Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Yes, You Can!
Filed under: 11222, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
From the Queens-bound platform at Nassau Avenue.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greenpoint Open Studios
This item comes from frequent New York Shitty contributor and commenter Tony. He writes:
It’s long overdue. Greenpoint is finally having an Open Studios (for artists) at the end of September. I was hoping you could help get the word out, especially to artists in the hood who haven’t registered yet. It’s free. Weekend of Sept 26 & 27. Registration by Sept.11
Being a lover of the arts (and an artist in my own) right I am more than happy to pass this item along— and I agree with Tony: this IS long overdue. For more information on how you can participate in, volunteer for or sponsor this event click on the above image or email Greenpoint Open Studios at:
greenpointopenstudios (at) gmail (dot) com
Miss Heather
Who Was That Masked Man?
As you have probably noticed today’s offerings on New York Shitty have been delayed. This is because the last two evenings have been livelier than usual at Chez Shitty. No, the Mister and I are not trying to spice up our love life— unless, of course one considers a little pan-species voyeurism sweet. Which brings me to the rather blurry image at left. You will notice there are two greenish dots. Those are eyes. Who— or more accurately WHAT— do they belong to, you ask?
These peepers belong to a humble Procyon lotor, better known as the common raccoon. This little fella has made nocturnal visits to my bedroom window (which, should be noted, is located 9 inches away from where I lay my head to sleep) in the wee hours of the morning two nights in a row. The first night I damned near shit my pants when, upon being awakened at 3:00 a.m. in the morning by one of our cats raising holy hell, to find a little masked face staring at me. He (or she?) must have liked what he saw because last night he tried to get in. What’s more, he damn near succeeded.
The fun never stops in New York Shitty.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Shrooms
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
When I arrive home after an afternoon of knocking around the Bronx to find the following in my inbox (courtesy of A Perfect Bag), well, I simply must pass it along.
So this is what happens when I leave our fair burgh for a few paltry hours: ritualistic vegetable abuse! As some of you might recall something very similar to this happened a couple of years ago on Bedford Avenue. It would appear our perpetrator has since progressed from tomatoes to mushrooms. What’s next— chard? Potatoes? Rutabagas? Only time will tell. In any case no one cannot pin this one on me— I have an alibi!
Miss Heather
Photo/Discovery Credit: A Perfect Bag
New York Shitty Day Starter: Dog Days Of August
Filed under: 11206, 11222, Bushwick, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Grattan Street
Morgan Avenue
Manhattan Avenue
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dispatch From The Viridian
It’s been a while since I have paid attention to my good friend 110 Green Street. My buddy Larry da Junkman recently struck up a conversation with the doorman. Apparently they’re asking a much more reasonable $1,800 for a one bedroom at this, Greenpoint’s most famous, nondo. While still outrageously over-priced at least it is a step in the right direction.
But the Viridian is much more than a poorly planned and executed six story testament to the folly of the north Brooklyn real estate boom (and bust). I learned this when I checked my email last night; it can now list “bird killer” to its list of dubious achievements as well.
Jay Lombard of Unleashed Brooklyn/Dog Habitat writes:
Ugh. I was walking by the Viridian around noon today and saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks three dead birds – all were the same species with beautiful yellow feathers. It took me a few seconds to figure out what happened… It appeared that all three died from broken necks from a sudden impact. When I looked up it became clear what happened to these three. I wonder how many more birds will meet the same fate…
This is directly above the bird carcasses (which were removed with 30 minutes of my discovery). My guess is that the birds were fooled by the reflection in the glass. I’m sure this happens all over the city… And probably very little that can be done to avoid this type of collision.
Miss Heather
P.S.: Apparently these are Cedar Waxwings. (See comments). Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about them.
UPDATE, 2:55 p.m.: Crickey, it would appear someone is moving in!
Adoptable Cutie Cavalcade!
Filed under: 11206, 11211, 11222, 11237, Brooklyn, Bushwick, Crazy Cat Lady, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
I imagine if you’re reading this you’re not one of the fortunate many who are headed out of town for vacation this upcoming week— or you’re taking a vacation from your vacation. Either way I cannot think of a better way to while away this evening than to watch some very cute (and adoptable) kittens from none other than north Brooklyn!
Meet The Wire Kittens. First up, the ladies in the cast:
Here’s some footage of them in action.
Rhonda was shy around me when I paid her a visit— but she was not so coy with Tigger! As you will see in the following video.
Lisacat writes:
Rhonda, Kima and Zenobia were named after characters from the HBO series “The Wire” – see insets. I hope my next litter of bottle-babies are boys because there just aren’t that many prominent women on the show! These tricolor sisters were rescued as part of a TNR project in downtown Brooklyn and will be up for adoption soon.
Sure enough, this came to pass. Meet D’Angelo Barksdale
and Russell “Stringer” Bell.
These two boys hail from Bushwick. They were found at two days of age helpless and covered in flies. They have since been nursed back to health (hence the fat tummies— they just hit the bottle. Of milk, that is.)
And last— but hardly least— Greenpoint’s very own quintet of cute: “The Bountys”.
Although I have written about these fetching felines before I had never had the pleasure of making their acquaintance until recently. I was not disappointed.
By far the real show stoppers in this crew are Hunter (as seen at left) and Bounty. Do not let Bounty’s diminutive stature fool you: dynamite comes in small packages.
Anyone interested in giving any of the wonderful kittens the life-long vacation of a loving home can contact their foster mom, Shawn at: shawnandkenny (at) earthlink (dot) net
Other details:
- All these kittens have been vaccinated, treated for parasites and test negative for F.I.V. and feline leukemia.
- Upon adoption they will be spayed or neutered before going to their new forever homes.
- Lastly, these kittens will be adopted out in pairs unless there is already another cat in the home. That way they will be less lonely (and likely to get into trouble) when you’re not home!
You can see more photographs and video footage of these kittens by clicking here and here.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: What A Difference A Stop Work Order Makes!
foodiej81 writes (in regards to this post):
This weekend as we were walking by 239 Banker my partner and I noticed that the door was unlocked so we decided to take a stroll through our new neighborhood “hotel”. Well there are definitely people living there, there is mail being delivered and I saw a man taking his dog out for a walk. The “apartments” are still under construction though. We have an acquaintance that put money down on an apartment but is now waiting for a refund because they were told the place will not be ready for another month. Word is they are renovating one dwelling at a time because they have run out of money and won’t be able to finish the project till 70% are rented.
I also saw two men waiting outside the building at around 730 on Monday night; two traditionally dressed Jewish men pulled up in a minivan and met them to show an apartment. I don’t know if anyone has been there recently but the message on the door is asking for “max” to get them a real front door…Regardless I called 311 yesterday and sent in 3 anonymous complaints regarding the building at 239 Banker. It’s a ridiculous project and I wish the DOB would be more proactive in following up on the stop work order.
He (or she) is not the only who feels this way. Follows are a few photographs I received just this evening (in an email entitled “Stop Work Order In Action!) from an anonymous tipster which show just how seriously Max and his funky bunch are taking their recent visit by the Department of Buildings (and the $5,000 fine they were issued as a result).
Note the numerous residential garbage cans at left. I wonder what they’re doing?
Installing and patching drywall— silly me.
Workers taking a breather at the freight elevator. It’s a tough job working after hours and violating a Stop Work Order!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: Summer Love
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Manhattan, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
East 20 Street, Manhattan, 10010
North 1 Street, Brooklyn, 11211
Leonard Street, Brooklyn, 11222
Miss Heather
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