From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: McGolrick Park

May 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Five men sleeping on a bench

Taken by WarmSleepy.

New York Shitty Feral Christmas Tree Watch: This May Very Well Be A Record…



As my walk by 125 Green Street this morning, May 2nd, attests: it’s never too late to discard last year’s Yuletide cheer…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: The King Of Beers


I call this shot “Cutting Out The Middleman”.


(From Green Street.)

Urban Artifact, Part II: Bathing Beauties




another view


I encountered the above tableau on Huron Street while taking Ma and Pa Heather out to dinner this evening. They depart our fair city tomorrow, thus I was very pleased that they got to behold some bona fide Garden Spot magic before their departure. Methinks they were not as enamored of my find as I was. So much for “taste”. Anyway, the fellows sitting nearby (on stools, milk crates, etc.— those who reside on or near Manhattan Avenue between Huron and India will know exactly about whom I write) told me I was the sixth person they had seen photograph this exquisite piece of Greenpoint glory. No surprise there…

Urban Artifact: 13 Days & Counting…



It’s almost two weeks now and as of this morning (11:42 a.m.) the McCarren Park Hypodermic Tree is still in effect. My dedication to documenting this caught the attention of a passerby. He too took a moment to capture this curiosity with his camera.



After asking me how long this had been there (I told him “about two weeks”) he noted it had been used and added:

Kids could get their hands on this. That’s not good.


Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Top Hat


Taken May 1, 2013.

Mark Your Calendars: Community Board 1 Joint Public Safety & SLA Review Committee Meeting



Today yours truly decided to celebrate this, a one lovely May Day by taking a little sojourn through my community’s Industrial Business Zone. You can imagine my bemused interest, gentle readers, when I beheld the above liquor license hearing notice. The Corporation listed is Nineteen Twenty Four Incorporated. After checking the New York State Department of State Corporation Database and doing a little more poking around online, I discerned this is none other than Robertas. It would appear this establishment whose backyard garden, as some of you might recall, was recently the source of some controversy is seeking a liquor license for a backyard garden located at 268 Moore Street. Very odd.

Whether or not this is the same garden for which Robertas placed a Craigslist advertisement seeking an unpaid intern to oversee/maintain remains to be seen. Regardless of how you feel about this issue (and methinks I have just made my position quite clear), those of you who have something to say about Robertas as a neighbor should make it a point to attend this meeting. I have a creeping suspicion it will be quite lively.



Who knows, maybe “Wiener Buttface” will make an appearance? I for one can only hope so…

Community Board 1 Joint Public Safety & SLA Review Committee Meeting
May 9, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Community Board 1 Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

*This solicitation was found objectionable by party poopers who support such concepts as Labor Law enforcement and do not think pizza— even that be had at this hallowed establishment— qualifies as compensation. (tongue firmly in cheek) Some folks simply do not have a sense of humor. Go figure…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Public Meeting Regarding Greenpoint Landing

shitshowThis comes courtesy of the folks at GWAPP. They write (in their monthly “newsletter”):

Last week, Community Board 1 (CB1) posted an agenda notice notifying residents of an upcoming public meeting on the Greenpoint Landing Project. The project, which will sit on 22 acres of Greenpoint waterfront, proposes ten residential buildings each reaching thirty to forty stories high. In order to begin development on this project, the developers must undergo the ULURP (Uniform Land Use Review Process) approval, which includes a period of public comment through our local Community Board. From CB1?s agenda posting:

Greenpoint Landing: Park Tower is proposing 4.2 million square feet of mixed-use development on a 22 acre waterfront site in Greenpoint. The City has been working with the developer on the plan, which includes the disposition of city-owned property. It is expected that the project will certify into ULURP summer 2013…

You can (and should read this rest by clicking here. Show up and speak up, Garden Spotters…

Community Board 1 Public Meeting Regarding The Greenpoint Landing Project
Monday, May 6, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The McCarren Park Recreation Center
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Urban Artifact, Part I: Negative!


From Woodpoint Road.

The Word On The Street: Meeker Avenue


Taken April 29, 2013.

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