New York Shitty Day Ender: High Times At the Greenpoint Hotel

August 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

You can always leave it to the good ol’ Greenpoint Hotel to liven up an otherwise dull— if cloyingly muggy— Sunday afternoon in the Garden Spot of the Universe.







The above photographs were taken today at 5:50 p.m. After asking a few bystanders what happened (none knew) I finally spoke to a gentleman standing in front of the San Diego Laundromat (which is located on the corner of Clay Street and Manhattan Avenue in the armpit of this flophouse megaplex). Here’s what he had to say:

…It’s the guys next door. (pointing to the Greenpoint Hotel) This happens about five times a month. Always a false alarm. That’s why we don’t worry about it. Maybe one day when they come it will be for real?

I told him I hope that never happens— but who knows?


Not that this incident appears to have negatively impacted interest in the “warm*, cozy, cheap” rooms this establishment is offering. Why outlay money for cable to watch “Cops” or “Rescue Me” when you can live it?

For only $500.00 a month.

Miss Heather

*Per someone who is currently living there these “cozy” rooms are stiflingly warm— and stuffy. It IS August after all.

Greenpoint’s Newest Hostel!

July 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Anonymous writes:

Hi Heather

My Dad and his partner live around the corner from me. on Clay St, a few doors down from 66 Clay St (the former methadone clinic) which somehow overnight has turned into a $20 a night hostel .

Dad tells me that in the past week, there has been anywhere from 10-20; what appear to be teenagers milling around the front of the building and on a picnic bench in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, playing techno music dancing, having a general good time. Which no one should have a problem with, except the party doesn’t start until after 1AM and goes until sunrise

I’m going to try and spend a nice relaxing evening at Dad’s tonight in a bit of a stakeout to see if his complaints are valid

Ill keep you posted

What/if anything do you know about Marzili Hostel at 66 Clay St???

Hope you’re feeling better.

I’m operating at 90%, Anonymous (I’ll spare you the details about the other ten). Let’s start with what you have given me.


A web site purporting the “Marzilli” Hostel. (Click on the above image to enjoy the true hilarity).

C of O 6668 Clay street

Here’s the only Certificate of Occupancy on file. A residence for the mentally ill (a nice way of saying it was a methadone clinic). Which was , most assuredly, what it was.

Here’s what I saw today.


Some dude hanging out under a tent.

As to who owns this property. That’s where it gets fun! Per ACRIS:


The log-tossing goes on and on. My money is on Max Stark.

The person who gave the Garden Spot the gift that keeps on giving: the Greenpoint Hotel— a flophouse pretending to be a bed and breakfast. (Click on the previous link, it’s a pisser!)

The person who gives us 239 Banker Street: a hotel being utilized as luxury apartments, e.g.; The Sweater Lofts. STOP WORK ORDERS BE DAMNED! Since when have, and I quote:

New kitchens and bathrooms

Stainless steel appliances

HUGE awesome roof with views


the previous amenities had anything to do with a “hotel”?


Your eyes are not deceiving you: this property has 46 “DOB” violations, 36 open, 42 “ECB” violations 34 of which are still open and a STOP WORK ORDER. Unpaid penalties and non-compliance. And yet they advertise.


Why not call the person responsible for this advertisement, Liz, and ask her? It’s pretty clear the Department of Buildings is unwilling or unable to do anything.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: It’s Move In Day At 239 Banker Street!

May 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


On May 31, 2009 Anonymous wrote:

i saw residents moving into the illegal, non-c-of-o, stop work ordered 239 Banker (neighbor of 259 Banker Street— better known as Studio B*— the edifice graced with the blue sidewalk shed in the background of the above photograph— Ed. Note) yesterday afternoon. Saw the Uhaul, asked the question myself. called in the complaint. they are advertising on C(raigs)L(ist):


Indeed they are! (To view a larger image click on the above jpg or any of the following jpgs.) What’s more, this hotel— oh, I mean loft— has its own web site! Here are some highlights:


Most importantly, no matter what time of day you come home, there will be a safe and cozy environment upon your return.

Hmm... this sounds kind of familiar. Wait— I remember— the Greenpoint Hotel has been advertising “safe and cozy” rooms for some time. Coincidence, you ask? Hardly: 239 Banker and the Greenpoint Hotel are both owned by my good buddy Max Stark! Let’s see what’s on the “Lofts” page, shall we?


From dinner parties to a quick fix after work, you’ll never be lacking space and functionality for your culinary excursions.

Heh, heh, heh… they said “fix”!


Ten minutes from the Bedford Avenue stop of the L? That’s kind of a stretch. But then again so is securing a permit from the Department of Buildings under the auspices of converting a manufacturing space into a “transient hotel”, offering two bedroom units for $2,100 a month in a building which— did I mention this already— has no Certificate of Occupancy?

Not that I really blame Max. If an illegal hostel can exist at 184 Eagle Street— for MONTHSdespite numerous complaints to the Department of Buildings why shouldn’t he get in on the fun?

But what would I know? My apartment building doesn’t have washer/dryer units on every floor. Maybe I should live in a hotel instead?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, June 2, 2009: After learning the very questionable legal status of 239 Banker Street Nicole has ceased to be the real estate agent for this property. No worries, now Liz is one the job…


and it would appear someone else is moving in.

*Whose rooftop terrace is still getting 311 complaints.

Post Blizzard Wrap-up Part II: A Walk Around The Garden Spot

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As promised here is a slide show featuring highlights from my jaunt around Brooklyn’s one and only 11222 yesterday. Enjoy!

Inasmuch as I gripe about the snow I have to admit it has does have its charm— as does Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

Reader Comment Of The Week: The Greenpoint Hotel

February 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This afternoon I arrived home after savoring today’s lovely weather to find a rather lengthy comment awaiting my approval. Ordinarily I approach such lengthy tomes with a sense of dread: experience has taught me that anything over two paragraphs is usually a bit— shall I say— “cranky”. Fortunately this was not the case. In fact I found it so compelling I felt it merited its own post. Beverly writes (in regards to this post):

Having been born at home on January 20, 1951  at 1116 Manhattan Avenue, I grew up across the street from this “hotel”.  It was originally called the EDWARDS HOTEL, later on changed to the PRINCE EDWARDS HOTEL dubbed the PRINCE HOTEL which has now evolved to the GREENPOINT HOTEL.

This was a place where the downtrodden took up residence.  Many were welfare recipients, some worked and others just existed there.

Having lived across the street and attending St Cyril & Methodius School, I had to pass there everyday.  Yes, the men was scary and looked like the same men who would hang out down the Bowery who cleaned your car windows begging for some change.

Of course we were always told “never speak to strangers”, so passing the Hotel was no different.  I recall as a child perhaps walking a little faster past there than I would elsewhere.  However, in all the time I was growing up and walking past this place not once did I ever encounter a problem.

I am sure that if the walls and halls of that place could speak, they would tell stories both good and horrible.  I remember when we still had Police Officers WALKING a beat, they were a constant visitor there for one reason or another keeping peace.  But never do I remember anyone who had to pass by being bothered by it’s residents.  The men who resided there kept to themselves and never bothered anyone who passed by either who worked in the area or who lived in the area.  In fact, I think there was more “action” in JOE TAX’S BAR which was on the corner of Clay Street and Manhattan Avenue then there was in the hotel!

My Dad’s family owned a house on Clay Street (#38), which was directly next door to HARTE & COMPANY, and when we went down to Grandma’s House where my Aunt, Uncle and cousins lived too, we would have to pass what was termed “THE HOTEL ANNEX” which was directly on Clay Street.  Again, these men would sit around on the stoops or in summer on the fire escapes, but never in all that time did they ever bother the handful of residents that lived down that street or all the factory workers.

I know of no one who would be “brave” enough to go inside there, but as a girl growing up I can honestly say that passing by this place was not as scary as many would have you think.  In fact, a puppy once ran out onto Manhattan Avenue and I screamed and it was the men sitting in front of the Hotel who immediately stopped the traffic and ran to the puppy’s rescue so that the B-62 Bus coming from the Depot would not run it over.  Turns out the puppy belonged to someone who was in JOE TAX’S BAR and the puppy ran out the door before they could catch it.

I know that sounds like a “warm and fuzzy” feeling to a place that housed so many troubled souls, but like anything else on this earth…..there are good and bad in every bunch and I think these men just found themselves in a situation many had no control over.

I have lived through many good times in Greenpoint and remember some of the bad things that happened there too.  However, the Wonderful and Good memories far OUTWEIGH the bad ones!

No matter where I have traveled, no matter where I have moved to & without a doubt or a nanoseconds hesitation, I will ALWAYS call GREENPOINT HOME!!!!!!

I want to thank Beverly for sharing her experiences. It made my afternoon in a big, BIG way. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Looking For A Little Romance On Valentine’s Day?

January 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

do-polskithumbLooking for a place to take your honey (or hubby) this upcoming Valentine’s Day? I suppose you could luxuriate at our local bed and breakfast* but my buddy over at Brooklyn11211 found a better deal. He writes:

Somewhere, a publicist has earned his wings:

two of Brooklyn’s coolest hotels – hotel le jolie and hotel le bleu[…] are offering the ideal Valentine’s Day Packages for couples wishing to experience a romantic rendezvous in Brooklyn’s trendiest neighborhoods.

Amenities at Le Jolie from February 10-15 include (I shit you not):

  • Accommodations for two nights
  • Rose petals scattered throughout the room
  • Chocolates upon arrival
  • $50 American Express Gift Certificate (Based on a two-night minimum and one American Express Gift Certificate per stay)
  • Complimentary continental breakfast

For only $219 a night! For a real pisser check out this site (the source of the above hilarity). You can read the rest of my Williamsburg colleague’s piquant commentary by clicking here.

Since when was 4th Avenue in Park Slope? Since when has “bumping uglies” on 4th Avenue or whilest overlooking BQE (sans illicit substances) been considered romantic for that matter? Then again who I am to judge? The Mister and I spent our honeymoon in the Bronx.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Big props go out to my friend Brooklyn11211 for posting this. It made my day.

*I have noticed a disturbing number of search queries on my blog’s “backend” for hotels in Greenpoint. For all intents and purposes there are none. Take thee loved ones and friends to Sunnyside. Do NOT send them HERE. This is not a hotel. The Greenpoint Hotel is a flophouse.

‘Tis The Season: Of Holiday Cheer & The Greenpoint Hotel*

December 15, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

*Where last Friday night I spied a fresh-faced young woman brandishing a notepad interviewing a few of the residents in the vestibule.

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