From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Sprout

November 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Ever had one of those moments when you find yourself thinking:

Wow, why didn’t I catch that?



Today when I checked in on my photo pool I had one. Great find, algul siento!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Fashion Watch: Pretty In Pink

November 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The other day we had a “family unit patronize the junk shop. It was of a variety I am seeing more frequently nowadays: an affluent co-ed, her boyfriend, mom and pop. My coworker Cass and I watched in amazement as this foursome spent no less than ten minutes debating the pros and cons of a $30.00 rug. At one point the mother even asked us if we knew where it came from— as if we would know such a thing in an unexpected  Antiques Roadshow moment. We answered that we had no idea. Eventually they broke down, bought the rug and went on their way. I turned to Cass and said:

I cannot imagine having the kind of life where I need a team of four people to help me purchase a rug. Seriously, it must be interesting to have the luxury of filling your head with that kind of crap.

Cass nodded in agreement and I continued:

So help me I pray to god that when I get to be that woman’s age I will not dress like that. What is it about affluent middle-aged women and the “Stevie Nicks”/urban medicine woman look? She looks like she ought to be hawking smudge sticks in Santa Fe.

We all get older. This is a fact of life no one relishes. But I gotta ask: does it have to be like this? I learned the answer to this question on Manhattan Avenue yesterday afternoon:

No, it doesn’t.


I cannot over-emphasize the Greenpoint glory of what you are seeing here. This GGilf (I will leave it to your imagination to deduce what this acronym means) not only has a rose in her flaming red hair, but is sporting a magenta leather blazer (who knew they made such things?) and coordinating plum colored micro-mini. Her ankle boots sport spiked heels (anything else on Manhattan Avenue would be passe) and her stockings were nothing short of amazing. Their pattern was a mix of sheer and opaque diamonds. Very mod.

I want to give a special New York Shitty salute to this Manhattan Avenue fashion plate. She is living proof one can be older and stylish! When I get to be this woman’s age I want to look like this. Hell, I want to look this good now!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: November on Noble

November 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

noble street

Taken November 8, 2009.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Zeitgeist

November 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture 

Today’s “day starter” was probably a more than ample indication that I kicked off this beautiful day in a rotten mood. For those of you who are not “in the loop” I will use this post as my personal wailing wall:

  • Friday morning Chez Shitty had neither heat nor hot water.
  • Friday night Chez Shitty had heat and hot water.
  • Saturday night Chez Shitty had ample heat and NO hot water.
  • Sunday morning Chez Shitty was sweltering but no hot water was to be had from our taps.

After some investigation on the Mister’s and my part we deduced that only one of the three plumbing stacks in our building were, in fact, providing hot water. Or to put it another way: only one third of our building had hot water. Yet we were the first and to my knowledge, ONLY, people to complain about this. Go figure.

I consider myself to be a pretty simple person. I don’t ask for much. Life promises very little other than paying taxes and dying. I endeavor to use the time I have to enjoying myself, getting to know people and helping make my neighborhood a better place for those who are here presently and those will (inevitably) come.

The previous are difficult to do when one’s hair looks reminiscent of Don King in his prime and one’s skin is itching for lack of proper hygiene. A number of people (the Mister included) romanticize foreign locales or “the good old days”. I am not one of these people. I do not want to live in a world without:

  • Penicillin
  • Woman having the right to vote
  • Legalized birth control
  • Indoor plumbing/sanitation

And the all too relevant subcategory under “Indoor plumbing/sanitation”: HOT WATER. Does this make me arrogant American? I think not. I believe the latter most three points to be a human right (as a majority of humans populating planet earth are women). The first is a given— or if it isn’t— it should be.

Then again, I think feminine hygiene products (and birth control, for that matter) should be free. This may strike some as socialism but I see it as common sense. Viagra and its numerous brethren are covered by many health care plans in New York State but birth control and maxi pads aren’t. And now, thanks to certain politicians those who may have to seek the recourse of abortion, can’t .*

A friend of mine was once told (by a female practitioner, no less):

If you want to play, you gotta pay.

What is wrong with this picture? As I made it clear at the beginning of this post, dear readers, I am NOT in a good mood. But I digress.

This morning I was faced with two options:

  1. Stay home and fume over having no hot water.
  2. Go for a walk and fume over having no hot water.

I chose the latter. Follow are highlights from my jaunt with commentary. Enjoy!



Anyone who has ever has to stand in line at Rite Aid (which is where this missive hails from) will understand the author’s state of mind. It’s almost as bad as our Post Office. ALMOST.




A stuffed dog. On a leash. 100% Greenpoint.


Jew York

A flickr contact of mine, Jon Feinstein (a very talented photographer), documented something identical to this in Williamsburg. He tagged his photograph as being “antisemitism”. I’m not certain if that is what is going on here.


But this annotation certainly suggests antisemitism on someone’s part. Which party, I do not know.

And last, but hardly least, what is probably the best piece of street seating I have ever beheld!





Clearly I was not the only person who was in a shitty mood today.

Miss Heather

*Those of you who take issue with “House Vote 884” AKA: The “Stupak” Amendment, click here for a list of who was naughty and nice.

From the New York Shitty Inbox: Another Catnapping?

Pets on the run

LarryTHUMBFriday night I shared with you the good news about Larry the bodega cat’s (who can be seen at left) heroic rescue and return to his rightful owner. I will not lie to you: I was ecstatic when I saw his “mom” toting him back home. Unfortunately my revelry was short-lived. You see, I awakened the next morning to find a most troubling email in my inbox. Jason writes:

Hey Heather:

I don’t know if you have heard about the store cat over at Pets on the Run (989 Manhattan btwn Huron and India)? It seems that either last week or early this week the good proprietor’s cat was stolen. When I went in there at the beginning of this week to get some cat food he was telling another customer the whole story and he was pretty broken up about the whole affair. I am wondering if there are any connections between Larry’s journey and this? The businesses are quite close to the cat vortex….

Obviously it cannot be established if the same person who took Larry (whose intentions were good, if misguided) has taken our dear Lucas (who can be seen with proud papa, Zohar, below).


Nonetheless I find this to be a very, very worrisome trend. What part of DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE ELSE’S PET does the perpetrator of this, Manhattan Avenue’s latest catnapping, not understand?

Lucas flier

If you have seen Lucas (who reputedly disappeared on Halloween) please contact his proud papas, Zohar and Malik, at the above telephone number (you can see this flier in larger format by clicking here). They (and Pet on the Run’s patrons) are heartbroken. Thank you.

You can see more pictures of Lucas (who it should be noted has a small tuft of white fur on his chest) via his foster mom’s web page.

Miss Heather

P.S.: It would appear another cat named Larry mas gone missing.


I found this flier on Metropolitan Avenue near Leonard Street, if my memory serves me correctly.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Head

November 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: November Blossom

November 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Kent Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: A Tail of Two Larrys

Earlier today I was bantering with a buddy of mine online. He, not unlike myself, has a heat issue (READ: he has none).* My first and only piece of advice to this gentleman was as follows:

If the problem persists contact the Borough President’s Office.

I myself have done this and the results were quite frankly amazing. Not one, but TWO Department of Buildings Inspectors showed up the next day. They made it clear Marty sent them. Inasmuch as we disagree on many issues I have to give credit where it is due: Marty understands the value of constituent services. Which brings me to the subject of this post.

Inasmuch as I have mulled over a possible career in politics the truth of the matter is I do not think it is for me. It takes a certain amount of, how should we say— moral flexibility— to gain and retain elective office in this fair city. This is something I woefully lack. Or do I? After today’s sequence of events I am beginning to wonder.

The following tale has all the elements of a good Greenpoint story: neighbors coming to the defense/aid of a fellow neighbor, deception and a catnapping. NOTE: certain elements of this tome have been changed/obfuscated to protect the guilty.


Many of you who live in north Greenpoint are undoubtedly familiar with this establishment. It is pretty much the last bodega to be had until one reaches Eagle Street. I frequent this business often. Granted, some of their prices are a teensy bit high but if it means not having to schlep to The Garden I am willing to pay for the convenience. It is presided over by two lovely young women. And Larry.


He may not look very happy in this picture (he isn’t) but it’s understandable given the circumstances. You see, Larry— and a fair number of folks on Manhattan Avenue— have had a very eventful week.

It all started on Monday. I stopped into the bodega to pick up some groceries. The cashier, who we will call “M” was despondent. I asked her what gives.

We’ve lost Larry, she said.

I asked her what happened. She didn’t know for certain but surmised he either ran off or someone stole him. The next day I asked her colleague, who we will call “N” if he had come back. She told me he had not but hoped wherever he was he was safe and sound. Now jump forward to today, Friday, November 6, 2009.

Larry da Junkman (who will henceforth be referred to as Larry #2), a local celebrity, Seth, and I are bantering. At one point the subject of ladies of the bodega comes up. We all agree they’re really nice. Then Larry says (to me):

When I saw M today she looked like she was on the verge of tears. Do you know what’s up?

I replied:

Didn’t you hear? Their cat has gone MIA.

Larry: When, yesterday?

No, several days ago.

I replied.

Larry: I wonder why she is so upset.

Me: I don’t know but I am going to go over there and find out.

When I entered the bodega I did not have to say anything. M gave me the whole sad, story. Here it is in bullet points:

  • Apparently a patron of said bodega had spied Larry in the possession in of a woman one block away.
  • He/she informed M of this.
  • M took the matter up with the store owner in her building of residence.
  • He was rude and/or unresponsive to her.
  • But apparently passed along word to Larry’s captor as…
  • She stopped by the bodega on Wednesday and told M she would return Larry on Thursday.
  • This never happened.

Wanting to make sure I understood M correctly (there was a bit of a language barrier at play) I walked over to the building in question, took a photograph of it, and walked back to the bodega and showed it to her.

Is this the building?

I asked.

She answered to the affirmative. I headed back to the junk shop without delay. Seth, who was standing out front, noted my anger and inquired as to what came to pass. I growled:

Someone is gonna be in a whole world of hurt.

He and Larry #2 quickly calmed me down and had me recount M’s story. They too got pissed and headed over to the bodega to reconfirm what I had told them and develop a plan of action. This was when the Greenpoint magic kicked in.

As it would happen M had a picture of Larry on her i-Phone. Larry #2 and Seth took said i-Phone and paid the business in question a visit. The proprietor, who we will call “O”, at first seemed intransigent but eventually gave up the goods:

  • Larry’s self-elected hostess was an old and rather daft cat lady. In the purest, piss-stained carpet “cat collector/hoarder” sense of the word.
  • He has known her for ten years and she has done this sort of thing before.
  • She has usually come around to doing the right thing in the past. Eventually.
  • She has neither a buzzer nor a telephone, but he would remind her that M wants her cat back.

At some point Larry #2 threatened to call the police if said catnapper didn’t return M’s cat. O seemed to be unfazed by this. But he, in fact, was. As we later learned.

Long story made short, shortly thereafter O paid M a visit stating that “two men” had come to his business inquiring about her cat. And as I was consuming a much-desired margarita this evening at Papasitos I saw M walking down the sidewalk with Larry. I quickly dashed out to learn what happened.

From what I can gather O did in fact speak to the woman in question. And in an inspired bit of trickery, he intimated that the “two men” who inquired about Larry’s whereabouts were police officers. I realize this is morally (and possibly legally) questionable, but then again so is taking someone’s cat and refusing to return him his rightful owner. On that note, I am happy to announce that as of 8:00 o’clock tonight Larry is back on the job!


Sort of. He isn’t too crazy about the leash but given what it took to bring him home, it is probably a good move on M’s part. In closing M confided in me that she is concerned Larry (who is neutered teenage male with a few more wild oats to sow) may get loose (or stolen— this was never clearly established) again and is mulling over adopting him out to a good home. Anyone who is interested in adopting Larry can shoot me an email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

Miss Heather

*My heat and hot water has been blissfully restored (the landlord has to make repairs to the boiler) and I am pleased to announce I have taken a much-needed and desired BATH!

THIS WEEKEND: More Cat & Kitten Adoption Goodness!

Earlier today I shared with you the good news about Empty Cages Collective’s adoption event tomorrow at PS9. Well, there will be even more adoptable cutie goodness on Sunday at Williamspoint’s very own Muddy Paws.


As it would happen I know the folks who operate North Brooklyn Cats. Not only are they extremely dedicated, but they’re incredibly nice ladies to boot! Why not swing by and make the acquaintance of some of the finest felines to grace the Garden Spot of the Universe? Follows is a little footage of Avon (courtesy of Lisacat) to get you in the adoptable cutie spirit!

North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event
November 8, 2009 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York  11211

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution du Jour: Poop Talk

November 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 



Amy (who forwarded me the above photographs) writes:

hi, i just came across this note while walking my own dog, gladys.

notice how he or she spelled “filthy.”

gladys and are not responsible for the rogue shit (found on the corner of herbert and humboldt in greenpoint). it does appear as if gladys was trying to eat it though. she was. i do not condone this behavior.

Let this be a warning to you, rogue dog owners. This is the “new and improved” Greenpoint;we have standards!

Miss Heather

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