An Update Regarding The Greenpoint Ferret

September 22, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear his rightful keeper (paws crossed) has been found! Sara writes:

A woman called today to say that the ferret we found belongs to her daughter.  His name is Buddy and he ran out the front door 3 days ago.  She will be reunited with him this evening (I asked her to bring pictures as proof of ownership as we’ve been getting some interesting calls from interested ferret enthusiasts)  I’d like to thank David, Anastasia and Jay for being kind enough to collect him from the street and bring him here and thank you to the lovely woman who brought him an array of ferret food and accessories to make him comfortable as well as passing out our flyers. I’ll let you know if anything changes.Thanks for your help with the blog.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Take Me Home!

September 21, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember that ferret I mentioned being found last night? Well, here he is! Sara of Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital writes:

Hi Heather,
We haven’t heard from the good samaritans as far as making flyers.  We are trying to have one of them bring him to Sean Casey near Fort Hamilton Pkwy today but one said he cannot help until this weekend and the couple says they are working today but the guy may be able to get out of work early and transfer him tonight or try to find an available friend.  If they cannot bring him to Sean Casey today then our staff will try to get him there but probably won’t happen today.  Here is a flyer and some pictures- We don’t know much about him.   He was found trying to run into traffic on manhattan ave and 3 people put him in a box and brought him to the hospital around 8:30 last night.  He is beige/red/brown, appears healthy, some slight discharge from his left eye and had very long nails.  He was a little dirty around his face and very friendly, almost too mellow according to my coworker who has had ferrets before.  We can see a neuter scar, a dark blue-ish blotch on his abdomen which I’m not sure if is some kind of identification.  Also has 2 grey spots on his right ear that I was told may be a tattoo.  I left him with cat food but doesn’t seem interested.
Let us know if you need anything else and we’ll keep you updated on his location.
Anyone who knows to whom this little fellow this belongs should call or email the Sara at : gpointvet (at) gmail (dot) com or give them a ring at: (347) 529-4345. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Anyone Lose A Ferret?

September 20, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

At/near the corner of Nassau Avenue and Leonard Street, to be more specific. If so, I am pleased to announce that he (she?) has been found— safe and sound —thanks to none other than Greenpoint’s pre-eminent veterinarian: Brad Seaman! More details (including a flyer) are forthcoming. However, in the meantime, if you happen to be the keeper of this ferret (or know who is) please shoot the Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital an email at: gpointvet (at) gmail (dot) com or give them a ring at: (347) 529-4353. Thanks!

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