TOMORROW: Fall Cleanout
Adam writes:
Hey Miss Heather,
I’m a big fan of your blog. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been talking with friends in the neighborhood about local goings-on and someone will say “Oh yeah, I read about that on NewYorkShitty!”
Anyway, thought I would drop you a line to let you know that my neighbors and I are banding together to create a stoop sale this Saturday, the 26th, at 111 Huron Street (between Franklin and Manhattan). Items up for grabs include men’s and women’s clothing, bags, books, a television, CDs, and other surprises. We’ll be kicking things off at noon. Between this and the other stoop sales that will be taking place for the Kent Street Festival, it should be a good weekend for bargain hunters in Greenpoint. I’ve attached a copy of our flyer in case you should feel moved to post something on your blog.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words, Adam. They are greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing what “surprises” you and yours have in store for us tomorrow!
Fall Cleanout
September 26, 2009 starting at noon
111 Huron Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Reading Is Fundamental
From the intersection of Metropolitan Avenue and Lorimer Street.
Miss Heather
BREAKING: The Sweater Factory Lofts Gets DOB’d Again!
Remember the Sweater Factory Lofts?
You know, the building at 239 Banker Street that is zoned as a hotel but is actuality being used as residential space? The one which despite being fined $5,000 for violating a long standing Stop Work Order kept on working anyway? Day and night. Well, something very interesting came to pass there this afternoon.
Anonymous writes (at 3:19 p.m.):
Breaking news! That building next to what was studio B is being served vacated notice right now….
Unhappy residents on an unpaid vacate(ion). I’m sure Curbed will be interested. Building dept guys didn’t like me snapping pics.
WOW. I wonder how my buddy Max took the news? Just under two weeks ago he sold the Greenpoint Hotel for a paltry $3.5 million— and now this!?! I’m not too sure what motivated the Department of Buildings to issue a vacate order but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say non-compliance with fire code had something to do with it.
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 5:27 p.m.: Apparently the Red Cross has been brought in to help displaced tenants from this building (pets and all) find a place to hang their respective hats. Per a reader:
The DOB showed up today, I think, around 2, and cleared the whole building. There’s an order to vacate posted on the front (“occupancy is perilous to life”), and a (new?) stop work order plastered on the front door, plus about a 6 yellow sheets that I didn’t get close enough to read, mainly because all the tenants were trying to read them. Probably on their arrival home from work. I do feel a bit bad for those who moved in without a clue what they were getting themselves into.*
The Red Cross is outside finding people places to live, the landlord is scurrying around, and the tenants are outside with suitcases and their cats in carriers.
Curious what finally caused the DOB to crack down?
UPDATE, 7:29 p.m.: Musings on ‘point offers his expertise:
It’s not a fire issue, FD would have been present. It’s probably a combo of two things: it’s a factory, not a residence and structural issues; the facade seems to be falling off. The DOB is loathe to vacate solely because of occupancy contrary to the CO (see 475 Kent) but “perilous” is usually code for “we think it might fall down.” I haven’t been following this or researched it but that would be my guess. If it’s not, I wouldn’t want to be living at 475, because they’re just as susceptible to just such selective enforcement.
*I agree. The Red Cross should NOT be pressed into providing housing to individuals whose only mistake was not being informed consumers. This organization was not founded to assist people who have found themselves homeless as a result of a landlord’s malfeasance and this city’s ineptitude and/or lack of responsiveness when it comes to protecting and serving its citizens. The blame for should be laid where it is truly due:
- This city and the agencies charged with enforcing housing/building/fire code. Had the standing Stop Work Order on this property been enforced, this would never had happened.
- The landlord: for not obeying the the aforementioned Stop Work Order and having a disregard for the safety of his tenants.
- The real estate agents who leased out these “residential” lofts knowing full well that they are illegal and hazardous. Anything for a buck.
UPDATE, 11:44 p.m.: another reader sends photographs:
Maybe this one will stick?
Greenpoint Street Furniture Du Jour: Corduroy
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture
From Greenpoint Avenue.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Feels Like Summer
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
From Oak Street & Clifford Place
Miss Heather
P.S.: For more lazy cat (is this redundant?) goodness be sure to check out Katie Sokoler’s wonderful contribution to my photo pool!
SUNDAY: A Fundraiser For A Very Worthy Cause
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Dog people, dog lovers and McCarren Park dog run patrons take note: this Sunday, September 27, 2009 the folks of the McCarren Dog Run Association will hosting a benefit, “Drinking For Dogs”, at PS9 starting at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this event is very simple: to raise funds for a much-needed “dig out” and improvements to the dog run’s drainage system. The McCarren Dog Run is without argument the most trafficked dog run in north Brooklyn. Ironically enough, it is also the one most in need of repair.
This is our dog run folks. We can upgrade it before the numerous condos, nondos and luxury apartments around it reach completion (thus adding many, many more users) or we can wait and watch it further deteriorate. The choice is ours. For this reason I advise any and all dog owners— especially those who use the McCarren Dog Run— they “regulars” or otherwise— to attend this event. Or at the very least make a donation. The latter can be done by clicking here.
Drinking For Dogs
September 27, 2009 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $10.00 per ticket which can be purchased by clicking here.
PS9 Pet Supply
169 North 9 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Those who are interested in learning more about “Drinking For Dogs” can do so by pointing and clicking their way to the McCarren Dog Run’s Facebook announcement or by checking out their web site.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Mixed Signals?
Filed under: 11101, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Newtown Creek, Queens
New York Shitty reader, occasional tipster and soon to be ex-Greenpoint resident AMOJA writes (in an email entitled “MTA Hates Pedestrians”) :
Or, I’m guessing it’s the MTA. They’ve finally gotten around to indicating why they’ve painted white and yellow lines on the Pulaski Bridge walkway. On the LIC side, at least (I’m not sure about the Greenpoint side…I’m a terrible reporter*), there are pictographs indicating that the bridge is to be used by pedestrians…and mushroom headed bicyclists…
Confusingly, they’ve left the signs up telling people to dismount their bikes. I feel my head is about to explode. Who is the genius that came up with this idea? Are things really clearer now?
Given that this is a pedestrian walkway I would hazard to guess the entity responsible for this exercise in zen is the Department of Transportation, not the MTA. However, I am in agreement with AMOJA about the provenance of this plan; I too want to know who came up with this sterling idea. I also want to know how much it cost.
Miss Heather
*As the above photographs indicate, this has been done on the Brooklyn side of the bridge as well.
SATURDAY: Kent Street Festival
Another item in the growing roster of things to do this weekend is Greenpoint’s very own (and 13th annual!) Kent Street Festival. I have attended this event on and off over the years. Despite what the above poster intimates this is a very child-centric affair. Face-painting, carnival rides and pony rides are among the usual staples. Bigger kids and bargain hunters might be more interested in the stoop sales, vendors (jewelry, clothes and not surprisingly sausage are prevalent) and bake sales.
If you’re in the area swing by. It’s a nice (and inexpensive) way to while away an hour or two with the young ‘uns.
13th Annual Kent Street Festival
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Kent Street between Manhattan Avenue & Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
I never had patience required to master the piano. I do, however, have a very healthy appreciation for those who have. For this reason I couldn’t resist passing along this solicitation for pianists at Shayz Lounge. No details are given as to what (if any) compensation is in the offering. But hey, you get to twinkle the same ivories as Herbie Hancock— and there’s something to be said for that!
Shayz Lounge
130 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
Reader Participation Time
When I was in elementary school my teachers often doled out story-telling exercises. My classmates and I would each be handed an object (or an image of people doing one thing or another) and we were charged with writing a story based upon it. In hindsight I realize the purpose of these assignments was (among other things) to gauge whether or not there were any crazies in the classroom. To the best of my knowledge none were detected (and trust me, there were a few loose nuts to be found). So much for public education.
I mention the previous anecdote because today I found something on Greenpoint Avenue that is a story crying out to be told.
A female condom adhered to one of Michael Bloomberg’s 1,000,000 trees. In front of our local poultry slaughterhouse, no less.
There are no rules in this reader participation exercise save that the tale must feature this delightful artifact. I’ll get the ball rolling with:
Once upon a time in Greenpoint…
Get cracking folks!
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 6:45 p.m.: Apparently this prophylactic has resided on this tree since July 5th.
Laura (who took the above photograph) writes:
I thought you’d like to see the deterioration process of the condom. Here’s how it looked on July 5, 2009 when it was reported to the Parks Dept. For obvious reasons, that’s one tree problem that I’m unwilling to tackle.
P.S.: I threw up a little when I saw this.
Image Credits: Blues Brothers film still courtesy of
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