From The New York Shitty Inbox: Digusting

This very disturbing item comes from a person we’ll call “B”. He writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

I just wanted to let you know that my wife and I were walking our dog last night on west and eagle and came across a garbage bag with at least one probably two dead pit bulls in it…It was truly horrible and heartbreaking as they looked like they were used for fighting and then just tossed out in a black garbage bag…I don’t know what kind of despicable person would do such a thing. We called the ASPCA animal cruelty hotline, but they said they can’t really do anything unless you see the crime in progress and instructed us to call sanitation or 311…so I guess they would just be picked up and disposed of. I hope you can put the word out to people to keep an eye out for anyone dumping anything around there. It was really nasty and there was blood everywhere on the ground…not sure if the bag is still there at this point, but hopefully someone will see something next time and we can catch these bastards.

I have reached out to the 94th Precinct in the hope I can find out:

  1. If this has been brought to their attention and
  2. what is the standard protocol if someone (god forbid) comes across something like this in the future.

Update, 4:21 p.m.: Here’s what I have heard from D. I. Hurson.

Miss Heather, just got your e-mail… I have not heard of any dog fighting in Green point. It sounds from your email that the dogs were dumped on West street (since it can be somewhat deserted. If anyone suspects dog fighting they should call 911 immediately.

So there you go.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: Meet Hector

April 5, 2010 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn 

Being a lover of Pits (Greenpoint has many) and a hater of dog fighting I feel compelled to pass this item along. It comes courtesy of a gentleman named Thaddeus. He writes:

Hector the Pitbull will be at Brooklyn Law School on Wednesday 4/7 @ 1pm for a humane education lecture about pit bull myths.

Hector is one of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting operation.  Hector was a fighting dog and carries the external scars of his former life, but he is now a certified therapy dog and humane educator – showing that those scars were not internal.

We would love it if you would come to Brooklyn Law School and meet Hector and share the event with your readers.

The event is open to the public though we request all attendees RSVP to bls (dot) saldf (at) gmail (dot) com so we can get them past security.

Meet Hector
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 starting at 1:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Law School
Student Lounge
250 Joralemon Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Miss Heather

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