From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Replaced!

Jay writes:

New access cover on Monitor street. Third replacement this year. There’s still a month left in 2011 for this one to get swiped, too.

Closing on a related note, yours truly recently went on a sojourn in Maspeth. Follows is a revue of my findings from Grand Avenue between 57th Street and 47th Street. Enjoy!

For those of you who are keeping count this tops the number of plundered man holes gracing our very own McGuinness Boulevard (the previous record holder at 12).

Mazel Tov, Maspeth!

P.S.: If it is any consolation to us north Brooklynites, the plaque gracing the King’s Country end of the Grand Avenue/Street Bridge has been “liberated”.

Special thanks goes out to Brooklyn Imbecile, my traveling companion for the day, for allowing me to post the above two photos. Thanks!

Via The North Brooklyn Community Group: Alert!

This item comes from (no kidding) C-Town’s Tumblr page. Please, please exercise caution when out and about ladies— especially late at night! In closing, I will leave you with some food for thought: Diane Jackson (of the Cooper Houses) has been very vocal at 94th Precinct Community council meetings about criminal activity in her corner of the neighborhood. Some of these incidences have been very violent:


Neither the Cooper Houses nor the homeless shelter at the former Greenpoint Hospital are very far from where these women are being assaulted. Whether or not the same guys are responsible is anyone’s guess. However, it does make it all too clear that people— especially senior citizens and women— who live in this area need to be very, VERY vigilant of their surroundings and exercise caution. Stay safe, folks!

Miss Heather

Found On Meeker Avenue: Missing

Taken June 28, 2011.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Charles J. King

Charles J King Iron & Steel Scrap: Bushwick Brooklyn

Last night I received a call from Chris Arnade. He wanted to know where this building was located (Grand Avenue) and how he could learn more about about its founder: Charles J. King. I suggested the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives and later did a little digging. I didn’t learn anything about the man behind this wonderful building— but I learned who he was not. Without further ado I present for your April Fool’s Day delectation a case of mistaken identity and a slipped mickey courtesy of the December 16, 1900 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Enjoy!

So there!

Miss Heather


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: The Maspeth Three

October 10, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11378, Crazy Cat Lady, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens, Queens 

That my friends is a defensive line....

Taken by Carnade.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: Two Feet, Two Boroughs, Three Bridges & Four Hours

As I intimated yesterday I took a four hour photo walk with an occasional contributor to the New York Shitty photo pool and full-time Greenpointer: Noah Devereaux. He was the tour guide. Where he went, I followed. Chattering a great deal of the way. The following should give you some idea of our route.

We started at Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenue at 6:00 p.m. and, almost four hours later, ended up back there. The following slide show (including the lovely, if surreal, shots of the ecological wonder that is English Kills— which grace the beginning of this post) features everything in between. Enjoy!

As always you can (and should) view these images in large format by clicking here.

Miss Heather

People In Our Neighborhood: Summertime

July 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Keap Street


South 4 Street


Bedford Avenue


Grand Street


North 5 Street


Nassau Avenue





Manhattan Avenue


Franklin Street


Greenpoint Avenue

Miss Heather

A Trip Down Dog Shit Row

April 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Other Shit 


A recurring theme brought up at Bob’s memorial last week was how the Internet can bring like-minded people together. This was certainly the case after the service: at long last I finally had the opportunity to meet the brains behind some of my favorite blogs*. We were present that Saturday afternoon for one reason: to celebrate Bob’s life and work as yes, grieve.

Thankfully not all web comradeship is so serious in nature. Take my friend Yotidadnmom, for example. He first entered my life via an email entitled how’s this for shitty, took it with my cell phone, sorry for the poor quality. Attached was one of the most revolting and substantial bowel movements I have ever seen (Caution: click the previous link at your own risk). After regaining my composure (and lunch) I replied as follows:

Looks like someone needs to eat more fiber. Where, may I ask, did you find this?

To wit he replied:

I’m a construction worker who does station rehabs for the MTA i find shit on walls columns, tunnels etc etc .. i’ll send u pics of shit as i find em…

Impressed and intrigued I wrote back:

Man, I bet you see all sorts of crazy shit. Thanks!

u have no idea .. big shit , small shit , smelly shit , rat shit, people shit , soft shit ,hard shit ….god i work in a world of shit

he replied. The previous dialog came to pass in May of 2008 and ever since I will occasionally find some new piece of “treasure” my intrepid turd enthusiast has found for my edification waiting for me in my inbox. Usually first thing in the morning over my first cup of coffee.

This week, mercifully enough, my Internet friend did not send me a jpg. Rather, he sent me a solitary link in an email entitled Thought of You. Curious to see what my brother in bowel movements had discovered, I pointed and clicked my way over to Brooklynian. Here is what I found:


Now I have seen a lot of shitty sidewalks in my day. For this reason I have a certain amount of cynicism when someone calls this (or her) block in this case St. Mark’s Avenue between Grand and Classon Avenue, “Dog Shit Row”. Wishing to see how shitty this street really was I dusted off my Metrocard and checked it out for myself. Follows is what I found. Enjoy!

Is this the shittiest block I have ever seen? Not by a long shot. Nonetheless I’d be very mindful of where I step if I were you!

Miss Heather

*Like Best View In Brooklyn, for example. And while I am on the subejct I’d like to thank Nicole Davis of Brooklyn Based for the amazing work she did on this event— she was sort of overlooked at the service. Great job!

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