Reader Question/Contribution Du Jour: A Wreck On Dupont?

November 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Margot writes (in an email entitled “very scary looking smashup on Dupont”):

right now between manh. and mcguin. lots of uniforms, firetrucks, and one absolutely demolished looking car. i dont know how fast youd have to be going to end up looking like that. no idea what happened or whom it  happened to. sorry, no photos.


Well, as it would happen my buddy Laura (who took all photographs gracing this post) was on the scene and has the scoop.


And what a scoop it is.


She writes:

…I’m sorry that these are not the clearest pictures. I’m still getting used to the camera settings. I also didn’t reset the time on the photo. These photos were taken more like 4:35  and on. At 4:30 there were a few large crashes that rumbled the building so much that I felt it on the fifth floor. I heard that the vehicle got stuck in reverse from the second parking spot on the block, onto the sidewalk and past a few buildings. Thank God, few people were out front and were able to get out of the way. There’s usually loads of people hanging out there. Apparently, the vehicle first banged that grey car which banged the yellow car… As you can see the vehicle ended up on the stoop a few doors down. It took police over a half hour to respond. They wouldn’t even bother looking under the vehicle to see if there was anyone under it. A neighbor from the building got a flashlight and looked. Folks were worried and making sure everyone was accounted for. The vehicle took out the wrought iron recycling fence in front of my building. After many, many phone calls from many people, the fire department also arrived at 5:18.
They’re still working downstairs.


Jesus Christ.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Three

November 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Rainy Day Cafe?

November 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

rainy day cafe outside

rainy day cafe inside

nestor & avocado shake

Tony (who took the above photographs) writes:

We stumbled upon this new place on N. Henry between Meeker (BQE) & Engert. It’s called Rainy Day Cafe and what brought me inside was a sign for Avocado Shakes. Inside, we met the owner & chef, kinda of a camera-shy dude named Nestor whose creations come from Bali cuisine, but also felt a lot like a cafe you might find in California. The smoothie was made with fresh ginger, organic rice milk, avocado, honey & ice and was pretty tasty. He also makes dinner and it seats probably about 10 people total.  It’s definitely a completely random little place and not sure that many people have noticed it yet.

I certainly haven’t! Thanks for giving us the head’s up. I know where I’ll be going tomorrow— rain or shine!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: A Greenpoint Avenue PSA

November 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This evening the Mister and I took a good friend of ours out to dinner. We met at the B24 bus stop at the intersection of Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenue so as to sojourn to Sunnyside. As we were waiting the Mister found this.


These fliers are a dime a dozen in Greenpoint. The poster’s M.O. is consistent (if the message a bit daft): a flier is posted in Polish and beneath it is a flier in English. These are annotated with a Sharpie Marker to indicate what language is being employed. I have found these on buildings, derelict construction fences, call boxes. You name the flat surface and chances are one of these fliers is gracing it.

Truth be told I try to ignore them. I respect this person(s) opinion— he/she/they is entitled to it— but quite frankly I disagree. On some occasions I have the rhetoric contained in these missives to be downright offense. So I tune it out. Thankfully the Mister doesn’t engage in this practice. Tonight he found a real corker.


I want you to think about this fellow Greenpointers. Especially since it made me think of this:

I wonder if this is what happens when someone eats crabs from Newtown Creek (and they do. EAT CRABS. FROM NEWTOWN CREEK.)? I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Homelessness On The Rise?

November 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

homelessB (who took the photograph at left) writes:

So, I have found guys sleeping in my foyer (or whatever you would call the space between the open street door and the door that actually goes into the building) two nights running. I feel like homelessness in the neighborhood has exploded in no time at all. It’s like when we moved to the city some time ago. Am I wrong? There are so many people all of a sudden with no way to live. And I feel like I might be one of them soon. I am becoming very worried about the economy et al…

What do you think?

I am very grateful B took the time to bring this matter to my attention. The subject of Greenpooint’s homeless population is something I have written about before and have been meaning to follow up— but alas has been “lost in the shuffle”. Today I will endeavor to correct this egregious over sight.

Last week I (finally) commenced upon getting caught up on my blog/web reading. First and foremost on my list was the Greenpoint Reformed Church. Their latest missive contained some alarming (but sadly, unsurprising) news:

…Thanks to an incredible group of volunteers and the generosity of many donors, between 70 and 80 people are able to enjoy a delicious, healthy hot meal every Wednesday night. The food pantry continues to grow, with the line of people waiting for food often extending down the block to Franklin Street.

I have also been told that the demand on the Greenpoint Food Pantry this month (and last) is the greatest they have ever seen. They are increasingly seeing more and more families and senior citizens on fixed incomes needing help to put dinner on the table. I for one find this not only to be a truly sad occurrence but it is a damning testament to how this city treats its the ones who need help the most: children, the indigent and the elderly. A one way ticket out of town does not fill an empty stomach: it is merely kicking the can. But I digress.

Here are my thoughts/observations (regarding B’s email):

1. Yes, I have observed a noticeable increase of “unhoused” people in Greenpoint. Especially around the intersection of Greenpoint Avenue and Manhattan Avenue.

2. There is a difference between being “unhoused” and homeless— at least as far as our fair city is concerned. A substantial number of the folks who are sleeping on our sidewalks, in our parks and foyers have family who live here. These individuals often have substance abuse problems which have made living at home untenable for their loved ones. So they live on the street. Why don’t these guys go to a shelter, you ask? Well, they are precluded from doing so for a number of reasons. Among them:

  • If someone seeking shelter has family in the city he/she is ineligible to stay at a shelter (because they are, in New York City’s eye technically not homeless!).
  • As I mentioned previously, a number of homeless/unhoused people have substance abuse problems. Shelters forbid drug and alcohol use. This deters a great many of them from seeking shelter and/or help— even when he (or she) really needs it.
  • Our city’s homeless shelters are bursting at the seams as is.

3. The previous having been written, I have noticed a lot of new (and often very young) faces nowadays. Individuals who clearly do not hail from here and/or have friends or family who reside here. I often wonder where they are coming from. I have several theories about this:

  • Migration: These individuals have moved here— be it forcibly or voluntarily— from somewhere else. They have elected to stay here because Greenpoint largely turns a blind eye to homeless people. They are not liked, to be certain, but they are for the most part tolerated.
  • To clarify the previous point, some of you may or may not be aware the city homeless shelters in Manhattan are being phased out. They are being (re)located to the outer boroughs. The new(ish) homeless shelter in Crown Heights (for single men) is one such example.
  • There are more homeless (or “unhoused”) people in our city. If the lines at our local food pantry are growing— people who are one layoff or missed rent check from being on the street— chances are a great many more people just like them have already found their way there. This is why I do not disdain SROs (single room occupancy residences). Provided they are clean, well-maintained and managed (for the tenants’ sake/safety). SROs provide affordable housing to people who would otherwise find their way onto the streets. They may not be glamorous or sexy but SROs provide a much-needed service.
  • Drugs: I don’t know what the statistics are. What’s more, I don’t really need to read them. I have been seeing more and more evidence of heroin use, e.g.; people (youths mostly) nodding off on the street and used syringes in north Brooklyn.


The above hails from a luxury condominium site (designed by Karl Fischer) on Kent Avenue.

I do not profess to be an expert. I am not a social worker. But I have lived here for some time and as a result have the ability to see trends in the making; if the actual number of homeless people in this city is not going up, they are certainly becoming more “visible” in Greenpoint. Nonetheless we should not look upon these people as “statistics” or an inconvenience: they are living, breathing human beings. Just like us.

In closing I’d like to offer some solutions— or at least means to help alleviate the challenges we are facing as a community. Follows are a few things I would like you, dear readers, to consider:

1. Understand & Advocate: homelessness is not the problem. It is a symptom of a greater problem. Don’t get angry at the man sleeping in your apartment building foyer (B didn’t). Get angry at what put him there— and vote accordingly.

2. Volunteer: The Greenpoint Reformed Church has done a stellar job of serving north Brooklyn’s neediest. What’s more they’re really nice ladies. They need volunteers/help for their upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner and beyond. From their web site:

…There are some things that we cannot purchase from the Food Bank, and we have a new wish list:

* Large 12″ heavy duty Chinette paper plates
* Coffee
* Iced tea mix
* Ziplock bags (both freezer bags and sandwich bags)
* large heavy duty garbage bags (preferably big drum liners)
* heavy duty clear recycling bags
* three new heavy duty round garbage bins
* a hand washing sink (and someone who has the expertise to install it)

They are especially in need of additional volunteers with the following special skills:
* Polish language
* marketing and publicity
* web design and maintenance
* electrician
* plumber
* interior design/organization/storage/space usage
* big, strong, burly people who can act as a loving, yet forceful security-type folks

To learn more about how you can help make a real change in the lives of people who really need (and deserve) it email Ann Kansfield at: ann (at) greenpointchurch (dot) org

3. Go to Souper Trivia night and/or donate a prize!


Once again, you can learn more about this event (I will post a reminder next week) by contacting Ms. Kansfield the previously-listed email address.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Welcome Home

As the delay in today’s postage indicates I spent the day knocking around north Brooklyn. Days such as this one will become fewer and fewer as we bravely march towards winter. I make it a point to enjoy them while I can. And enjoy the day I did. That is, until I exited the G train at India Street.


It would appear that one of our fellow Greenpointers has experienced an acute fit of gastronomic distress. For those of you who are wondering (and you know who you are), it smelled even worse than it looks. It must have felt pretty darned good to have purged this from his (her?) body: the perpetrator saw fit to light up afterward. Nice.

Miss Heather

P.S.: This is gross— even by G train standards.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Repetition

November 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Diamond Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Ring My Bell

November 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather



November 22, 2009 ; 1:00 – 7:00 p..m.
3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

I never knew a rummage sale/swap required “curators”. But what do I know? I work at a junk shop. This could be fun!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: What Happened November 7?

November 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This was first brought to my attention by someone whose son is a friend of a someone involved, e.g.; via the Greenpoint grapevine. By that I mean the friend (of the son of my tipster) in question was allegedly beaten up by the police and went to the hospital. Per my tipster the fight started over a woman being harassed. Her son’s friend tried to intervene and police officers were knocking cameras out of the hands of bystanders. And busting heads.

I cannot profess to know the truth for the simple reason I was not there. But something very ugly came to pass that evening. Accounts vary, but it boils down to this: two men went to the hospital that night. And the NYPD had something to do with it.

This is interesting given the NYPD’s apparent blind eye to Club Exit, which has no less than two incidences of gun play in the last 18 months— and yet is still open for business. It should also be noted Blackout has been cited for not having a Cabaret License (and a personal visit from D. I. Fulton) because they (purportedly) had D.J.s spinning records.*


Miss Heather

*Per the website:

Any room, place or space in the city in which patron dancing is permitted in connection with the restaurant business or a business that sells food and/or beverages to the public requires a Cabaret license. This description is only a general explanation of which businesses need to have a Cabaret license…

You can read the rest here. Being somewhat of an expert on such stuff D.J.s do not a dance hall and subsequent debauchery make. By all appearances Club Exit does not have a Cabaret license, yet no one is citing them.

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