New York Shitty Day Starter: Double Header

July 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Dupont Street.

Miss Heather

From The Greenpoint Grapevine: More About The Dupont Street Suicide

July 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Remember the dead body recently found on Dupont Street? I do— one does not easily forget such things. In my initial post about this tragic passing of events I reported the person was homeless. I have since heard buzz that this is not the case.  Anonymous writes:

so i just got some more sad details about the suicide on dupont. (this is second hand from a neighbor, i still need to confirm)

it turns out that the guy wasn’t homeless, but lived with couple other older polish people on the second floor of my bulding at 139 dupont st. i guess his wife decided to go back to poland and he stayed here, residing somewhere else.

i guess he then decided to take his life. i guess he was found with a bag over his head and a noose, and had been there for some time. a few of us on the block had noticed a stench about a month ago, but put it down to rats or it just being greenpoint.

i didn’t personally know this man, but would seem him often, coming into my building drunk. he always wore workers clothes and looked like he’d lived a tough life, hard to tell how old he was, probably in his 50’s but looked older.

i do know that the apt he lived in was vacated recently and i hadn’t seem him around, though one night he was sleeping in the hallway.(not the first time i’d seen this, i don’t think he actually had keys to get in the building, they always seemed to buzz him in or look out the door when the heard someone coming up the steps.)

when they found the body, it looks like they had found a piece of wood that he had scrawled a note on.
i overheard another polish man translating it for the cops, and on it was my address and 131 dupont, with the message to give his tools to someone named ritchey,

there hasn’t been any activity on the consctruction site since the fall or early winter. one neighbor says they saw workers go in there on the day before the cops came, and they ran out. he also thought that they might have been (undocumented workers) and probably didn’t want to get involved, the guy who found him the next day was english speaking.

that’s about all i know.

it sounds like a really sad story, esp now that i know the guy was a neighbor and i can put a face to him

Indeed. But one need not have known this man to feel genuine sadness for the circumstances that led up to his suicide. I suspect I speak for many when I write that I hope he has at long last found the peace that so eluded him in life.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Dead Body On Dupont?

July 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 


Smitty writes:

hey heather

not sure of the details yet, but looks like they found a body in a construction site on my block dupont between manhattan and mcquiness. detectives here now, coroner hasn’t shown up yet
Stevie writes:
i didn’t know if you knew, but body was found in a stalled construction site between Manhattan and McGuiness.  The site was next door to an acquaintance of mine.  I can’t see to remember if he lives on clay or dupont.  just didn’t know if you knew.
I do now. Yikes!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 3:15 p.m. Smitty writes:

update on the dead guy- they found a note scrawled on a piece of plywood, and there’s a polish guy trying to read it, there’s five cops all with their notepads out

UPDATE, 7/8/09; 1:45 p.m.: I have it per a reliable source this was a suicide. Apparently the man in question (a Polish gentleman who was reputedly homeless) left a note (on a piece of plywood, no less) and hung himself. His body had decomposed quite a bit by the time it was discovered. This begs the question how many more derelict construction sites in north Brooklyn have been or will be employed for nefarious purposes? My guess: quite a few.

It should also be noted the property in question, 141 Dupont Street (also known as 98 Clay Street) has quite a history of non-compliance per the Department of Building’s web site.

ECB Violations

Not that the Department of Buildings has seen fit to actually do anything about this, of course.

The Gowanus Lounge (at my prompting, it should be added) wrote about 141 Dupont Street as far back as March 7, 2007. Robert Guskind also wrote about this site again on April 4, 2007 and June 21, 2007. In the former he quite presciently opined:

…Not be cynical, but one can sense the tragic way this could go. A couple of children will be injured or killed somewhere in Greenpoint or Williamsburg, where there are dozens, if not hundreds of demolition and construction sites with flimsy fences and ones that are open wide enough for a child. Afterwards, the Department of Buildings will finally react….The interesting question is why the Department of Buildings doesn’t devote a couple of hours to the task. We don’t feature these things because we’ve got a fence fetish. Rather, every time we see one, we picture a child, a pet, or the occasional idiotic drunk stumbling into one spots and getting hurt or killed.

Or, as we have learned today: killing one’s self.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Gearing Up For “The Bounty”

June 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Happy B DayNYS

Tomorrow they will commence filming The Bounty, an “action/comedy” featuring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler right here in Greenpoint. Provided the weather holds. When I told one of the men charged with overseeing the last minute preparations that the weather is going to be iffy, he said:

We’ll work with it.

You gotta love an attitude like that. Here’s a slide show of how things were shaping up when I walked by today. Enjoy!

To close on a more local note Champion Coffee, arguably one of the best purveyors of java in north Greenpoint, will be closed until June 19th.


Coffee lovers needing a Monday (Tuesday and Wednesday) morning commute caffeine fix should plan accordingly. My recommendation: Cafecito Bogota. Not only are the co-proprietors of this business incredibly nice chaps, but the cholados are amazing!

Miss Heather

Borough Of Found Toys: Special Puerto Rico Day Edition

June 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Boriquen Bear

It’s been a while since I have hit you with some found toy goodness. This is not due to lack of vigilance on my part; I have found an errant play thing here or there— just not enough to merit a post. That is, until today. I have a bevy of beauties to share with you from points Green and beyond. Enjoy!

PR Day On Dupont StNYS

Dupont Street

Noble Street

Noble Street




North 6 Street



Bedford Avenue


South 2 Street


Alas poor Pooh!

Pooh TooNYS

North 8 Street

Caught in concertina wire with neither Piglet nor Tigger or even Eyeore to save him! It just goes to show that sometimes it’s better for a bear to leave that hunny pot be…

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Dupont Street

May 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Dear Homeowner:

As you may be aware, your property is locateed within an area designated to be rezoned by the Department of City Planning and the City Council in the next few months. This rezoning, which includes restrictions on building size, will have a significant impact on your property (Investment) and will have an impact on your rate of return.

New York laws provide affected property owners with only a limited time to protest these changes. We encourage you to participate in the public hearing on Wednesday JUNE 3, 2009 @ 10AM at Spector Hall located at 22 Reade Street New York, New York.

Go the to the following web sites for more information:

Click to access zoning_proposed.pdf

These zoning changes come 3-4 years far too late. Please, come and make a difference.

Protect you retirement investment.

Speaking as someone who thinks the previously mentioned proposed “downzone” doesn’t go far enough I’d love to know who the “we” behind this flier is! Somehow I can’t shake the feeling this missive was not the product of some local mom and pop landowner.

Miss Heather

More Notes From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

May 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


My colleague Graham T. Beck of Streetsblog has published his account of this week’s Community Council Meeting. I strongly recommend that anyone interested in the details surrounding the car chase which resulted in Violetta Kryrzak’s death give it a read. Those of you who have not done so already can read my take (and watch video footage of the proceedings) by clicking here.

Miss Heather

TODAY: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

May 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


If my inbox is any indication now the 94th has a bank robbery (of the HSBC Bank on Manhattan Avenue) and an armed robbery at Milton Street and Franklin Street on Saturday, May 16, 2009 in addition to a vehicular homicide and someone under the assumption the Abundant Life Assembly Church (as depicted above) was a drive thru confessional for stolen motor vehicles to account for. Bring your lawn chairs, popcorn and camcorders fellow Greenpointers. This will undoubtedly be a good one.

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
May 18, 2009 (that’s next Monday folks!) starting at 7:30 p.m.
Capital One Bank (AKA: The Greenpoint Savings Bank)
Calyer Street Entrance
807 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks to Jay for the tip!

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Little Apples In The Big Apple

May 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


This most unexpected find hails from a junction box on Dupont Street just east of Manhattan Avenue. While hardly the most stylish or refined example of street art to be found in the Garden Spot of the Universe these apples brought a smile to my face. I hope they did the same for you!

Miss Heather

More People In My Neighborhood: Springtime Edition

May 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Greenpoint Magic 

Now that the family has come and gone I am left with the daunting task of sorting all the photographs I have taken over the last week. Follows are a few select shots of my fellow Greenpointers. Enjoy!


A Greenpoint Avenue grandma for lunch.


Nodding off in front of Mickey D’s.


Waiting for the bus with a smile and a song!


Love, Kent Street style.


Nap time at Java Car Service.


Picking a winner at Tommy’s Tavern.


Grabbing a handful at Dupont Street.

Miss Heather

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