Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Frigidaire


Taken June 14, 2013.

Urban Artifact: 209 Days & Counting!


Not only did Greenpoint Avenue’s “teddy” survive last night’s rather frightful rain and wind— but he appears to have acquired a glove! As it would happen I recently met the porter of this building. This very sweet chap told me he had no idea from hence this furry fellow came. He simply came out one morning, and lo, there he was. He likes him so much (he especially pleased when some merry hooligan one placed a sign reading “Crime Doesn’t Pay” is his mitts) he has decided to let him stay. However, be advised I was warned he may start charging me $1.00 per photo moving forward. Sounds like this fella has him an agent!

P.S./UPDATE: I would be remiss if I did not point out that this fellow seems to be a big hit with parents taking their children to nearby WNYC Transmitter Park. I myself watched a father stop his stroller so his young ‘un could say “Hi” to the teddy bear. When they commenced to leave he told his son they would stop by on the way back. I have also been told by another Greenpoint parents that she takes her son by so he can tell “Teddy” about his day. Methinks I am going to start doing this and encourage everyone reading this tome to follow suit…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Community Workshop Regarding Greenpoint Landing & 77 Commercial Street

Given the major implications these projects have for our community, I feel compelled to pass along this missive I received this morning from the folks at GWAPP.



At a casual glance this seems all well and good, yes? This brings me to the mailing address for GWAPP which I have highlighted— and not too secret fact known by quite a few Greenpointer: the mailing address for this organization is, in fact, that of the very attorney cum community activist who was hired by the Park Tower Group (whose endeavor Greenpoint Landing is) to advocate for the 2005 rezone in the first place.

From NY1 on April 4, 2005:

Here’s another corker courtesy of Amanda Burden.

It provides opportunities for new housing, including affordable housing for a range of incomes, while respecting the scale and mixed-use character that defines these vibrant neighborhoods.

Um, in the clarity that is 2013 hindsight, it did not exactly work out that way— but I digress. Now the New York Daily News on April 29, 2005:


It also interesting to note this same-said fellow is a board member of Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn— and the Park Tower Group was a “partner” at last year’s $150 a head fundraiser at the McCarren Park Pool.



Rather funny/sad/curious, isn’t it? In any case, any and all who are interested in attending this community forum can RSVP by clicking here.

Community Workshop Regarding Greenpoint Landing & 77 Commercial Street
June 27, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Visitors Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

UPDATE, 4:57 p.m.: Oh, I forgot to mention this oldie but goody, also from NY1. It dates from July 29, 2002:


You can read the rest here.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Kent Street




Taken June 13, 2013.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: McGolrick Park

cordoned off

Today I decided to avail myself of the sunshine and go for a walk. On a lark I opted to swing by McGolrick and see how things are shaking. As you can see we have a problem.


We all know manhole plundering is an problem here. But this one is epic in both scope and chutzpah. As it was explained to me by a very sweet, dedicated and frustrated Parks Department employee, the reason for the barricade is one of our more resourceful— and I’d presume STRONG— citizens saw fit to divest this man hole of its cover (so as to sell for scrap at our manifold number of scrap metal establishments). This is why the powers that be have seen fit to weld its replacement in situ.


As for these benches: I was told local youths have made divesting them of wooden planks is a chronic problem.

Is any of this new fellow Greenpointers? No, it is not. What makes it “news” is the fact this behavior— if merely by benign neglect—  is apparently still allowed to persist.

The Word On The Street: But…


From McCarren Park.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Eyes On The Street

June 11, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


From Morgan Avenue.

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Mixed Bag










Taken June 10, 2013.

The Word On The Street: Wythe Avenue




Taken June 10, 2013.

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: Welcome To New York, It’s Happening Now

Only 50 minutes until the weekend’s over, Greenpoint…

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