New York Shitty Day Ender: Saint Nick

Taken today on Olive Street. Closing on a (somewhat) related note, the folks at St. Nick’s Alliance, among others, have something to say tomorrow to our fair Mayor (per an anonymous tipster):

This coming Wednesday December 21st  at 10:30 am GREC will deliver over 2000 letters written by community residents asking  Mayor Bloomberg and HPD to “de designate” TNS/Great American as the developer of the Greenpoint Hospital site. The demands follow workers allegations that the private builder has pocketed wages and cheated laborer and working people at a City affordable housing development project in the Bronx…

I along with GREC members, will be accompanied by community supporters and the Grinch to make sure the City selects the most qualified developer in a even handed process.

Time: 10:30 am

Location: Outside HPD Headquarters, 100 Gold Street


Street Trash, Revisited

In light of the recent controversy regarding the residential conversion of the Greenpoint Hospital and the fact that Halloween is just around the corner I cannot help but make mention— once again— of a very special cinematic feature which inhabits yours truly’s DVD library. I speak of none other than Street Trash. What is this Street Trash, you ask? I’ll let IMdb clue you in:

When a liquor store owner finds a case of “Viper” in his cellar, he decides to sell it to the local hobos at one dollar a bottle, unaware of its true properties. The drinks causes its consumers to melt, very messily. Two homeless lads find themselves up against the effects of the toxic brew, as well as going head to head with “Bronson” a Vietnam vet with sociopathic tendencies, and the owner of the junkyard they live in.

The premise is interesting enough. It is even more one takes into consideration that this film sports a scene from the Greenpoint Hospital (more specifically, its Outpatient Annex) and the Garden Spot itself is prominently featured! Those of you who want a glimpse as to what our ‘hood (and the surrounding area— including Maspeth) looked like circa 1897, Street Trash delivers. My favorite scene is arguably the shoplifting scene which was shot in none other than the Met Food across the street from McGolrick Park. Unfortunately I have decided it is a little too risque (READ: “language”) to post here. The trailer will have to suffice.

It would appear that someone has been thoughtful enough to upload this entire film onto YouTube for your (free!) viewing pleasure. WARNING/CAVEATS:

  1. This movie is most decidedly NOT safe for work.
  2. Some of the material in said film is quite offensive. So if you have delicate sensibilities do NOT watch it. Seriously.


Miss Heather

Quicklink: Inside The Greenpoint Hospital

I was supposed to swing by this very place today. Regrettably I had to decide against doing so: I simply did (and do) not feel up to it. Luckily my colleague over at Nathan Kensinger Photography has enabled me to go there without even having to leave my jammies. Do give this blog post (from which the image to the left hails) a read. It’s seriously good stuff!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: Underneath The Greenpoint Hospital

(Or more accurately: its Outpatient Annex.)

As I mentioned in this post the folks at St. Nick’s are having an open call for artists. Well, as promised today I took a tour of the space they are converting into an art and performance space. All things said it is very much a work in progress. Having just completed asbestos abatement, they can now move forward finishing the space. This is not to suggest that one cannot see the potential: you can. The main area would be perfect as a performance or installation space, to cite just one example. In addition, it was really neat to poke around the labyrinth of rooms, closets and antechambers in their pre-rehabilitated state. If you are into urban decay you are going to love this photo set. Enjoy!

Anyone interested in proposing an on-site installation or performance, wants to submit work for their open call or simply has questions about this space should contact Laura McLelland @ lmclelland (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org. Oh yeah, be sure to read the submission specs and requirements first!

Miss Heather

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