New York Shitty Day Starter: Almost There…

December 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 









This selection of holiday goodness hails from Huron Street. On that note the postage for he next several days will be decidedly lite. Hey, even I need a break every now and then!

Happy Holidays!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Focus

December 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

Another Item From The New York Shitty Inbox: Best Christmas Lights in Greenpoint?

December 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 
peaceTHUMBJack writes:
Hi Miss Heather,
I’ve been subscribing to your blog for quite a while – I think you do an excellent job, really enjoy your posts. I’m eating dinner at Lomzynianka tonight and wanted to walk by some xmas lights afterward. What’s your suggestion on a ‘greatest hits’ of holiday lights in Greenpoint? Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kind words, Jack! I assure you they are much appreciated! That said, here are my recommendations:
  1. 648 Humboldt Street
  2. 97 Russell Street
  3. 57 Franklin Street
  4. Oak Street (all of it)
  5. Huron Street has two great houses: one is between Manhattan and McGuinness, the other is between Manhattan and Franklin. Trust me, you’ll know them when you see them.
  6. Hausman Street just north of Meeker Avenue
  7. And of course, there’s the El Blablazo Community Christmas tree (which graces this post). This can be found on Manhattan Avenue between Eagle and Dupont Street.
Have a delicious dinner and enjoy the holiday extravaganza, Jack! Speaking for myself I will be taking it easy. I have a very ambitious Christmas dinner to prepare. Last night I made vegetable stock and tomatillo sauce. I am pleased to announce no one was hurt!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: In Search of Greenpoint Kitsch

December 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

greenpointterminalTHUMBM writes:

Hey miss heather, just a quick question that you would probably have the answer to. I want to buy some greenpoint-branded clothing for the rents for christmas. where in the neighborhood might I find something like this? Cheers, keep it up.

Inasmuch as I know Greenpoint has been neither “branded” nor “commodified”, but I am certain I will be a facilitator when I give you this advice:

  1. T-shirts with the Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse can be had at Alter. If not available now, I’m sure the Alter Boys, Tommy and Roy, will accommodate your request. They’re great guys!
  2. Otherwise, I’d recommend the Polish American Bookstore for honest-to-god Polish goodness. Delightfully “ethnic”* items such as “Got Pierogi” t-shirts and beer steins, wine glasses and mugs replete with the Polish flag can be purchased there. The postcards are my personal favorite. Among them is one which reads “Greenpoint is O.K.” Classic. And at four for a $1.50 who can argue?

Polish American Bookstore
648 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Be sure to give Ellie a head scratch for me!

Miss Heather

*As in Polish, which in some part, I am. Along with Lithuanian, French, English, Swiss and a dash of Italian. But living in Greenpoint— which is probably not too far from where a number of my forebears settled into this country— has given me an appreciation of my roots, consonants and a sense of Polish pride!

New York Shitty Day Starter: Three Trees

December 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Lorimer Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Kuato Lives!

December 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


If this item (which hails from Manhattan Avenue) is any indication, it appear that the reports of Kauto’s death have been greatly exaggerated!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays!

December 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

por(even in it is a foster home) If there is one thing the whole, sad “Lucas affair” revealed it was that the guys at Pets on the Run have a lot of heart. oreoFor this reason I am very pleased to announce that while their beloved companion* may very well be gone forever, it didn’t stop these good fellas from opening up their store and their hearts to another wonderful feline in need of a good home. His name is Oreo and as you can see in the image to the right, he is rather found of rawhide sticks.

I have been told by Oreo’s new step-dad that he was not always the feisty, handsome, one year old meat-loving chap you see here. Apparently his owners were about to throw him on the streets when these guys got wind of it and took him in. It should also be noted that Oreo was also sporting a rather nasty cold and they have lovingly restored him back to good health. He has since shown his gratitude by meeting and greeting customers and providing a little in-store entertainment! Which brings me to the following footage I shot of this lad in action. Enjoy!

It is my understanding that Oreo will be up for adoption after he is neutered. I for one hope these guys elect to keep him. The Garden Spot of the Universe can never have too many shop cats!

Miss Heather

*Who is missed by many, including one little girl named Lucia who made this heart-wrenchingly sweet sympathy card which hangs over this establishment’s front door.


It reads:

I’m sorry Lucas got lost.

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: C.S.I.

December 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 



It would appear that Santa and his little helpers have paid an early visit to the India Street entrance of the Church Avenue bound G train! I wonder what killed this little fella? If I had to hazard a guess I’d say it was the MTA’s proposed service cuts.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Rowan for tipping me off to this splendid bit of holiday cheer!

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Fence

December 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


This stunning image comes courtesy of the i-Phone camera of Greenpointless. Beautiful shot!

Miss Heather

Tis The Season: The Nutcracker Suite

December 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Lorimer Street.

Miss Heather

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