From The New York Shitty Inbox: It Came From Beneath The Creek

August 6, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Or: Release The Kraken!

gwapptopus 600

This corker was sent to me a couple months ago via anonymous tipster. I tabled sharing it until I felt the time was right. Today, for reasons which will soon become apparent, is that day. The above polemic was created shortly after the 2005 rezone. As it was explained to me (by said tipster) its purpose was to criticize GWAPP assuming the lion’s share of credit for the successful fight against the Trans Gas power plant which was slated to grace Bushwick Inlet. For those of you who were not here in 2005 (and I suspect there are many) I present the following video from NY1.

If the above “Community Activist” looks/sounds familiar it is because:

1. He was recently appointed* to the advisory board of the new “GWAPP”.


2. And I also recently verified that contrary to what is stated in this gent’s biography on the aforementioned site (an excerpt of which is above), Mr. Perlmutter is not now nor was he ever under the employ of Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn.
GWAPPscSMALLInteresting yes? Well today I had the item at left brought to my attention by my buddy Crappy. It got me to thinking— and finally it hit me:

What is not mentioned in this biography is every bit as fascinating— if not more so— than what is.

Namely, that in addition to being a “Community Activist” in the fight against the Trans Gas power plant, Mr. Perlmutter also happened to be under the hire of George Klein, the fellow responsible for Greenpoint Landing, so as to argue in favor of the 2005 rezone.

But don’t take my word for it. It is stated quite clearly in the April 29, 2005 edition of the New York Daily News.


(You can/should read the rest here.)

Straight up: as the featured cartoon attests, GWAPP has been the subject of controversy for some time. Controversy which persists to this very day. Controversy which would have, could have, should have been avoided by the simple practice of transparency.

Greenpoint Landing, regrettably, is going to happen whether we want it or not. That’s reality. However, I do not think expecting an organization which purports to represent the interests of the community giving full disclosure of their activities and board/advisory panel’s business relationships— past and present— is asking too much. Or is it? Now if you don’t mind, gentle readers, I am off to corner the market on ear plugs. I sense a very lucrative entrepreneurial opportunity is at hand!

*By a panel which includes his spouse. How’s that for nepotism?*

From The New York Shitty Inbox

Per a tipster.

A tee for Greenpoint600

It would appear Brooklyn Industries is either unaware that GWAPP ain’t what it used to be— or is shilling the same old t-shirt with the same old premise:

We fought the power plants and won!

If GWAPP was/is “winning”, why did this come to pass? And why does someone charged with appointing new board members behave in this manner? (start watching at 5;00)

I harbor a downright Darwinian attitude when it comes to “community orgs”. Simply put: if GWAPP is failing it is because the leadership has failed the community. GWAPP failed, shuffled the deck and now GWAPP 2.0. (which should not be confused with its predecessor), in its infinite wisdom, is going to charge former board members to appoint new ones. Exactly how this is going to create a different outcome is a mystery to yours truly. In any case GWAPP or whatever one wants to call it) is a one trick pony. They fall back on the power plant fight because, quite frankly, that’s all have.

And of course my personal favorite:


You gotta love this kind of hypocrisy. Be sure to thank GWAPP— Adam Perlmutter, Esquire— in particular, when they start piledriving at Greenpoint Landing. That should work wonders for the air quality ereabotus. Is this worth a t-shirt? Really?

P.S.: Melinda Katz, you took a shit on my community. I have returned the favor— via a snow globe!

Queens id for lovers 600

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Regarding Tomorrow’s Hearing

December 4, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 
A very nice lady named Kim writes:
Hi Heather,
This is Kim over at Save Greenpoint. Just wanted to give you a heads up that the City has switched the location of the Public Hearing to City Hall. I’m not sure if it’s b/c they are anticipating a whole bunch of us or they are trying to confuse people so they won’t have a chance to sign up and speak. Either way, we can’t let that happen.
Here is the new location. The time slots will remain the same.

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises (77 Commercial Street)

9:30 am

Council Chambers, City Hall


Subcommittee on Planning, Dispositions,& Concessions (Greenpoint Landing)

1 pm

Committee Room, City Hall


Plan accordingly, Garden Spotters!

Quicklink: Live From The Department Of City Planning

October 16, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Wed Oct 9 Public Hearing

Those of you who missed last week’s hearing at the Department of City Planning regarding Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial Street, do not despair. It’s online! Point and click your way here. And download this:


Start at 6:08. Here’s a general outline:

  • Jack Hammer of HPD outlines the affordable housing component. A Q & A session follows.
  • Melanie Myers, representing Greenpoint Landing Associates, speaks.
  • Lisa Gomez, a partner in this endeavor, speaks.
  • 34:59: Speakers against speak. I found Laura Hofmann’s and the most awesome speaker ever, Nancy, to be especially compelling. They speak sequentially starting at 1:02.06  .
  • Speakers in favor speak start at 1:11:43. Of particular interest to yours truly was the testimony of Adam Perlmutter. He was, after all, the attorney George Klein/The Park Tower Group hired to push for the 2005 Rezone in the first place. I wonder if he’s back on the “payroll”— so to speak?


From The New York Shitty Inbox: Mark Your Calendars

October 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Wed Oct 9 Public Hearing

Agenda: Uniform Land Use Review Procedure public hearing regarding proposed, large-scale developments for Greenpoint

Date & Time: Wednesday 10/09/2013, 10:00am

Place: Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street, subway 4, 5, 6, N, R, A, C, 1, 2, 3

Participate: Arrive early, sign up to speak for 3 mins. If you are unable to speak, please submit a written statement (Department of City Planning website form)

Email Concerns:

Cc Concerns:

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! It’s not too late! Please sign our petition & join our mailing list for updates, at

Live From The ULURP Review Meeting: Greenpoint Landing Presents

September 18, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It certainly took long enough, but here is the presentation and comments regarding Greenpoint Landing from last night’s hearing. Enjoy!

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Live From The ULURP Review Meeting

Angry Panther

I am pleased to announce there was a terrific turn-out at this last evening’s proceedings. Not only did my fellow Greenpointers show up— but they SPOKE UP! So much so, I suspect I will be up quite late uploading all the footage. I cannot say I am exactly fond of pulling all-nighters. However, I realize a lot of concerned folks could not attend this hearing and would find the footage of interest. What’s more when bits Greenpoint glory are to be shared with the general public like this…

Best Public Speaker EVER from Miss Heather on Vimeo.

…well, then as far as I am concerned, it is totally time well spent. I will share everything in (hopefully) chronological order in two separate posts: one for 77 Commercial and one for Greenpoint Landing. For reasons which require no explanation I felt this citizen (who was speaking in regards to 77 Commercial) merited her own post— and a New York Shitty salute! It is both an honor and a privilege to call you a neighbor, Nancy.

From The New York Shitty Inbox:

September 17, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 


Choice quote/teaser:

“You know what? Change the laws, because nobody came along and said there were rules and regulations that would allow people to stay in place in their homes in the Polish community here,” Olechowski said. “Nobody’s regulated the rents in this community. Market-rate rents are legal but they’re affecting peoples lives.”

You don’t say, Mr. Olechowski? Speaking as a resident of north ‘Point I have seen a great many people priced out of this community. The Latino population, in particular, has taken a drubbing. Don’t take my word for it— a simple comparison of the 2000 and 2010 Census statistics say it all.


To favor one part of the community above all others is not only illegal*, but it strikes me as craven political pandering. I would also like to note that by designating housing for a specific group/demographic, one is effectively precluding others access. Thus the discrimination being exercised is actually two-fold.

Of course you can’t say I did not see this one coming. I wonder who will administer this special Polish-specific housing? North Brooklyn Development Corporation, perhaps? Yes sir: those ULURP hearings were essentially co-opted by local organizations whose interest is getting a cut of the action be it in the way of parks, affordable housing, etc. The overall health/well being of this community is immaterial. I’ll refrain from using the unseemly word “extortion”. Whoops, I just did.

You can (and should) read this tome in its entirety by clicking here.

*The man doesn’t give a flip about Community Board One’s By-laws or Parliamentary Procedure, so why should this be surprising? Really?

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Agenda For Tomorrow’s Land Use Review Hearing

September 16, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Special thanks goes to Marcy for bringing this to my attention! As you can see the items pertaining to Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial are second and third on the agenda— so those who cannot arrive at 5:00 p.m. on the dot will not miss anything!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Petition & More

A lady named Kim writes:

Hi Heather,
…I’m one of gals with the SaveGreenpoint gang. I’m been a long time lurker on your site; you always manage to keep me entertained and informed on the hood’s doings. Thanks for that!

I have been at all the CB meetings/rallies about GPL and 77 Commercial and this ULURP business is a bunch of total b.s. However, I have found an angle that is potentially more powerful and even more scary that a wall of 40 story towers, if that’s possible. It’s that ugly word called toxicity.

I’ve created a petition aimed at the State and Governor, and it would be great if you could sign it and pass the word along. You’ve got people’s ears, and they really should hear about this:

Duly passed along! On a (somewhat) related note, this evening Save Domino will be having an event! Follows is the invite, for those of you who are not in the know:


Rooftop Show
Today, September 14, 2013 starting at 5:00 p.m.
330 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11249

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