From The New York Shitty Inbox: Preserve The G Train Extension!

This petition was brought to my attention by its creator: Lincoln Restler, Democratic State Committeeman for Brooklyn’s 50th Assembly District and all-around great guy. If you agree with me that this is one change the MTA has made that is worth keeping, please take a moment to sign this petition. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Lose Something?

February 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Ditmas Park, Urban Artifact 

This mystery item comes courtesy of my buddy down south, Flatbush Gardener. He writes:

Today’s thaw revealed a lost treasure in a snow bank on Marlborough Road. Blog Widow and I were on the way to the subway to enjoy the day when we stumbled across (something). As I was taking the photos, a car pulled up to the light alongside us.
There were two passengers: the woman driving (WD) and a man I took to
be her father riding shotgun (FS):

WD (yelling across FS to me through the open car window): Did you get a good shot?
Me: Yes!
WD: It’s a turd, isn’t it?
Me: Um, no, it’s not.
WD: It’s a turd.
FS: It’s not a turd.
Me: No, but it’s the same vicinity.

For the reveal click here. Go ahead. You will not be disappointed!

I want to take a moment to thank Flatbush Gardener for bringing this lovely find to my attention. Believe it or not, it brings back a very fond memory for yours truly. You see, a long time ago I lived not too far from where this chap calls home. One summer day I was walking to McDonald Avenue and I found a most curious item: a brass picture frame with a couple of Polaroids in it. These were affixed to a rather greasy-looking piece of cardboard. I quickly deduced the “subject” of said photos had at one time accompanied them. It was nowhere to be found. That’s when I came to the realization Prospect Park South was way more hoppin’ than I ever imagined.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Cortelyou PSA

October 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Ditmas Park, Flatbush 



These images do not hail from north Brooklyn (they come from the intersection of East 17 Street and Cortelyou Road). But when Flatbush Gardener brought these finds to my attention I simply had to pass them along here. Nice catch, Xris!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: From Gowanus To Ditmas

June 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Ditmas Park, Flatbush, Kensington 

Today’s slide show will take us on a venereal journey from the alpha:


The Gowanus Canal as seen above, replete in its septic, aromatic and Gonohorreaic glory, to Kensington, Ditmas Park, Flatbush (the shots of the old Loew’s Theatre are my favorites) and back again to Kensington for the omega:


S.T.D. Wines and Liquors at 89 Church Avenue.


Miss Heather

P.S.: For more information about the fetid state of the Gowanus Canal watch this. And take note that our very own David Yassky— the ostensible chair of the Newtown Creek Monitoring Commitee— and frequent “no show” (he sends his P.R. hack Rami Metal instead) is against super-funding Gowanus. If Gowanus goes will Newtown Creek be next? I wouldn’t rule out the possibiliy. Ours is the best government developers can buy.

Great Moments In Marketing: Special Flatbush/Ditmas Park Edition

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Culture War, Greenpoint Magic 



This example of marketing savvy comes courtesy of my friend down at Flatbush Gardener. He writes:

There’s more story behind the photo, too. As soon as I stood in front to take a picture, the (presumed) owner came out, with two or three of his staff. He wanted to know what I was doing. Not aggressive at all, just seemed concerned. I told him I was taking a picture of his sign.

What are you doing?
Me: Taking a picture of your sign.
Owner: Why?
Me: You know it’s misspelled, right? It’s supposed to be “Taliban”, right?
Owner: Are you going to get me in trouble?
Me: I don’t see why.

I went on to explain that I already had a “Taliban scarf” – what I
know as a keffiyah – I just wasn’t wearing it at the time.

Owner: What color is it?
Me: Red.
Owner: I have lots of colors inside.
Me: I know, I saw the sign (pointing to the sign that says “More colors inside”!)
Owner: Come inside.
Me: I don’t need another one right now.
Owner: Come inside.
Me: [Thinking there is some non-zero danger of being recruited for something] Another time.

The sign is still up.

Say what you will about this chap’s advertising prowess (or lack thereof), it’s still better than this or this.

Miss Heather

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