The Unofficial Community Board 1 Yahoo Group, Revisited

Some of you might recall that I recently posted an item about one intrepid north Brooklynite posting invitations/solicitations for a “Fuckerware Party” she is organizing (such as the item above) on the unofficial Community Board 1 Yahoo group. Well, someone has finally voiced her objections to this practice:

Hi (excised),

I can not speak for everyone but I don’t think these solicitation emails are appropriate for this list serve.


Follows are the fireworks which ensued:

How will this end, you ask? Only time will tell. While not on par with someone soliciting couples and single moms for “soft swinging” on the Park Slope Parents Group I’ll take what I can get. Get your popcorn ready folks, my little voice says this is going to get interesting!

UPDATE, 4:48 p.m.; After some trepidation I tendered my two cents:

Far be it for me to be squeamish about such stuff— or the voice of reason, for that matter. Nonetheless I suspect the real issue at hand is using this forum as a means of free advertising. Objections to this practice have been raised in the past. Therefore it would strike me as only being logical— and democratic— if the members of this community forum (which, it should be noted, includes our elected officials, the various police department(s) which serve our community and members of Community Board 1 proper) create a policy for this kind of thing.

Just a thought.

And here is the rebuttal I received:

And last, but hardly least:

Won’t someone please think of the sex toys?

Miss Heather

From The New New York Shitty Inbox: Community Forum

January 28, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember the post I wrote regarding the widening of the sidewalks on Monitor Street? Well, thanks to our Transportation Chair Karen Nieves and Joe Lentol’s office a community forum has been scheduled for February 2nd! Here’s the 411″ :

ATTENTION: Community Forum on the reconstruction of Nassau Ave

Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, Councilmember Steve Levin, and Senator Martin Dilan will be hosting a community forum on the reconstruction of Nassau Avenue, Wednesday February 2, 2011 6:30PM at Lutheran Church of the Messiah (129 Russell Street) in the Community Room.

Representatives from the NYC Dept of Design and Construction and NYS Dept of Transportation as well as the MTA and 94th Police Precinct have been invited to respond to your concerns.

For further information, please contact Assemblyman Lentol’s office at 718-383-7474

Community Forum Regarding the Reconstruction of Nassau Avenue
February 2, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Messiah
129 Russell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Mark your calendars Monitor Street residents!

Miss Heather

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