From The New York Shitty Inbox: Craig Murphey Fellowship Fundraiser

Alix writes:

Wanted to write you a quick note to get a fundraising event on your radar that we are putting on with the New York City Coalition Against Hunger this upcoming Saturday, October 16. Three years ago, a dear friend and community activist Craig Murphey was run down by a truck in Williamsburg as he was biking home. In order to carry on his work in the fight against hunger, the NYCCAH has established a fellowship in his name and each year, with the help of his friends and family, we put on a benefit to raise funds towards the Craig Murphey Fellowship.
This year the event will take place at Brooklyn Fire Proof (119 Ingraham St in Bushwick) from 6pm to 1am. There will be a Hummus “cook off” (hummus was Craig favorite food) sponsored by Whisk, live sets by local bands Sweet Tooth Nelson, Tyrhombus Rex, and Gators, followed by DJ a set by Finger on The Pulse. We will also be selling raffle tickets for $5 or $20 for 5 for a chance to win one of nearly 50 prizes donated by local bars, restaurants, artists and musicians.
You can view of list prizes by clicking here. But this event is not about the stuff— it is about honoring the memory of a very nice man who was cut down in the prime of his life by aiding a cause he strongly believed in: helping our city’s hungry. Check it out!
Craig Murphey Fellowship Fundraiser
October 16, 2010 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Fire Proof
119 Ingraham Street
Brooklyn, New York 11237
You can get more details about this event by clicking here.
Miss Heather

North Brooklyn Photos Du Jour: Springtime In East Williamsburg

March 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 



Union Avenue


Moore Street


Graham Avenue



Humboldt Street



Meserole Street

Miss Heather

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