Reader Contribution Du Jour: People In Our Neighborhood
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
Lest I have it clear already tips and submissions are more than welcome here at New York Shitty. Although I may not have the time to post everything I am sent (I like my time away from the keyboard just like everyone else, probably more so) they are greatly appreciated. Today I am pleased as punch to share with you some photographs taken by a fellow Greenpoint named Tony Luib. He writes:
these are photos i took on my phone. they are certainly a different style than your more professional shots and not sure they are blog-worthy. they are interesting, though. if you would like to use them, please feel free. i’ve been hesitant to send you any photos because it’s really my phone that is on me when the time comes to shoot someone or something. the iPhone distorts also but i still like the ease of its use…. i just decided today to actually send them to you to see for yourself. call me crazy.
Tony does himself a tremendous disservice: a number of his photographs are terrific! He does a great job at capturing the ephemeral quality of day to day life in the Garden Spot of the Universe. But enough talk. See for yourself.
I told you this was some good stuff now didn’t I? In closing anyone interested in submitting photographs of Greenpoint or beyond please do so, I would love to see them. But please keep them at 600 x 800 pixels so my inbox doesn’t get constipated.
Miss Heather
From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Archives
Yet another rainy day and with it yet another morning I have spent entertaining myself by poking around the Brooklyn Daily Eagle online archives. My armchair traveling has netted me a number of wonderful discoveries. Among them: a couple of long-forgotten graveyards (one of which was in Greenpoint!) and a school or two. Incidental to (or more accurately, as a consequence of) my numerous searches I came across today’s item. Which brings me to the above photograph taken on Milton Street.
Nowadays this diminutive stretch of road is a pretty quiet place. Save the sounds of children at play at the American Playground or the occasional film crew not much goes on here. But just over 130 years ago this location gained infamy for being one of the sites associated with the most notorious and downright gruesome murder stories of its day. All the elements for a truly sensational tale are to had in this item from the July 17, 1882 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle: drinking, claims of infidelity, dismemberment and eventually madness. Enjoy!
To learn where this most dastardly of deeds went down click here.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Focused
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
From Manhattan Avenue.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: A High Speed Chase On Huron?
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
Tyler writes:
hadn’t seen anything on your blog regarding a rather terrifying high speed police chase which took place on saturday, june 13. my roommate and a friend from out of town stepped out onto huron street at approximately 2:30 am to move their car from one side of the street to the other. when my roommate got out of the vehicle on the north side
of huron street, he was very nearly run down by a car which was going at least 70 mph, followed by police in pursuit- all GOING THE WRONG WAY UP HURON towards provost. we live between mcguinness and provost, so the driver hit a dead end at the waste treatment plant, crashed into a moving car*, and ran off. i have no idea if they managed to
apprehend anyone. but the main question is why are the police chasing someone doing 70 going the wrong way on a one way street? all involved including the police came very close to flattening my roommate and his friend. the police did not come back up the street to talk with us or to take any statements from anyone. this brush with death has left us a bit shaken, especially after the recent tragedy under similar circumstances on manhattan. what’s with all the high speed pursuits? is catching some kids who stole a van worth running over the residents? scary trend.would be interested to hear if you know any details about this or know
what, if anything, happened to the suspect(s)…
I have to confess this is news— and very bad news at that— to me. Anyone out there know anything about this incident?
Very scary indeed!
Miss Heather
*Reputedly an ambulance was called.
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: A Lazy Day Of Summer
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
From Green Street.
Miss Heather
Spotted In Greenpoint: Miss Gowanus
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
This morning before my hair appointment I decided to swing by The Bounty film shoot on Manhattan Avenue and see what’s shaking. Everyone was clad in their finest 4th of July fettle— except me, of course. Decked out in my Mao hat and sporting a dour expression that could be interpreted as “I hate capitalist oppressors.” (but in actuality means “I have forgone my usual morning cup of coffee”) I stuck out like a sore thumb. That is until I saw this.
The thought of a beauty queen (or in this case queens— three of them to be exact) representing the only body of water I know of that has the clap— standing only a used condom’s toss from another equally revolting waterway— put me in fits of uncontrollable laughter. Then I thought the better of it: why not? Hell, why we’re at it why not have a Miss Newtown Creek contest? It could be fun! Any takers?
You can look forward to more images from today’s film shoot (including a little live footage) later so stay tuned!
Miss Heather
Reader Comment Of The Week
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
Yes I know it’s only Tuesday but I seriously doubt (hope? pray?) Ihave to moderate a comment of this caliber for the next five days. After all, It’s not every day you:
- ask the police what you can do about drug activity in your apartment building only to be told it is “a tenant landlord matter”
- have a friend of your landlady’s son, an alleged drug dealer, die in the basement of your apartment building…
- and there his body remained for over 12 hours
Then again this is the 94th Precinct we’re talking about. Nothing— no matter how crass— surprises me anymore. Even so, I have to confess this is one very special story. Rebecca11222 writes (in regards to this post):
Hi, Laura – My 2 cents as to who to also contact at this point: The NYC Parks Department. In McCarren and McGolrick Parks there is a Manager on site. I can say that the fellow at McCarren is very helpful.
I guess the question to have answered is: do they have a Manager on site at the new park? Find out the name & what his/her hours are. My bet is that weekend availability is patchwork. Report the incident and ask what they advise if you are in that situation again.
My concern is the threats of violence (albeit alcohol-fueled) with which you & your family were met. I’m sorry that happened and when calling the 94th, I’ve found to place the emphasis on behavior that they can either get arrests out of or at least big $. Like “driving while intoxicated” or ” behaving violently around children” You’d think that a nice steep fine for littering would be incentive; but I guess not.
Personally, I live in a building w/ a junkie/ low-level drug-dealer in the basement. He is the landlady’s son. People who fall asleep standing up around the nabe are his only friends. I see deals going down around my apt building (Calyer at Eckford) frequently. All my neighbors (some of whom have lived in Greenpoint for over 50 years) have seen him make deals around the blocks and in front of the house. Yet she is in denial about his habit and he manipulates her. When we first moved in, we found used syringes an glass vials in the fireplace ashes. The son had been living in our apt before we moved in. When we brought this to her attention, our landlady said “this is a drug-free house.”
My husband & I asked some 94th officers what we could do b/c people who do heroin or crack tend to steal or fall asleep w/ lit cigarettes (or become violent in the case of crack). They said it was a landlord tenant dispute until “something” happened.
Well, early this Friday morning, one of the son’s “friends” died in the basement. The landlady told me, “my son wanted to move the body & dump it somewhere else, but I said he couldn’t.” She attributed his desire to move said body to a desire to protect her rather than, oh, say, hide some evidence. The body stayed there until about 8pm Friday & there was a cop posted outside the building. I wonder if this will be enough of a “something” to warrant further police investigation or action. Or maybe someone else has to die.
Btw: if anyone wants 2 awesome, quiet, responsible tenants, my husband & I are looking for a new place.
So there have you.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: Low Budget Man
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
The Bounty and Boardwalk Empire are not the only film projects in the Garden Spot nowadays. The above actor (starring in a film being made by some students from the New York Film Academy) was nice enough to ham it up for the camera for me on Oak Street!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint In Black And White
I am often asked where the junk shop gets their, well, junk. Estate sales and storage auctions account for the assortment of sundries gracing the shelves. Nowadays the previous wares are largely gaudy tchotkes (undoubtedly culled from some daffy old lady’s home) and porn.
So you can imagine my surprise when I came found these.
A pair of lovely black and white photographs of a scrimmage at McCarren Park! I have neither a clue as to when these photographs were taken* nor am I a big fan of football. But the black and white lends them a timeless quality I find very compelling and beautiful.
You can look at larger images of either of the above photographs by clicking on them. If you do you’ll find all sorts of fun details in the background!
Miss Heather
UPDATE, June 16, 2009 3:19 p.m.: it has been brought to my attention the top most image linked to a larger image of latter image. This has since been fixed. Thanks for the heads-up, folks!
*Any and all feedback/guesstimations are welcome! Leave them in the comments.
Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: The Battle Of West Street
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
Lest my previous posts have not made it clear West Street is one of my favorite thoroughfares in Greenpoint. I suspect the reason for this there is very little in the way traffic— or people, for that matter— to distract me from my thoughts. In a city of over 8,000,000 people this is one of a very few places I can be guaranteed “alone time”. Except for yesterday. It was hopping.
I found this battle in progress between Oak and Calyer Street. As some of you might remember I found something remarkably similar to this on Flushing Avenue by the Navy Yard last November. Exactly what does this mean, you ask? I honestly don’t know— but it was a most unexpected and fun discovery to be had on a Sunday afternoon nonetheless!
Miss Heather
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