Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: R & R

May 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 




From McGolrick Park.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Bubbles

May 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 



From West Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Dude, Where’s My Park?

May 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Some of you may or may not be aware that I am on the steering committee for what has been dubbed “WNYC Transmitter Park”.


But most people, my fellow Greenpointers included, better know it as “that vacant lot at the end of Greenpoint Avenue”. I mention this because GWAPP in cooperation with NAG (Neighbors Allied For Good Growth) will be conducting what can best be called a “Park-In” protesting the lack of open space in Greenpoint promised under the now infamous 2005 re-zone. I’ll let the folks from NAG take it from here:

Remember the 2005 Greenpoint-Williamsburg Rezoning? In it, we were told that in exchange for enormous buildings along the water front we would receive a number of parks and open spaces to relax in, to get up by the water, to play soccer, to do whatever we please!

Not one park has been completed, not one has been opened.

So while the rest of New York City is celebrating “It’s My Park Day!” on May 16th, NAG and GWAPP will be instead asking, “Where’s My Park?!?” in an act of community awareness and civic action.

Bring your kids and your grandmas to the NAG Office (N 8th and Kent) at 12:30p to make some pro-park crafts and picket signs, and then join us at 2:00p at Bushwick Inlet (N 14th and Kent) as we march down past several of the promised parks’ locked gates. The day will end with a block party full of music, games, refreshments, and community… in a parking lot.

Come help us make a scene! It’s the only way we’ll unplug the City’s deaf ears across the river.

What NAG’s press release does not mention specifically is WNYC Transmitter Park is one of the “promised parks”. I have been assured the money has been set aside to build it. And by “it” I mean the park, not the pier and water taxi.


Still, when I walk by this site (as I did May 9th which is when the photographs gracing this post date from) to discover a newly built deck, tires and oil drums being employed as planters it makes me wonder…


what’s going on? If the Parks Department (who owns and occupies this land) can enjoy this space why can’t we?

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Bushwick Inlet Park (where the Monitor was built and as such is a historically significant site) and 65 Commercial Street (which is currently occupied by the MTA) are also on the itinerary. The previous should be a park. The latter leaves me with certain trepidations. David Yassky’s lackeys have seen fit to spam a great number of neighborhood groups in north Brooklyn with a petition addressed to Mayor Bloomberg demanding the MTA vacate 65 Commercial Street:


Particularly frustrating is the fact a few months ago the MTA decided, seemingly of it’s (sic) own volition, to remove the buses that had been the main obstacle for leaving the site.

What’s particularly frustrating to me are the manifold ways David Yassky has failed north Brooklyn as a City Councilman and seems unwilling to admit it. Sure, I like the fancy garbage cans with his name emblazoned upon them (for reasons I will not go into here) but I cannot shake the feeling David “I’m running for Comptroller” is simply using us for votes. I have learned over the years that the key to deciphering David is to follow the money. His maligning of the MTA is merely a crass exploitation of popular sentiment against their malfeasance. So as to direct attention away from his shoddy record in our community (take 184 Kent Avenue, for example).

Those of you interested in participating in this event (and I encourage you to do so, you can get more details by checking out NAG’s blog) please do not confuse Mr. Yassky’s recent interest in Greenpoint or financial involvement in its “parks” (READ: India Street) as being genuine concern. Ask him why a parcel of land ostensibly owned by the New York City’s Parks Department has yet to become a park for its own citizens.

March For Parks
May, 16, 2009
Preparations start at the NAG Office at 12:30 p.m.:
101 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn 11211
March starts at Bushwick Inlet at 2:00 p.m.
The odds David Yassky will be soap boxing/shilling for votes when you reach the promised “party”:
let’s just say I wouldn’t bet against it.

Miss Heather

P.S.: This the most vomit-inducing plea for money I have seen. EVER.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Another Greenpoint Car Crash

May 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Ashley writes:

Woe that I do not have a picture of this for you (though I did beg my husband to try and get one when he called me) but it appears that reckless driving has once again (dis)graced our ‘hood. Around 3:30 this afternoon, a driver going at a very high rate of speed crashed into the front doors of the church located on Leonard between Nassau and Driggs. He fled on foot.  Word on the street is that no one was hurt, thankfully. (The details of the crash that claimed the life of the neighborhood woman in April continue to make my heart heavy.)

When my husband walked by, they were trying to remove the car and had to take down the front awning of the structure to do so. There was emergency equipment all around and the fire department had blocked off the street to traffic.

What the hell, man? This is Greenpoint. Drunks – I am okay with. Crazies – I welcome for entertainment value.  But seriously, this shit scares me. Apparently no sidewalk is safe in our Garden Spot.

I am curious if anyone else has any more details on this incident…

Indeed. If anyone reading this knows more about Greenpoint’s latest incident of inanimate objects colliding with motor vehicles please share them via the comments. I have said it before and I will say it again:

What the hell fuck is happening to our community?

Is the Garden Spot of the Universe becoming the next Rock Ridge? This would certainly appear to be the case. I’m not a big fan religious institutions in general but someone seeking a closer relationship to his (or her) maker should be able to do so with the reasonable expectation that someone behind the wheel of an automobile isn’t going to hasten the process.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 9:08 p.m.: Matthew Glasson writes:

When I saw your post, I ran out… to get some pics of the Abundant Life Assembly church on Leonard. There were several people out in front and while I was initially across the street, once they saw I had a camera they invited me over to get better pictures of the damage for insurance purposes. The car had already been removed. According to the pastor, Irene Hanna, the guy stole the car from up the block (it was uncertain whether the owner of the car had left his keys in the ignition or not).  The car thief then drove down Leonard St. before losing control, hitting a parked car and then crashing into the front awning of the church, destroying the gate and causing the awning to collapse. Apparently, the driver then got out of the vehicle and high-tailed it out of there, but he didn’t get very far and was apprehended by the police.

…What the hell is going on out there?

Once again, indeed. You can see Mr. Glasson’s photographs of the aftermath of our latest car theft “incident” by clicking here. CAVEAT: viewing said contents might make you consider becoming an athiest— or at the very least an agnostic.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Good Day, Sunshine!

May 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 






From Manhattan & Nassau Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty PSA: Tomorrow

May 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Those of you who have grown weary of the above two establishments and the nuisance they have posed to our community mark your calendars. Tomorrow is the day you have been waiting for! The following screencap is an excerpt of the eating and drinking establishments whose liquor licenses are up for renewal.


As you will notice two of Greenpoint’s more, how should I say, NOTORIOUS venues are on this list. This means at tomorrow night’s Community Board One meeting you will, at long last, have an opportunity to let your feelings be known about the manifold contributions these establishments have made to our community’s quality of life:

  • noise
  • litter
  • traffic congestion and lest we forget…


  • bullets

Community Board 1 Meeting
May 12, 2009; 6:30 p.m.
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Be advised that in order to speak you MUST sign in by or before 6:15 p.m.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: Lofts 305 Gets That “Lived In” Look

May 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today at long last I had the time to stroll down one of my favorite north Brooklyn thoroughfares: McGuinness Boulevard. The recent spate of rotten weather and entertaining friends and family has precluded me from doing so with my usual frequency. This is a shame as I discovered today there is plenty of Greenpoint glory afoot! CASE IN POINT: Lofts 305


The above photograph was taken today at around 1:00 p.m. I know what you’re thinking:

I don’t see anything amiss here. What’s the big deal?

I beg to differ. You see, some person or persons decided to give this building a make-over (or would that be make-under?) using what appears to be a can of black spray paint…


and a pellet gun.


What’s even more fascinating is which windows our perpetrator elected to target.





Perhaps I am being a wee bit conspiratorial here, but it would certainly seem like someone isn’t too keen on Loft 305’s advertising campaign. In light of recent events it does beg the question as to whether the author of the above misdeeds was a neighbor or a disgruntled tenant.

Miss Heather

Spotted: Greenpointer Actually Using New Park…

May 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 

(or at least getting ready to!)


Christo (who took the above photograph) writes:

Sunday afternoon. Manhattan ave. Btwn Clay and Box. Heading toward the park/boat launch. I couldn’t stick around to see if they made it.

Speaking for myself I would want a LOT more boat between me and Newtown Creek than this. But as long as I’m not the one making the trip to Woodhull I say to each their own.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photo Du Jour: D-Bag

May 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


From West Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: R.I.P. On Milton

May 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

As I mentioned in the previous post I spent Mother’s Day Sunday by kicking back and taking it easy. Doing nothing is something I am not exactly something I am very adept at. I am by my very nature a restless person and as the day waxed into evening I felt the urge to get out and take a walk. It was on Milton Street across from the American Playground I found this absolutely amazing “urban gravestone”.





Per a woman enjoying her Sunday afternoon nearby (and who asked me if I was the “New York Shitty lady”!) this mural was started on Saturday and completed today. It took only twenty fours hours (if that) to complete this lovely tribute to two loved ones whose lives ended tragically early. Those of you who have the time and inclination really should go to  Milton Street between West and Franklin and see this wonderful work of art in person. The above photographs do not do it justice.

Miss Heather

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