New York Shitty Day Ender: From Community Board 1

Taken May 10, 2011.

Miss Heather

Live From The Public Safety Committee Meeting

Truth be told it was a rather mellow evening last night at the Warsaw— at least in comparison to the smash-jaw Parks & Waterfront Committee convocation earlier this week. Nonetheless there was much information of interest (including question and answer sessions with representatives from the Fire Department, 94th Precinct and the Department of Consumer Affairs respectively) — and a “moment” (or two) worth savoring. Enjoy!

INTRODUCTION: Chairman Olechowski gives a statement about liquor licenses & the “Moratorium”

Public Safety Chair Mieszko Kalita speaks and the festivities begin!

Deputy Inspector Hurson of the 94th Precinct Answers Questions Tendered by the Board

A representative of the New York City Fire Department Answers Questions Tendered by the Board

Note/observation: Board member Burrows* plays a nice Ed McMahon to Joe Garber’s Johnny Carson. Or something. This is really worth watching folks!

A Representative of the Department of Consumer Affairs Speaks

D.I. Hurson talks about MARCH (and he ain’t talking about the month!)

And of course there is the matter of the Polish Slavic Center Cafeteria’s Liquor License (Spoiler: it was approved)

Lesson learned: Community Board 1 has no judicial power, no police force or F.B.I.

  • You will notice a red ribbon being passed along the table. This was my comrade Sherry’s Unofficial Community Board 1 Ladies Auxiliary badge (we were all sporting them— mine was pink!). Methinks it was a big hit!

It was at this point the meeting shifted to liquor license applications. There were many. My compatriots and I each got a drink.

What the 10:00 p.m. rolled around we decided we could do one of two things:

  • Get inebriated at a Public Safety Committee meeting (which would add a whole new provocative dimension to the proceedings).
  • Go home.

We chose the latter.

Miss Heather

*Who, it should be noted later took yours truly to task for not providing him and his colleagues snacks and refreshments. Here’s how I couched my rebuttal (to my buddy Christine):

I am not Community Board 1’s caterer. I am only its fluffer.

P.S.: Special props/credit goes out to ievil_spock_47i for observing the uncanny resemblance between the photo yours truly took and Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Awesome catch!

Live From The Parks & Waterfront Committee Meeting

As I have intimated last night’s proceedings were rather contentious. Don’t take my word for it: seeing (and hearing) is believing. Enjoy!

Video 1: Dewey Thompson, Community Board 1 member, member of the Parks and Waterfront Committee kicks off the proceedings by explaining what OSA (of which, it should be noted, he is a board member and whose Executive Director also happens to be Community Board 1’s Parks Supervisor) does for north Brooklyn’s Park.

  • OSA is a conservancy not unlike Central Park or Prospect Park.
  • Mr. Thompson notes that concert/concession sales (as a result of this conservancy) will go exclusively to parks under OSA’s supervision. In other words: not into the general fund for all the city’s parks.
  • Mr. Thompson points out how OSA saved East River State Park from closing this winter.
  • Mr. Thompson notes that OSA got $330,300 in net profits (benefiting our parks) from the shows conducted last year at East River State Park. $200,000 of which went to East River State Park. That leaves $130,000 for all the parks in Community Board 1. Or as Mr. Thompson states “In Greenpoint and Williamsburg.” Make a note of this.
  • Per Mr. Thompson these concerts are delivering (and I quote) “Major value back to the community”.
  • Chairman Caponegro kicks off the Q & A session.
  • Facts: OSA employs 35-40 security people plus New York’s Finest versus 1,000 attendees.
  • Adam Perlmutter states in the interest of inclusiveness (my term) that there will be family-oriented entertainment and a “Latino show”. Among other things.

Video 2: Community Board Member (and Parks Subcommittee) Katie Naplatarski asks for some clarifications regarding weekend shows.

  • Ms. Thayer says there will be no Saturday or Sunday shows in July or August. Fridays are open.
  • A citizen speaks/complains. If she wanted to attend an East River State Park concert she can hear it from her building.
  • Ms. Thayer states it is not intent to upset the neighbors and mentions that she will be working with Officer Adamo (of the 94th Precinct) to have better policing after these concerts.
  • Another citizen notes the impact these concerts have with her neighbors and states that fifteen concerts in one summer are too many. She also notes what happened at her building when a storm hit and a mass exodus of people attempted to flood her building.
  • Yet another citizen speaks. She is VERY unhappy and likens the noise to an “x-ray” which permeates everything around her. (This is really worth watching.)
  • Caponegro speaks. Among other things he notes that OSA (or would that be 311? Or lack of complaints given to Community Board 1? This was a little unclear.) makes it seem like “no one complains”. The audience begs to differ.

Video 3: A lady named Sara asks “Why are we privatizing a park?”

  • Sara gives quick primer as to the provenance of East River State Park and reminds the representatives of OSA that East River State Park (at 7 acres) is not Central Park. Or Prospect Park. In other words: it does not have the space needed to host an event without displacing fellow park-goers.
  • Sara inquires as to how how much money OSA gives to East River State Park.
  • Sara points out the obvious: most people in north Brooklyn do not have a private backyard to enjoy. When they want to experience the outdoors it is done at our public’s parks. By closing off/monetizing East River State Park the Open Space Alliance is, in fact, denying a great many people access to open space.
  • A long-term Williamsburg resident makes it known that it was people such as himself who made north Brooklyn a desirable place to live. (This is VERY compelling stuff so do give it a listen. I cannot even begin to give it justice.)

Video 4: Del Teague, Community Board Member 1 Speaks

  • The most compelling part of this video (if you ask me) is when Ms. Teague points out that the owner of the Edge— who is apparently a supporter of OSA’s concerts— refused to allow distribution of fliers announcing this meeting.
  • Ms. Teague concurs that East River State Park is not appropriate venue for events of this scope.
  • Concerns about how neighboring properties— including affordable housing— will be impacted are raised.
  • These concerts/influx of concert goers are likened to an “invasion”.
  • Praise is given to Summer Starz and questions are raised as to when it will be scheduled this year. Apparently the organizers have been told Thursday evenings are not available.
  • Ms. Thayer replies that OSA is not done scheduling concerts (hence why East River State Park is not making Thursday evening available) and recommends that the weekends— or McGolrick Park— be used for this film series.
  • It is observed that the concerts are getting priority.
  • The specter of the Brooklyn Night Bazaar arises.
  • A recommendation is made that these concerts be conducted in the South Bronx. (What did they ever do to us? — Ed. Note)

Video 5: The Owner of Artists & Fleas Speaks

  • The owner of Artist and Fleas notes the absence of local business owners present and extols upon the benefits these concerts bring to local business.
  • A citizen presents an invoice showing the damage done to her car by a drunk driver who attended one of these concerts.
  • A woman opines that Brooklyn Brewery’s owner, Steve Hindy, benefits from these concerts— not the residents of said community.
  • It is intimated that Mr. Hindy has undue influence over our community.
  • Civil disobedience and a protest are suggested

Video 6: Steve Hindy Speaks

  • Mr. Hindy mentions his involvement with the Prospect Park Alliance and asserts neither he nor Brooklyn Brewery benefited from this relationship.
  • Mr. Hindy states a needs for fundraising for New York City’s parks.
  • Open Space Alliance is based upon the model of the Prospect Park Alliance.
  • Mr. Hindy gives a history of beer concessions at concerts. Both Brooklyn Brewery and Anheuser-Busch gave $50,000 upfront and all profits from beer sales were donated to Open Space Alliance.
  • Mr. Hindy gives a break-down of concert revenue: these netted $400,000 last year. $200,000 went to East River State park for upkeep and maintenance. $200,000 went to Open Space Alliance for operating costs including Ms. Thayer’s salary (which as of several years ago was ~$80,000 lest any of you are wondering. — Ed. Note.).
  • Mr. Hindy notes that if it was not for OSA’s efforts East River State Park would have been closed last winter.
  • Mr. Hindy tells the attendees present that if they “do not want us” he understands. An audience member replies “We want less of you.”
  • Ms. Thayer gives some additional details as to how revenue was tendered and spent at East River State Park. The parks of Greenpoint and Williamsburg get the remaining $130,000.
  • The amount of space these concerts take up— including pot-o-potties— and mentioned and a request for an annual report from OSA is made.
  • A Kent Avenue resident inquires what measures are being taken to mitigate the impact these concerts make on the surrounding community. Noise and garbage are specifically mentioned.

Video 7: A Northside resident speaks of public intoxication and urination.

  • A visual demonstration of the aforementioned behavior is given.
  • Another call is made as to what measure will be taken to mitigate the impact on the surrounding community. Chairman Caponegro notes that this question has been asked “all night”.
  • Adam Perlmutter of Open Space Alliance and OSA Presents states that he is glad this meeting is being conducted. (Somehow the rest of this footage has gone MIA. I will endeavor to find it. — Ed. Note)

Video 8: A Northside resident queries Ms. Thayer about his block being cordoned off.

  • He cites having problems parking on his block (Wythe Avenue at North 8 Street).
  • 94th Precinct Community Liaison answers this chap’s query. He states the block should not be barricaded unless a concert of letting out.
  • Ms. Thayer states that Wythe Avenue is open. This chap begs to differ.
  • The NAS concert was brought up. A woman states she saw a melee involving 30 people at North 9 Street afterward. She alleges the police ran away.
  • The need for more police presence is mentioned.
  • The question is raised as to how much money OSA spends on police patrols.
  • Mr. Adamo states that he does not have this information.
  • The question is raised as to who pays for this added police presence.

And then my memory— and wherewithal— ran out. Here’s what followed (not necessarily in chronological order):

  • A representative from Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz’s office spoke. Among other things she said he was a fan of musical events. She was shouted down.
  • Questions were raised— and not answered— regarding exactly how much money OSA/the Parks Department spend on police presence for these events (Once again: as opposed to the money raised and distributed so as to benefit our public parks. The more observant among you might have noticed even members of OSA cannot seem to be in agreement upon exactly what this figure is.).
  • Julie Lawrence, a member of Community Board 1 (and member of the Public Safety Committee) spoke. She implored for more transparency on the part of OSA.
  • Lincoln Restler spoke.
  • Chairman Caponegro made it clear that Community Board 1’s opinion is only advisory.
  • I left.

But onward it went. Here’s what one hanger-on had to say:

the committee meet with stephanie (Thayer — Ed. Note) & adam (Perlmutter — Ed. Note) sitting in …  katie (Naplatarski — Ed. Note)  looked like a force with being sure the community’s voice was heard … the resolution which aaron (Short — Ed. Note) will write up can’t really apply to this year … interestingly the committee chair did ask dewey (Thompson — Ed. Note) about him wearing many hats … don’t remember how he phrased … well put … i asked how someone could be on the task force and all you got to do is ask … from what i gather the main task is to hold osa accountable … it was a GREAT meeting … can’t wait for public safety …

New York Shitty Analysis/Commentary/Observations:

Since Community Board 1 does not have the power to place a ban on waterfront concerts at East River State Park I am not going to belabor the manner. What’s more, what transpired at last night’s meeting was not really about concerts at all. Rather, it is the growing pains of a community in transition. The battle ground (so to speak) in this case were our public parks (and to whom they belong). The answer is simple: all of us.

Inasmuch as the folks of OSA would fancy themselves as being inclusive the fact of the matter is they are not. Their events are of very limited appeal to the older, long-term — and yes— diverse residents of North Brooklyn. If they (Open Space Alliance) were forthright about who their target demographic is (20 – 30 something, younger, newer residents) at least they would have been honest and everyone— like it or not— would be on the “same page”. But this is not the case. In this respect I find touting one “Latino show” as an overture to be disingenuous at best.

Above all, I came away from last night’s meeting reminded of the serious (and depressing) disconnect there is between OSA and the older residents of the community. The latter made their grievances (like the delivery or not) and questions quite clear. In return OSA did not provide answers. Rather, they kept re-stating the same facts (and in the case of actual money raised/distributed were somewhat contradictory) and stuck to the same sales pitch. This was— and is— in no way conducive to a productive dialogue with the community OSA purports to serve. Sadly, this does seem to be their modus operandi. I am of the distinct opinion it is just this pattern of behavior which made this meeting of the minds necessary in the first place.

Here’s the deal: north Brooklyn’s public spaces belong to just that: the public. No one organization— especially those ostensibly raising money for park space and advocating on the public’s behalf* — is more important than any another other group of citizens. But it would seem that OSA is getting preferential treatment.

The chap in that third video (John Ricco, owner of Grandma Rose’s) is right: it is people such as him who have made Greenpoint and Williamsburg a place where people like them— and myself— want to live. These concerts would not be happening if this neighborhood had not been shaped by people like him. For this reason he and people like him have my utmost respect and admiration. In fact, I consider myself honored to be their neighbor. It would be nice if Open Space Alliance would follow suit. If I had to recommend a first step I would say some empathy, transparency, solid answers and yes, respect— not sales pitches— on their part would be a good start.

Miss Heather

*and in my opinion concerts are an incredibly poor way to raise money: $130,000 or even $200,000 spread over the entirety of north Brooklyn’s parks is a pittance.

New York Shitty Day Ender: From The Parks & Waterfront Subcommittee Meeting

As the above missives would indicate it was— and I am told still is— a very lively evening at the Swinging 60’s Seniors Center tonight. I did not stay for the whole affair (Sorry folks, but two hours of shouting and Ms. Thayer seemingly being unable to comprehend what nuance of the “discussion” was* is enough for yours truly. At least on six hours of sleep.) However, I did shoot footage of the first “half” and you can look forward to seeing it here, so check back!

In the meantime, here are a few teasers from before the meeting.

They were just getting warmed up, folks!

Miss Heather

*READ: Quality of life issues arising as a result of these concerts and questions about what the costs of said concerts are versus their benefits. Ms, Thayer seemed to have some problems comprehending this and extolled upon the manifold ways OSA contributes to the betterment of parks in north Brooklyn. Community Board 1 Parks Chair Camponegro put it best when he said:

She’s doing her OSA spiel again.

REMINDER: Parks & Waterfront Committee Meeting Tonight!

Although I have posted this item already I feel compelled to remind everyone that this evening the Parks & Waterfront Committee will be convening at Williamsburg’s very own Swinging 60’s Center! The primary topic of this forum will be two presentations regarding the concerts scheduled to grace north Brooklyn’s parks this upcoming summer. On that note— and despite the fact I have listed several questions worth asking already— I feel behooved to posit yet one more:

Is it appropriate for a Community Board member— and a member of the Parks Committee at that (this being Dewey Thompson)— to give a presentation on the behalf of a not-for-profit organization (that being Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn) which is shilling concerts?

This strikes yours truly as a pretty serious conflict of interest. Just a thought.

Parks & Waterfront Committee Meeting
May 3, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Swinging 60’s Senior’s Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Presentation Regarding Concerts at East River State Park & The Northside Festival

Given the complaints tendered at the last Community Board meeting regarding the concerts at East River State Park (and banter about banning them) I feel compelled to pass along this item. On May 3rd starting at 6:30 p.m., our Parks Advocate/Parks employee, Stephanie Thayer, along with a few other folks from Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn and the New York City Parks Department will be giving a presentation regarding the concerts slated to grace north Brooklyn this upcoming summer. Those of you who have had issues with these events in the past or simply want to learn more about them should make it a point to attend— and ask questions!*

Parks & Waterfront Committee Meeting
May 3, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Swinging 60’s Senior’s Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

*Here are a few for those who might feel inclined to ask:

  1. What measures will be put in place so as to mitigate the impact on the surrounding community, e.g.; noise abatement, trash pick-up, crowd control, etc.?
  2. What measures will be taken to ensure that issues which may arise at other park spaces will be addressed in a timely fashion? Or to put it differently: with the summer being peak season (and as such is more likely to have maintenance issues), how will a balance be achieved between operating these concerts and managing our parks?
  3. Exactly how much money is raised by these concerts for our parks versus money/manpower outlay-ed? Ask for specific figures.
  4. How have the aforementioned funds raised been allocated to date?

An Update Regarding The Proposed Reconstruction Of Nassau Avenue

April 28, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It took awhile to upload, but here it is: footage from this week’s meeting regarding the proposed overhaul of Nassau Avenue set to commence this upcoming spring. While this may of limited interest to many of you, dear readers, I strongly encourage you to pay attention to the last two videos. These are in regards to proposed traffic calming measures at the intersection of Nassau Avenue and McGuinness Boulevard. Among other things you will learn our very own “Boulevard of Death” is in the 99th percentile for pedestrian accidents/fatalities. Without further ado, here we go!

Video I: Introduction & Presentation

Video II: Conclusion of Presentation, Question & Answer Session Commences

Video III: Q & A Session, Continued

Video IV: Q & A Session, Continued

Video V: Q & A Session, Continued

Video VI: Q & A Session, Continued

Video VII: Q & A Session, Continued

Video VIII: A Presentation From A Representative Of The Department of Transportation

Video IX: Presentation Continued

New York Shitty Analysis/Commentary:

I will refrain from making any statements regarding the reconstruction of Nassau Avenue as I feel the attendees of said meeting did a pretty good job on that front. However, I will tender a few observations regarding the proposed traffic calming measures for the intersection of McGuinness Boulevard and Nassau Avenue.

1. What seems to have been lost by the Department of Transportation is the woeful lack of enforcement of speed limits (30 M.P.H) on the entirety of McGuinness Boulevard. A pedestrian refuge, however nice it may be, is not going to fix this problem or make McGuinness any safer.

2. Stating rather chirpily that you have lived in Greenpoint for five years is NOT going to go over well with a room full of old-school Garden Spotters.  I have lived here for 11 years and speak from a great deal of experience when I write this.

3. The allegation that the traffic counter was spending more time watching the ladies as opposed to 18 wheelers might have more substance to it than I initially realized. Here is how it was put to me by a New York Shitty reader:

…I saw the guy, he was ogling the bikes darting around delivery trucks and beat up minivans. The young lady with the glasses actually counts persons/vehicles.

What can you say? The Garden Spot does have more than its fair share of fetching females! In any case, here is the aforementioned proposal for those you who are interested in learning more about it. You should as this was brought to my attention by Ms. Nieves:

Just want to point out in DOT’s presentation “Alternate Routes” SB Left turn from McGuiness they have Left turn on Meserole Avenue you can not turn left on Meserole. It is Calyer Street that you can turn…


Miss Heather


REMINDER: Update On Nassau Avenue Construction Project

April 24, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Although I have already posted this item I feel behooved to remind everyone this upcoming Tuesday, April 27, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m. there will be a meeting regarding the proposed upgrades on Nassau Avenue and the surrounding environs. Yes, this includes Monitor Street. A presentation by the Department of Design and Construction is promised. Check it out!

Presentatation by the NYC Department of Design & Construction regarding the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction Project
April 26, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
St. Cecilia’s Church Gymnasium
84 Herbert Street (entrance at 24 North Henry Street)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Public Safety


Miss Mousey Brown was kind enough to tender this photo of our Public Safety Chair, Mieszko Kalita, to my photo pool. I suspect her reasoning for doing so was to highlight his rather jaunty tie. That, it is. The Mister even noted his pocket square (whatever that is) was in keeping with said tie. He called this sartorial. Nonetheless, this image provides me a reason to link to what he had to say about the so-called “moratorium” on liquor licenses and the rancor which preceded it on WPIX recently. I for one think his analysis is spot-on. You can (and should) check this out by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Mr. Kalita’s opinion has been endorsed by the UNofficial Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Ladies Auxiliary by a vote of four in favor with one absence/abstention.

Quicklink: Regarding This Week’s Community Board 1 Meeting

This item was brought to my attention by its author: Aaron Short. I found his analysis and observations to be spot-on. Thus why I am sharing it here and encourage you, North Brooklyn residents, to give it a read. You can (and should) also read his break-down of this meeting by clicking here.

Miss Heather

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