Greenpoint Feral Furniture Watch: Special Parks Edition

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Feral Furniture, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Feral furniture McGolrick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Anyone in the market for a comfy chair take notice: this rather comfy model presently graces McGolrick Park.

Feral furniture McGoltick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Be advised, however, it is a bit of a “fixer-upper”. I am not even going to venture as to what it may sport in the way of “value-added”/”inhabitants”…




Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Old Glory

August 14, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Dog Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Hooliganism 

Fellow taking a photo turd with American flag nys

Old Glory as discovered on Freeman Street nys

Before anyone asks, no I am not responsible for this act of hooliganism (which hails from a tree pit on Freeman Street).

(Taken August 14, 2015.)

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: The Shit They Don’t Show You On “Girls”

August 13, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Something interesting happened on Manhattan Avenue yesterday evening. NOTE: This video contains “language”. So if you are work and do not want a summons from your Human Resources Department exercise caution. Conversely if you DO want HR to pay you a visit, play this good and loud. It contains pretty something to offend everyone. Happy Thursday!

Urban Artifact: For Your Eyes Only

August 10, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

For Your Eyes Only NYSjpg

Taken August 10, 2015.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Impede

August 5, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Taken by Jonathan Percy.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

TTB Manhattan Avenue nys

I am pleased to announce that not only has  “TTB” been successfully spelled out using Greenpoint’s medium of choice (empty liquor bottles) but the anonymous artist at work play has moved onto the next subway grate!

Manhattan Avenue FU nys

Hmm. I wonder what message our mystery artist wishes to share? I am going to go out on a limb here and predict something along the lines  of the following….

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Community Board 1 Brooklyn SLA Committee Meeting

Agenda SLA Committee CB1 BK 8 2015 nys

In all my years of authoring this site, I do not recall there ever being a meeting of any kind conducted by our local Community Board in the summer. I guess there’s a first time for everything. As you can see, gentle readers, the SLA Committee has quite a hefty agenda on their plate!

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Beautiful On The Inside

Beautiful on the Inside

Beautiful On The Inside 2 nys

Vitamin Water XXX nys

Taken July 30, 2015.

Quicklink: Special Moments In Internet Plagiarism Edition


Hmm. Something about this article seems eerily familiar. Oh wait, I remember! I emailed the good news about Jonathan and his $99.00 a night RV (all the way down to the baby wipes) on July 19th to Queens Crap. 10:34 PM, to be precise.

NYS to QC email July 19 2015 1034 pm 600

Queens Crap, in turn, published it. YESTERDAY. To whom shall I send an invoice for my research Ms. Dai and/or

UPDATE, 10:17 PM: it would appear that Curbed has given proper attribution (if not a link-back) to the proper sources. Ms. Dai has been asked for comment. Repeatedly. *chirp* *chirp*

UPDATE, July 22nd 1:32 PM: It would appear that Gothamist and the New York Daily News have jumped on the band wagon. So to speak. I have been assured by Ms. Carlson the Gothamist article will be amended so as to reflect the true sources. This leaves the latter. As for Ms. Dai, she claims that the editorial staff at made her drop the sources. Pretty funny since, after being called on it, they have seen fit to mention them now. This is shit you, as “consumers” of “news”, should think about…

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

Greenpoint Avenue July 9 2015 nys

It would appear these missives have finally made their way to this side of the East River. Not a minute too soon, I will add…

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