LAST GASP: Found On Graham Avenue

If you know who this kitty belongs to please contact his (or her) good Samaritan at the above telephone number.


Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Pastoral

From Devoe Street.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: <3


This little bit of sunshine for this dreary day comes from Devoe Street.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: The Trees Have Eyes…

a nose…


and a mouth!


From Devoe Street.

Miss Heather

Found on Devoe Street: Cat



This dignified male tabby (note the ascot) was found Tuesday on Devoe Street between Judge and Olive Street. His good Samaritan, Sarah, estimates his age to be about one year and reports:

He does not seem as though he has been out too long, probably less than a week. He was hungry, scared and tired.

If this is your cat please contact Sarah at essdotweather (at) yahoo (dot) com.


Miss Heather

Snapshots From East Williamsburg

When the weather is amenable I like to stroll around the more industrialized parts of Williamsburg. I find the heterogeneous character of this area fascinating. You have houses that are very, very old nestled among much newer neighbors. Warehouses mostly. I find something strangely beautiful about this. Follows are a few selections from my latest jaunt. Enjoy!


Grand Street



Morgan Avenue


Devoe Street




Catherine Street

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Devoe Street


This post is dedicated to Mister Heather— who not only identified the airplane in question as a B-52* but humored me when I stopped to take this photograph while we were walking home. He was grumpy because he didn’t get dessert.

Miss Heather

*Because he is a colossal dork. My dork.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Saints & Siding

June 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From Olive Street.

Miss Heather

Happy Easter From New York Shitty!

April 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Mister Heather took this great photograph of a not-so-rascally rabbit getting a little play time in McCarren Park recently. Follows is a slide show I compiled of some shots I took in the greater 11222 area to celebrate this Easter Sunday. Enjoy!

Get off the computer already and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Heather

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