Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: G is for…


G train entrance India Street 7262014 NYS

Tamales and horchata NYS

One of our local entrepreneurs has seized upon the shutdown of the Crosstown Local (and the confusion which has undoubtedly ensued) to stake out a spot that is undoubtedly going to get plenty of foot traffic today: the entrance at India Street! I give this lady’s business acumen two enthusiastic New York Shitty thumbs up. Well done!

NOTE: this lady has been selling her foodstuffs here for some time. I would take this as evidence that they are probably quite good. I write “probably” because her tamales are made in the traditional manner. This means using lard (I asked). Being vegetarian myself this means “no go”. However, you meat eaters out there may want to give ’em a whirl.

The Word On The Street: Clearly New Yorkers Do Not Agree


The anti-Airbnb rhetoric at the Greenpoint Avenue stop of the Crosstown Local continues! I am certain this sterling operation will be pleased that as of midnight, July 26th, service will be suspended for five whole weeks. I imagine this will buy them some (more) time to hire more lobbyists and retool their laughably bad advertising campaign? Maybe they’ll even read this? I can only hope so…

Urban Artifact, Part III: Keep NYC Clean

Keep NYC Clean nys

Vacuum Cleaner nys

Taken July 22, 2014.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: End Of An Era

Demolition porn 2 nys

Demolition porn 1 nys

Demolition porn 3 nys

Demolition porn 4 nys

I had honestly forgotten that the demolition of our local sludge tank commenced yesterday. Thankfully a very nice lady named Bess gave me a reminder this morning. This evening I swung by and took the above photos.

Eagle Street 7222016 745 pm nys


I also got the unanticipated “value-added” of watching our local constabulary take a police report for a BMW sport utility vehicle which had been divested of its wheels. Never a dull moment folks…

Urban Artifact: Special Crosstown Local Edition

Ever had the feeling you’re being watched? Yours truly had just such a premonition while riding our very own G train last weekend. So I looked out the window onto the tracks below and guess what?


howdy ho

I was right! If anyone has lost a Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo, he can still be found on the Church Avenue tracks at Nassau Avenue.

still there


He is, how shall we say, a little worse for wear?*


*READ: face down in subway slurry.

Quicklink: A New Chapter?

GWAPPscChoice quote: teaser:

After a multi-month process, the Greenpoint Association for Parks & Planning is pleased to announce it’s new Executive Board: Barbara McGlamery (Chair)*, Rich Mazur**, Trina McKeever*** (Treasurer), Laura Treciokas (Secretary)****,Manuel Zuniga and Katie Denny*****. Learn more about each of them and their connection to Greenpoint on the Board Members page

New York Shitty translation: the nominating committee stalled until mid-summer (when folks are on vacation) to announce that they have appointed themselves.

You can read this “news” in its entirety by clicking here. In closing I feel compelled to share the following video. It features the new chair of GWAPP in action. It is quite something as you will see…

*Wife of a founding member and board member of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn. Samesaid fellow was under hire by George “Greenpoint Landing” Klen to argue the case for the 2005 rezone.

**Head of North Brooklyn Development Corporation which is overseeing the distribution of the Greenpoint Environmental Relief Fund money.

***Employee of the North Brooklyn Development Corporation. Also the owner of The Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park web site’s url. (Run a “who is” search and see for yourself!)

*****Co-chair of the Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park group.

***** Former Community Co-chair of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Never Forget

Never Forget NYS

This one’s for Eric Garner’s family, loved ones and “citizen journalists” everywhere.

(Taken July 16, 2014.)

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: For The Love of Big Brother

July 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

Huron Street 1 NYS

For The Love of Big Brother NYS

From Huron Street.

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: The Brown Word

Church Avenue Platform NYS

Shit NYS

Taken July 18, 2014.

Urban Artifact, Part II: Huron Street

Miss World NYS

This bowling ball appears to have been owned by a fellow named Tom. Any takers?

(Taken July 16, 2014.)

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