New York Shitty Day Ender: Highlights From The Robot Monkey World Chimpionship
It took me awhile to get them uploaded (YouTube has been malfunctioning) but here they are. My stunning defeat and the final match of this weekend’s Robot Monkey World Chimpionship. Who won, you ask? You’ll have to watch to find out. Enjoy!
New York Shitty Loses, Part I
New York Shitty Loses, Part II
Finals, Part I
Finals, Part II
And The Winner Is!
And that’s all she wrote!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Sunset
Taken September 24, 2009.
Miss Heather
The Purrrrfect Halloween Kitty: Greenpoint Grace
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn
Remember Ving? If you don’t the following passage might refresh your memory. On June 2, 2009 I wrote:
…Someone, for reasons only known to him, saw fit to shave him: ear hair, whiskers and all.
We eventually drifted onto the subject of what to name this handsome chap. Lisa suggested that since he has been shorn we name him after a famous bald person. I immediately thought of Ving Rhames, as just like in the movie Pulp Fiction this little guy has had an encounter with someone he would just as well forget (WARNING: previous link is very NSFW) and quite frankly, whoever that person is, I too would very much like to go medieval on his ass.
Well, he is a she. Ving is Grace, she’s recovered (under Lisacat’s care) and is downright GORGEOUS!
Grace (and a few of her friends) will be holding court at Muddy Paws today starting at 2:00 p.m. She’s been spayed, vaccinated and is feline Leukemia and FIV free. All she needs is a home— maybe yours?
North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event
September 27, 2009 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
You’ll get nothing but good luck allowing this adoptable cutie cross your path!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: The Agony Of Defeat…
but not really.
My team* was eliminated in what was the lowest scoring match of the entire tourney. In other words: New York Shitty came in dead last. I am not in the least upset by this. In fact, I found it to be a tremendous relief: it meant I didn’t have to stick around for finals unless I wanted to. As I recounted to Dan the Robot Monkey Man after my ignominious defeat:
People are always fighting to be on top. I prefer being at the bottom. No one will try to take that distinction away from me. It’s mine for the keeping.
Needless to say there will be Robot Monkey footage to follow. The final round was fierce— but Brooklyn won!
Miss Heather
*Who I want to thank wholeheartedly. You guys played a LOT better than I would have! Thanks!
Has Anyone Seen Helen?
I found this flier on Green Street as I was headed to T.B.D. to see how the Robot Monkey preparations are going (they’re going well, if you’re lest you are wondering). If anyone has seen Miss Helen please contact her people at the above telephone number. She is sorely missed. Thanks!
Miss Heather
BREAKING: An Accident On Manhattan Avenue
Those of you who are wondering what the police and fire department presence is about at the intersection of Eagle Street and Manhattan Avenue, I can tell you. There was a collision between a moped and automobile.
I happened upon a witness who kind enough to give me the 411. Apparently the blue car, which was headed south, made a left hand turn and the moped (which was headed north) could not stop in time. I was told the driver of the moped sustained minor injuries. If so, he (or she) was very, VERY lucky. Nonetheless, this does bring up the issue speeding on Manhattan Avenue. Anyone who lives north of Green Street will tell you that motorists are driving WAY too fast down this stretch. The intersection of Eagle Street and Manhattan Avenue needs is a traffic light. Otherwise, the next time an accident comes to pass here (and rest assured, it will) the outcome may not be as fortuitous.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Dirty Minds Think Alike
Taken by Bitchcakes September 14, 2009.
Taken by yours truly September 23, 2009.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Thrift Sale At St. John’s Lutheran Church
Jan writes:
Hi Heather –
I noticed you’ve put a stoop sale event up! Well, here’s another that I’ve seen a few flyers for [and yes for this one I am a bit biased in favor of 🙂 ]
Thrift Sale
September 26th 10am – 2pm
St. John’s Evangelical. Lutheran Church
155 Milton St.A lot of things you’d never find anyplace else and for a nice price, stop by and say hi and bring a friend or two or three.
Right around the corner from the Kent St. Festival.
So there have you. If there isn’t enough stuff going on in Greenpoint this weekend to tickle your fancy I suppose there’s always Williamsburg.
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Animal Lover’s Special
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Green Street
North 5 Street
Metropolitan Avenue
North 6 Street
North 1st Street
Kent Avenue
Grand Street
Miss Heather
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