about enjoying the sights, sounds and of course smells this fine city has to offer— between the rain storms anyway.
2. My little snow globe enterprise has taken off. Not only have I sold four of them, but making them is so darned fun— which brings me to why I am writing this post. I have recently completed a real doozy. Without further ado, here it is!

Here comes the G small


Adrift 600

Front 600

Bring in the clowns 600

I do not think an explanation is necessary. Anyone who rides the Crosstown Local— especially during rush hour— can attest that this representation is not terribly far off the mark. Well I suppose the goats, pigs and geese were a flight of fancy by yours truly— but I think we can all agree their presence enhances the final product considerably. Same goes for the 12-15 loose souls who float around this snow globe. I have no idea how many “little people” inhabit this dystopia. This is rather apropos as the MTA does not seem to know that the G has a serious ridership issue. One which, if not addressed soon and in a realistic fashion, will only get worse once the waterfront is developed. Of course to simply place all the blame on the MTA is to let our elected officials/”public servants” off the hook. They too have their share of responsibility to shoulder. Let us not forget this.

Moving forward I believe a “G Train Sprint” snow globe is in order. I envision horde of patrons running for that last car. Will they make it? Methinks we all know the answer to that question. Naturally I will share its progress here and on flickr. In closing I would like to give a big ol’ shout out to fellow Greenpointer and all around cool lass Jilly Ballistic for the title (because she was the one who coined it!). Thanks!

P.S.: This one goes out to Community Board Chairman Christopher Olechowski who, upon exiting the Swinging Sixties Seniors Center as ex-Chairman Tuesday night, had this to say:

If you don’t like the development you can just move out of the neighborhood.

Right back at ya, bro. It is just this kind of “I have gotten mine so the rest of you can go fuck yourself” thinking that has made north Brooklyn what it is today. Good riddance.

  • NYS Flickr Pool

    tires gone! someone in for a bad morning! haven&#039;t seen this since I lived in downtown Detroit20241224_204606christmas tree oddly placedDissociationMalevolent and asking for donations20241031_095113Hudson Yards  EDGELooking east-
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