From The New York Shitty Inbox: Monitor Street (de)Construction

January 25, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Jay (who sent me the above item) writes:

These flyers were distributed to all residents on Monitor St between Nassau and Norman. I’m just a renter so only got to hear about the plan from my landlord. There was an all-block meeting a couple of days ago and it sounds like the people who own property on this block are going to fight this all the way to city hall. I can’t imagine why the city would want to go through with this… if 5 feet of sidewalk are added on each side then the sidewalks will be wider than the street!

Here’s the deal: I do not profess to have any knowledge whatsoever about this kind of thing. However, this does strike me as being a wee bit ridiculous. Follows are two more avenues the folks on Monitor Street should consider:

  • Contact  City Councilman Steve Levin’s (who, it should be noted does not live too far away from the block in question) office. This can be done via email at Slevin (at) council (dot) nyc (dot) gov
  • Keep a watchful on the Community Board 1 calendar— both the public meetings and the Transportation Committee meetings (which are also open to the public!).
  • In closing, I would like it to be known that I have dialogued— albeit via email— with Ms. Nieves on a number of occasions. She is not only very dedicated to addressing the manifold number of transportation issues hereabouts but she’s a really nice lady to boot! Do not hesitate to contact her.

    UPDATE, 10:30 a.m.: Jay has been kind enough to provide some visual aids so as to help us understand what is being proposed.

    UPDATE, 11:39 a.m.: Here’s what our Transportation whiz, Karen Nieves, has to say!

    Dear (excised),

    Thank you for your email concerning the Nassau Ave/Monitor Street reconstruction project.  At my last CB#1 Transportation Community Meeting many of your neighbors attended and has shared your concerns.  We are working with Assemblyman Joseph Lentol’s office to get a meeting with NYC Department of Design and Construction(DDC) to go over everyone’s concerns for sometime in February.

    Please understand this Capital Improvement Project has been in planning stages for many years and the Community Board is not in charge of the project.  We are only advisory and try and mitigate the concerns of the community during the process.

    Although the Community Board does support Infrastructure Improvements in our community we do not support lack of outreach in which clearly DDC has not provided in your case.

    Please be assured we will do everything we can to have all your voices heard and try to get a meeting together with the appropriate agencies as soon as possible.

    In the meantime if you have any questions please contact Mr. Shane O’jar (718) 391-2358 at the NYC Department of Design & Construction regarding this project .

    Miss Heather

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