Found On Norman Avenue: Cat
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
As you can see this flier (which I found today on Norman Avenue) gives no identifying information about this lovely feline whatsoever. Nonetheless if this furkid looks familiar to you— or if you know who he (or she) might belong to— please give his (her) rescuer(s) a call at the above telephone number. Thanks!
Miss Heather
‘Tis The Season: 648 Humboldt Street
Since the afternoon proved to be sunny— if a bit brisk— I decided to go out for a walk. And in so doing I spied a number of homeowners busy hanging garlands, Christmas lights and other holiday mirth on their homes. When I finally reached my destination, 648 Humboldt Street (which some of you might recall are no slouches in the Halloween decoration department), I was pleased to find their holiday cheer in full swing.
Carousels, ferris wheels, candy canes, lollipops, ginger bread people and a nativity with Mr. and Mrs Claus presiding over the mirthmaking on the second floor.
All in all it is quite an impressive sight— but photographs don’t quite do it justice. Follows is a little video footage to help you appreciate the feast of the five senses that is 648 Humboldt. Enjoy!
I want to give a New York Shitty shout-out to the peeps of 648 Humboldt Street for this, their best Christmas display ever! In addition I would like to tender my heartfelt condolences to the residents of 646 and 650 Humboldt; I don’t think I could handle listening to that Christmas music ALL DAY.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Happiness is a Cold (War) Gun
As his recent Thanksgiving window display made all too clear Chris, the proprietor of T & N Wine and Liquor, is a man of— how shall we say— unique sensibilities. Needless to say when I noticed he has embarked upon his Christmas decor this afternoon I simply had to know what was in store. Chris was rather coy but he told me it would be pretty subdued. Noting the disappointed expression on my face Chris then gestured to me head to the last register. He had something to cheer me up.
This is an advertisement he recently placed with a Polish language publication. To truly appreciate the ad copy (which he translated to me and I will go into in a minute) one needs to take a closer look at the wares being advertised.
- Polish vodka in a “decorative” container aping an artillery shell.
- A “field artillery kit” consisting of a “bottle” of vodka in the form of a Kalashnikov, six shot glasses (or “bullets” as Chris called them) and a flask shaped like a grenade.
Which brings me back to Chris’s snappy copy (NOTE: this is highly paraphrased):
These will guarantee you a peaceful evening.
His rationale behind this cryptic statement:
If you have a gun no one will bother you.
Indeed. You will be delighted to know these items will be the centerpiece of Chris’s Christmas opus. I can hardly wait!
Miss Heather
From the New York Shitty Inbox: CONFIRMED!
Some of you might recall that a few weeks ago I received an anonymous tip that Vinnie’s (of Bedford Avenue renown) was going to open a second location in Greenpoint. Well, thanks to my buddy Caryn this tidbit from the Greenpoint grapevine has been confirmed!
In an email entitled “Seen in Wburg!” she writes:
Vinnie’s our favorite.
So there have you!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: OPEN!
When I saw the takeout menu laying on the counter at the junk shop when I got in this morning I braved the nasty weather and headed to 159 Greenpoint Avenue.
Sure enough, Sabor is open for business! Per the chef, Perry (can be seen above), Sabor has been open for “a couple of days”. They are still trying to straighten out the matter of their liquor license, but hope this will be in place next week. Until then Sabor will be decidedly dry. The previous having been written, what impressed me the most about their menu is the decent selection of vegetarian items. Perry assured me he has more veggie items in the works. I assured him this was most appreciated!
Sabor Latino Cuisine
Hours: Sunday – Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Delivery: YES!
159 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(347) 227-8531
You can view Sabors’s menu by clicking here.
Miss Heather
P.S.: On a related note, it would appear we are slated to get another Latin restaurant at 1049 Manhattan Avenue.
Or at least that is what the gentleman working there this morning told me!
Street Seating Du Jour: Scratch-off Dreams
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art
From Kingsland Avenue.
Miss Heather
‘Tis The Season: El Blablazo
When I received the above photographs from Christo this evening I knew I had to see what the guys behind El Blablazo were cooking up in person.
It is nothing short Greenpoint glorious!
The gentleman responsible for this masterpiece have assured me that they will resume decorating El Blablazo tomorrow. In addition, they told me anyone was welcome to come by and add decorations because this tree is (and I quote) “a public tree”!
El Blablazo Community Christmas Tree
1074 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: La Taverna Gets DOH’ed?
It’s proving to be a HOPPIN’ day at the New York Shitty inbox. Charles writes:
Need to snap a shot, but did you see La Taverna, the italian place at Java and Manhattan, was closed as per order of the health and mental hygiene dept? Ack!
I did a little poking around the New York City Health Department’s inspection records and the latest inspection dated from May— and La Taverna passed with flying colors. This certainly makes one wonder what happened. If you have the scoop please share via comments. Inquiring Greenpointers want to know!
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 3:45 p.m.: I did a walk-by. Whatever happened it appears to have been trivial because La Taverna will be open as of 5:00 p.m. this evening!
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