Dung of the Day: Reading is Fundamental
Filed under: 11222, Bum Shit, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Other Shit
This weekend I bumped into my buddy Beatrice, the lovely lady and former proprietress of Casa Mon Amour. After much catching up she busted my chops for deviating from my web site’s initial premise: shit. I explained to her that there is so much of interest going on in our humble ‘burgh that merde has fallen by the wayside. What’s more, over the years I have become much more selective about the scatological specimens I feature.
Luckily for her I found I most tantalizing tableau today right next door to the Viridian* at the South China Import Company! I will start with the arrow at far left.
Someone (or something) had a problem.
An attempt was made to clean up the problem using a flier advertising a summer shindig in Bridgeport, Connecticut: Gathering of the Vibes.
When this failed our intrepid pooper scooper used what was at hand. In this case, a paperback copy of Milan Kundera’s Book of Laughter and Forgetting.
Am I the only person who finds this sort of depressing?
Miss Heather
*Whose craftsmanship, I assure you, is stellar as ever.
I have no idea what this is about— and truth be told I don’t think I want to know. What I can tell you is it obstructs the sidewalk and I am none too happy about it.
Yes sir. I imagine this piece of affordable housing will find a tenant in no time!
Greenpoint Street Seating Du Jour: Added Value
The street seating (a partially disassembled office chair) in the above photograph is the least interesting thing going on here.
Rather, it is this objet d’art that caught my eye. Upon closer inspection I noticed it has been wired for some hitherto unknown purpose and sports a chain for easy hanging. If this is your sort of thing (and you know who you are) head over to 1079 Manhattan Avenue and pick it up. Just don’t complain to me if this creation blows your fuse box or gives you some unwanted houseguests!
Miss Heather
P.S.: While I am on vaguely the subject of trees, the El Blablazo community Christmas tree is looking pretty fabulous nowadays!
Many more ornaments have been added.
Here’s a view facing west.
Someone has even added a teddy bear. Too cute!
When I brought this to the attention of the creator of the tree pit that started it all at 1071 Manhattan Avenue, he was non-plussed:
Now you can’t sit on the bench.
Me: I think it is rather nice. I even hung a few ornaments on it myself and gave him some Christmas lights. We have no room whatsoever for a tree. I really like the fact they have created a community tree we can all add to enjoy. I’m certain after the holiday they will dismantle it and people can sit on it again.
Ever since he heard about you putting our tree pit on the Internet he has been trying to impress you.
He said. To wit I replied:
I am impressed! By the way, I like the backrest you added to your bench.
The 1071 Tree Pit Man: Thanks. The women were complaining about it being uncomfortable so I added it. I want people to be comfortable.
Methinks the rivalry heating up!
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Moon Over Manhattan Avenue
You can always leave it to the folks at Just for Fun to kick off the holiday season with style!
Miss Heather
From The New Shitty Inbox: Fatality on McGuinness Boulevard
When I received word about this (which comes courtesy of Gothamist’s news map) last night my heart sank. If my memory serves me correctly this makes two fatalities at this intersection this year. Obviously I do not know if the following was a factor (the details are scant) but it has been my observation that the cross walks at this intersection (and a number of others along McGuinness Boulevard) simply do not allow enough time for people to cross —especially in light of how fast motorists drive along this thoroughfare. Thoughts, anyone?
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 12:26 p.m.: I have just gotten word that pedestrian bicyclist (see comments) who was struck was a friend of a New York Shitty reader. Eryana writes:
…you may already know this by now, but yesterday’s fatality on Nassau and McGuinness was a Brooklyn soul DJ who was actually in a friend of mine’s band.
New York Shitty Day Starter: Festive Fur
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Crazy People, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
When this lovely lass (who happens to be named Pancake) came into the junk shop last weekend I simply had to take a picture off her festive holiday get-up. What’s more, these is something really neat about naming a dog— or any animal for that matter— after this foodstuff. It’s almost as cool as naming a cat “Babka”— and I know a few felines named just this!
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Reader Op Ed
Manhattan Avenue at Norman Avenue, 11222
Nassau Avenue at McGuinness Boulevard, 11222
Driggs Avenue at Russell Street, 11222
Tony (who took the above photographs) writes:
If there’s ever been a moment in my time in Greenpoint, where I have said to myself, “This is not good” it would be the recent home-made advertisements going up in the windows of several (too many!!) liquors stores for a vodka that is sure to do bad things to the already very alcoholic masses in Little Poland. Attached are three (of many more) adverts for “Spirytus Vodka”, which is an alcohol equivalent to Ethanol. My girlfriend & I bought a bottle of it as a gag gift last week because it was very cheap and the bottle itself looks less like a beverage and more like something found in someone’s garage or basement next to the paint strippers and gas can.
If you go to an alcohol distributor website they say this: “At a full 95% alcohol by volume, this is the strongest spirit on the commercial market. Alcohol at this strength can be very dangerous if consumed to excess – this should never be drunk neat, but rather used very sparingly as a ‘float’ to give cocktails an extra kick.” I’m going to guess that our fellow alcohol-addicted neighbors will not be using this as an “extra kick” and a product like this will only increase alcohol-related sickness and death in Greenpoint, not to mention increased compromises to our emergency care services.
I realize there’s a million other vodkas to choose from and yes, it is totally legal, but I am kind of disgusted with the obvious attempt by local liquor stores to shamelessly promote using ethanol as the best way to get from standing to half-dead on the sidewalk with this nasty stuff. All the soup kitchens and outreach have nothing on cheap deadly spirits available and advertised on every other block in our hood.
Tony makes a very salient point: while perfectly legal, is it ethical to sell such products in a neighborhood with one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the city? I also agree with Tony that while this product is intended to give cocktails an added “kick” it is all too likely some will see fit to drink this product “straight” with potentially fatal results.
While I do not want to sound like I am placing the responsibility for the alcoholism problem in this community squarely on the the providers of this product and others like it— there is without argument a measure of personal responsibility at play. However, when dealing with individuals who have a bona fide problem and as such cannot act in their own best interests at what point (if ever) does it become the responsibility of the community to do so (in this case, by not selling such products)? I do not profess to know the answer to this question— but I want each and every one of you to give it some thought nonetheless.
This is not simply the matter of a handful of afflicted individuals; it is a community problem.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Polemic
Today, having been as rainy and dreary as it is, has left me feeling sluggish. Needless to say this when I found this in my photo pool I perked up considerably. This item comes from Norman Avenue (note the public library in the background) and comes courtesy of janejai1000. Great find!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: Countess de Greenpoint Brooklyn
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek
My tipster writes (in regards to the above item which is for sale on Ebay):
It’s a fictional account of immigrants to Brooklyn. The title made me laugh out loud. I want to meet a Countess de Greenpoint!
So would I. I am the (self-appointed) Queen of the Shit Tits. I am not some strange woman lying in ponds distributing swords. Yes, I am strange but there is no way in hell I am going hang out in Newtown Creek handing out scimitars. It goes against my peaceful nature. What’s more:
This is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
But I’ve found some lovely filth up here!
Miss Heather
P.S.: The asking price for this book is $67.00.
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