Bodega Robbers Busted?

July 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Remember the armed robbery of Angel Food (at 77 Driggs Avenue) last month? Well, it would appear the four bandits responsible have been apprehended. What’s more, one of them sounds pretty darned interesting:

…Police say one of the suspects is a familiar face. He’s male underwear model, Joshua Walter, already accused of having sex with a school teacher

Click on the above screencap the get the rest of the scoop. Not only are these folks apparently responsible for a string of robberies throughout Queens, but it is also alleged they held up another bodega right here in Greenpoint (164 Nassau Avenue).

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to my good friend Crappy for bringing this to my attention.

671: The Reveal

July 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Ditmas Park, Flatbush, Greenpoint Magic 


I ended yesterday’s offerings on New York Shitty with a brain teaser. I wrote:

Today a young woman with a most curious tattoo came to the junk shop. As you can see it is the borough of Brooklyn, rendered in argyle, and includes a number. Anyone care to guess what it means? She told me and I will give the reveal tomorrow at noon. It’s really neat!

Well, it’s noon and here’s the reveal.

This very nice young lady (who is employed at Papasitos) came into the junk shop with her mother— who was a lovely lady in her own right. She was fabulous.

As they were exiting I got a passing glance of the above tattoo. I locked onto the visage of Greenpoint like the Garden Spot geek that I am. I can pick out the silhouette of our fair burgh a mile away. Probably because it bears a disquieting resemblance that fucked-up blob thing from the Gigglesnort Hotel I saw— repeatedly and much to my disturbance— as a little kid.


(To get a true grasp of how truly weird this show— and 1970’s childrens’ television in general— were click on the above image and watch the video. CAVEAT: Do not watch this under the influence of any mind-altering substances.)

I looked again at her tattoo. This time to the south. I recognized Coney Island. My eyes were not deceiving me: this was county of Kings rendered in Argyle. With a number: 671. So I asked her about it.

She said she grew up at 671 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, 11230. And she piquantly added:

I thought I grew up in the suburbs— until I actually saw what suburbs were.

Her mother laughed.

So there’s the reveal. A tattoo— which in hindsight— is not so cryptic. And pretty damned cool!

Hey, if her mother (who has since left Victorian Flatbush) likes it, who am I to judge? What’s more, I think it is neat!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: What’s Up At 159 Greenpoint Avenue

July 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


The Internet Garage has long since left us, but there is plenty of activity at its old space nowadays. Curious to see what’s up I knocked around the Department of Buildings web site. Here’s what I found.


Yes, it would appear that we are getting another restaurant. In addition they applied for a liquor license last month. I have little doubt this will make for interesting bedfellows given that one of our ‘nabe’s more rowdy establishments, Club Exit, is located only steps away. But I digress.

What I want to know is what kind of foodstuffs this establishment will be serving. This remains unclear— but what I dug up here is both encouraging and discouraging.


I understand there are a great many cuisines which employ rice. But if this establishment proves to be another sushi joint, Thai restaurant, Chinese restaurant (unless it is Szechuan and very, VERY good) or (god forbid) a “pan-Asian” place my head (or more accurately: my stomach) is going to explode. And not in a good way.

Google search for “Asian food 11222”:


Google search for “Japanese food 11222”:


Google search for “Chinese food 11222”:


Google search for “Thai food 11222”:


Lest all the previous (gleaned from Google) has not already made it clear: this neighborhood has too much Asian fare. And gastronomically speaking most of it is downright awful. I suppose 159 Greenpoint Avenue might become an Indian restaurant— which would at least lend some diverse (and vegetarian friendly) fare to the slim pickings hereabouts.

But I’m not holding my breath.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: 671

July 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today a young woman with a most curious tattoo came to the junk shop.


As you can see it is the borough of Brooklyn*, rendered in argyle, and includes a number. Anyone care to guess what it means? She told me and I will give the reveal tomorrow at noon. It’s really neat!

Miss Heather

*I really like how they placed Bushwick Inlet where she has a mole. Very clever!

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Big Trouble In Little Poland!

July 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I am on the subject of Greenpoint Nazis, it would appear I have found a new piece of that so-called runic graffiti that caused such media frenzy a few months ago.


People In Our Neighborhood: 128 Beadel Street Speaks!

July 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

On July 8, 2009 a missive entitled “128 Beadel Street” from a gentleman named Waldemar found its way to my inbox. He wrote:

Hey it’s Waldemar @ 128. Pass by and check out my Weeping Wall both day and nite and feel free to snap a few shots. For nite shots it’s best after 8PM.

Well, I have yet to make it over to see the Weeping Wall after dark— but I did swing one afternoon earlier this week. What’s more, I met the man behind the Weeping Wall himself: Waldemar!


Not only was he gracious to talk to me for the better part of an hour, but he took me on a guided tour of his home! He is easily as fascinating — if not more so— than the fabulous oasis he has created. Follow are some highlights from our meeting.



Using Chinese Astrology (and zero credit) Waldemar landed this house in 1991 (year of the sheep). Twelve years later (2003, once again year of the sheep) he acquired the property next door: 130 Beadel Street (which he has since turned around and sold—but not before giving the front door his personal touch).


Waldemar explained to me that the year of the sheep is a particularly auspicious year to purchase property. He is also resolute in his belief that this is how he avoided the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Who am I to argue? Whatever system he has created appears to be working!

He went on to explain he did not want this house to be acquired by people who reside at 132 Beadel, whom he referred to as his “enemies”. He did not go into any details as to why there is acrimony between him and these folks and I did not ask. Although I suspect his aesthetic sense probably has something to do with it.


For example, he told me that a number of his neighbors took issue with the dragons gracing his front door. They felt these bad boys— not Beadel Street’s remote location, being positioned on top of the infamous “oil spill” or possibly being located atop the Meeker Avenue plume— were discouraging prospective buyers from purchasing a house on this block. Then he continued his discourse on Chinese Astrology:

Mike Bloomberg is a horse. Horses like to take things away from one person and give them to another. They think this makes them look generous. While the city suffers he is getting richer and richer.

I can’t honestly argue with that. Then I made the mistake of telling Waldemar my Chinese zodiac sign: year of the dog.

Dogs and Horses are friends.*

He said. To wit I replied:

Michael Bloomberg is not my friend. What’s more, I do not think anyone earning under $200,000 a year is his friend.


  • He is fifty years old and retired.
  • He is single.
  • He is very food-conscious. Not only is he a vegan, but he refrains from eating tomatoes or citrus (which he believes to be poisonous). He will only eat his own home-cooking.
  • He makes his own lychee-infused vodka, which he assures me is quite delicious.
  • He is an animal lover.

It all started with a litter mate of this lovely lass:


Her brother was diagnosed with leukemia so Waldemar took him in. He has since passed but Waldemar now counts a parakeet (he rescued from horrific conditions) and a thirty pound cat named “Vandervoort” as roommates. On top of that he has made a number of other feline friends.


Like this feral fella who likes to lounge on his stoop.

Urban LeopardNYS

And this urban tigress who belongs to his next door neighbor (who is not his enemy). He has made special beds for his kitty callers and sometimes places them out for them to enjoy.


Art ObjectsNYS

It is a living extension its owner: filled with fascinating objects from a life lived to the fullest. Take these cylindrical “core sample” looking thingamajigs. He explained to me that when he worked at World Trade Center and they needed to install telephone lines they had to bore a hole through the floor to run the cables through. These are the byproducts of this practice. He likes to use them as paperweights. He sent the one in the middle to his mother in Puerto Rico. She didn’t much fancy it so she sent it back. It just goes to show beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And on that note I will close with a slide show showcasing the numerous items of interest I saw at Waldemar’s chateau. A domicile— I will add— that is actually two apartments which he alone inhabits.

If I don’t need tenants, I don’t want ’em.

Who can argue with that?


As we parted ways Waldemar confided in me that he rarely goes out anymore.

Maybe once or twice a week…

he said and then he pointed back at his front door

…I have a whole world in there.

Not only is this true, I can personally attest it is a very wonderful one at that!

Miss Heather

*Clarification per Waldemar:

…regarding my statement about the do and horse being friends, it only means that for example the year of the Horse is good for you and what people born under that sign do, benefits you by bringing the best out of you. So in your case, the worst Mayor Bloomberg does the more material that will come your way. (Man is he ever right there— Ed. Note) By the way 2010 the year of the tiger is your other good year, And I predict much success for you and your site.

Video Credit: Waldemar

New York Shitty Day Starter: Family

July 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From The Manhattan 3 Decker Diner.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Maneater

July 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 




From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Charbroiled Porn?

July 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The ever fabulous Bitchcakes writes:

saw your post where you mentioned resizing photos before sending them to you so your inbox does not get cluttered. I do not know how to do that (Is Mister proficient in basic Mac skillz and if so, would he be interested in giving me a Mac tutorial sometime? I’m really very technologically challenged in some very basic stuff), so I uploaded this for you on Flickr


It’s a stash of burned porn in front of 728 Leonard St. I thought it was too hilarious not to share. There’s also a lot of other burned items out front. I wonder if there was a fire around there recently…

First up, I am certain the Mister will be more than happy to help you become more Mac savvy, Bitchcakes. Secondly, as it would happen, he is taking a “personal” day today!* Thirdly, I wonder if this stuff belonged to this guy?

I sense a very special, uh, fact-finding mission coming on!

Miss Heather

*For this reason today’s offerings will be tabled until this evening.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Just Like A Good Neighbor

July 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This gem comes from my apartment building.

Miss Heather

  • NYS Flickr Pool

    tires gone! someone in for a bad morning! haven't seen this since I lived in downtown Detroit20241224_204606christmas tree oddly placedDissociationMalevolent and asking for donations20241031_095113Hudson Yards  EDGELooking east-
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