And Now A Word From Our City Councilman

North ‘Pointers who want to lend a helping hand to our less fortunate neighbors please be advised of— and share— the following. City Councilman Levin writes:

Thanks to Rev. John Merz, our office is setting up a temporary satellite at Church of the Ascension at 122 Java St. Rami Metal will be there from 10-6 throughout the weekend and we are collecting donations to send to those in need of supplies in the Rockaways, Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, Staten Island, Red Hook, and Downtown Manhattan. So far the response at our district office at 410 Atlantic Ave has been extraordinary, and we’re coordinating multiple trips every day (special thanks to the volunteers who has lent their cars) but it’s been very difficult for Greenpointers to get down here.

Donations that are particularly needed right now are:
-non-perishable food, baby food
-clothing, baby clothing
-work gloves
-large garbage bags, cleaning supplies, basic tools

Rami can also help with Con Ed and small business issues and Congresswoman Maloney’s office has offered to help with FEMA, small business, and other issues as well…

Thank you Greenpoint/Williamsburg!

No, thank you Mr. Levin and Reverend “Pastor-in-Charge” Merz!

New York Shitty Day Starter: East River Ferry Service Resumes Today…

November 1, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

but not for Greenpoint!


From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Flooded At 400 McGuinness

October 31, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A lass named Laura opines:

My husband took these photos of the shelter. They can’t say they weren’t warned. As I’ve said before, a shelter should be a safe place.

Not only do I agree, I find it sad that our city’s homeless have been (once again) rendered homeless. Closing on a (somewhat) related note, has anyone heard what is going on regarding the respite shelter slated to hours our local homeless? Per our City Councilman, Steve Levin, at the last 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting this was to open November 1st. Now I am hearing November 15th. Given that we have just received our first taste of wintry weather I (and I imagine a fair number of my fellow Greenpointers) are quite concerned as to when this wonderful (and long overdue) endeavor will commence.

If anyone has the 411 on what’s going on please share via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

G Is For…

Gee, where the hell is it?

The above-depicted is a map the MTA has issued apprising its patrons of subway service slated to be restored tomorrow, November 1st, 2012. As you can see our beloved Crosstown Local is, um, MIA. Or would that be MII (Missing In Inaction)? In any case, those of you who have been enjoying a furlough from your daily commute (and want to forward it to your supervisors) can grab the link for this map by clicking here.*

UPDATE, 7:25 p.m.: Here’s a Service Alert from the ever awesome Chair of Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee.

Thanks Willie!

UPDATE, 11:32 p.m.: I cannot believe I forgot that the East River Ferry will be resuming service tomorrow as well! You can view their schedule by clicking here.


*Props go out to the incomparable Bitchcakes for bringing this to my attention. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: From The Citizens Committee For New York City

Right now there are many New Yorkers who could use a helping hand— and plenty of good Samaritans who would like to do just that: help their neighbors in their time of need. For these reasons I was absolutely delighted to receive the above missive from the Citizens Committee for New York City this afternoon! Those of you who have questions (or simply want more information) can/should contact Emi at the above-listed email address. Otherwise, here you go:


Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Milton Street

This post is dedicated to all of the little ghosts, ghouls and goblins I saw while knocking around the Garden Spot today. May your candy be plentiful (and and be constituted of chocolate)!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Turn Out The Lights

A fellow named Edmond Hawkins writes:

Filmed from Greenpoint Brooklyn I was able to get the before and after of the NYC skyline as half of the power went out in Manhattan.

Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Edmond!

The Word On The Street: Special October 31st Edition

All of you, dear readers, are undoubtedly aware, today is Halloween. What you may not be aware of is today is special (at least to yours truly) for another reason. I’ll let the following heartfelt exchange from Chez Shitty clue you in as to why.

The Mister (working from home): Did you make enough coffee for both of us?
Me: Of course I did. We need to celebrate this most momentous occasion.
Mister: Happy anniversary.
Me: No, the landlord turned the heat on.*

(roars of laughter from the Mister and yours truly)

Here’s to seven years of fucking up.

Photo Credits/Props: Go to Lindsay Dubs for granting yours truly permission to share this photo. Thanks!

*It’s true. The last time this happened was in August. I am not kidding.

Happy Halloween From New York Shitty!

That’s right: it is yours truly’s favorite day of the year! Have a happy and safe one, folks!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint Avenue

Taken October 30, 2012.

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