Long Island City Photo Du Jour: Dutch Kills

March 4, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Queens, Street Art 

Okay, I had to do something here I really dislike: creating a mash-up of three separate images. Unfortunately I was precluded from getting a panoramic view by a parked car. In any case, you can see a larger version of this image by clicking here. Or better yet go to 43-17 Dutch Kills Street and see it for yourself!

Miss Heather

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: Smart Crew

March 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Street Art 

From Jackson Avenue.

Miss Heather

A New York Post “Exclusive”

May 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Plagiarism 


On May 7, 2009 Animal New York wrote:

The New York Post published a graffiti story in today’s paper that New York Shitty posted earlier in the week, simply confirming the Greenpoint-based blog’s observations and comments with an expert, then declaring the mysterious tags to be “Nazi cult graffiti.”

When this was brought to my attention yesterday (thanks Animal New York and Gothamist) I was literally speechless. When I noticed that Mr. Doyle and Mr. Sanderson had the temerity to call this sensationalist schlock an “exclusive” I got angry. Very. Angry. And thus I feel compelled to give these gentleman a refresher course in Journalism 101:

Culling previously published material from a web site— material, I will add, that was linked to by Gothamist and Brownstoner, among others— and trotting out an expert to verify “your” findings does not constitute an “exclusive”. It is plagiarism, plain and simple.

Those of you reading this who feel the same way and wish to remind Mr. Doyle of this fact can contact him via email at: john (dot) doyle (at) nypost (dot) com

Tell him New York Shitty sent you.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 5/8/09: Mr. Doyle responds to a New York Shitty reader! Not only does he deny any plagiarism on his part, but it would appear he cannot spell the word for that matter. Whoops.

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Jack Nicholson

March 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From North 6th Street.

Miss Heather

A Little Greenpoint Trivia: 1922-2007

December 16, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

While the above graffiti (which hails from Green Street) is hardly anything new (it’s been around for just over 1 1/2 years now), in light of some asshole’s recent defacement of most them I have been behooved to finally write a post it here on New York Shitty. Any of you out there care to guess what this star shape and set of dates is referencing? I know what it is and its pretty darned neat!

Miss Heather

P.S.: For the reveal click here.

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