From The New York Shitty Inbox: New & Noteworthy
Today, as has often been the case this summer, I had planned to go out and do a little urban exploring only to be foiled by rain. I suspect I speak for my fellow sunshine lovers when I write that I am more than a little nonplussed by this year’s Seattle-esque weather. What to do on a dreary day such this? Well, you could do some much-needed housecleaning and get caught up on email (which is what I will probably be doing) OR you could grab a bowl of popcorn and curl up to watch a good movie. Which brings me to this.
Geoff writes:
Dear Miss Heather,
As a regular reader (and big fan) of your blog I just wanted to say thanks for the great work you do on documenting Greenpoint’s many sights sounds smells and happenings. I’ve lived in the Greenpoint and Williamsburg area since 1997 and here on Eagle St for 4-5 years. I wish there had been blogs like yours 12 years ago when i first moved here, but then again, we had fun walking the area and learning about the neighborhoods of new york on our own too I suppose. But you have the best news source in our beautiful (sic) neighborhood going.
Since June I have recently been writing a very small film blog called the Ojos de Aguila Film Review, that generally tends towards unknown or under-known or under-appreciated or obscure or hard to find films. It is a strictly not for profit blog and perhaps you or your readers may be interested in some of the postings…
I checked out this site and it looks very promising. If you, dear readers, have the time this afternoon I’d encourage you to do the same. Who knows? It might help you to pick a flick to while away this rainy day.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Video Du Jour: 13 Seconds On Manhattan Avenue
Shot Saturday, August 1, 2009 at 9:00 p.m.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: In Bloom At The Automotive High School
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
From Bedford Avenue.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint Gourmet Watch
Looking for a way to beat the heat and get your daily caloric intake in one sitting? Look no further! In the tradition of fried Oreos and Snickers bars Greenpoint’s very own Peter Pan Bakery is keeping it real with…
Peter Pan Bakery
727 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Methinks I will have to give this, the newest gustatory item to grace the Garden Spot, a whirl. Stay tuned— a product review will be forthcoming!
Sugar coma notwithstanding.
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: MJ
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
North 5 Street, 11211
Oak Street, 11222
Yes folks, the peeps at Cookie Road have issued a more budget friendly (but no less disturbing) version of their infamous Michael Jackson cookie.
What’s more, now you can bite the head off of the Chief Executive of the United States for a mere $3.75 (and no visits from the Secret Service)! It can’t get any better than this.*
Cookie Road
94 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
* ACTUALLY IT CAN! Last up for this Saturday, August 1: a culinary item so ingenious it could only come from 11222. Stay tuned!
New York Shitty Day Ender: Calling All North Brooklyn Unemployeds!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Recession, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Briana of Unemployed Brooklyn writes (in an email entitled “Greenpoint Unemployed”):
…I am trying to get a group together for unemployed peeps in Greenpoint and Williamsburg and thought you might be able to help me get the word out. I know you have a lot of loyal readers in the ‘hood (me included!)… I don’t have a definite time/place set yet, but am trying to gauge interest  – and see what I can get together.
Any and all who are interested in participating in this job fair for the jobless should contact the proprietress of this site at the above email address. Great idea, Briana!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Alternative Use For Manhattan Avenue’s Bike Lane #457
Grab a dolly and your best bud and take that new twin mattress home!
To close on the subject of mattresses always exercise caution when purchasing one. In New York State it is legal to sell “reconditioned” mattresses, e.g.; used mattresses that purport to be “sanitized” for re-use. I use the word “purport” because they quite often are not. Reconditioned mattresses are required by law to have a yellow tag— but unfortunately often do not. It should also be noted that reconditioning isn’t a guarantee it won’t harbor a few unwanted guests, if you know what I mean.If the price of that mattress (or box springs) seem to be too good to be true, it probably is.
To get an idea why this practice should be abolished (or at the very least strictly regulated) click here and you will be redirected to New York Vs. Bed Bugs web site. If you want to see some shit that will really gross you out click here.
Sleep tight!
Miss Heather
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