Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: If You Leave It, They Will Come

December 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Crosstown Local 

From the Queens-bound platform at Bergen Street.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Wish Fulfillment

December 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic 

From the Queens-bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue.

Miss Heather

Dysfunction Junction: Crosstown Local Co-Dependency

December 7, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I have often wondered why the MTA does not host “meet your station manager” days for the Crosstown Local (as they do for other subway lines like our tonier sister the L). Initially I chalked this up to the Transit Authority’s desire not to have their employees screamed at and pommeled with brickbats by a very angry public. Last night at Metropolitan Avenue, however, I finally learned the truth: the very G train itself is more than happy to field inquiries from concerned commuters. What’s more, this four car wonder will put it in writing!

Behold the Crosstown Local wailing wall. It is located at the southern end of the Smith – 9th bound platform.

Dear G Train
Well sorry about those things i said about you last week
But the thing is, you are never here for me Seriously why? Please please
come here pick me up, be there for me? is that (so much to ask?)


Dear Gutter:
I don’t have much time, but you should know that whenever I’m here, you’re not. And when you’re home I’m out, scouring the old paths – looking for you. I’ll always be here on my way there. Where will you be?
Love, G.


You only come see me when you need a ride.
Stop using me, freeloader!


G train- You’re A Slut! Give anyone A RIDE!

Oy vey. Where is Doctor Phil when you need him?

Miss Heather

*As sponsored by HSBC because different values make the world a richer place penis!

Brooklyn Photo du Jour: Alphabet City

December 6, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

From Smith Street.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photos du Jour: TD Bank

December 6, 2008 ·
Filed under: Ft. Greene, Greenpoint Magic 

Smith – 9th Bound Platform at Fulton Street

Queens-bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue

Miss Heather

Best. Subway Announcer. EVER.

November 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic, Queens 

G train patrons are used to getting the shaft. Once we had not just the G but also the GG. The previous was an express line, the latter was local. As you can see nowadays it’s all local —and soon to be even even more so. A reader of mine wrote:

…did you see this thing about the g-train? What does halved G service mean? Half as many trains or half as many stops? I assume this means Greenpoint’s gentrification is essentially over?

Does this surprise me? Hardly. The MTA has harbored a hard-on to cut off service to Forest Hills for a very long time. Given the Solomon-like wisdom the our rapid transit system exercises I suspect they’ll cut G train riders in half and demand $1.25 a ride for ransom. The same goes for (J)M(Z) trainers. What happens in working class Brooklyn doesn’t matter. Keeping up appearances in Manhattan (for the turistas) is what’s important. Priorities folks, priorities.

The previsou having been said we Crosstown Locals have one thing to be can be proud of: finest subway announcer I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. The MTA can cut service and up subway fares all they want but if they fire this dude I’ll be PISSED. ROYALLY.

Hmm… haven’t I heard this voice before?

Open the pod bay doors, Hal!

Miss Heather

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