From The New York Shitty Inbox: Season’s Greetings From Manhattan Avenue

A fellow named Hugo (who captured the above bit of Greenpoint goodness today) writes:

Howdy hi, Some Christmas cheer from Manhattan Ave…

Ho! Ho! Ho!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Much Ado About Nuhart

12.2013 Duraflex Hart plume

Kim of Save Greenpoint writes:

Hi Heather,

I would like to direct your attention to a plume map provided by the DEC which clearly shows the Superfund site contaminants sitting at the school site’s door. Despite reassurances that remediation efforts will be done before a school will be built, NO alternative sites were explored b/c it would make GPL’s construction costs higher.

The school site is located on the bottom left corner with the navigation star. The numbers represent the depth of the liquid phalates. In some cases, it goes 5 ft deep.

This new info should be circulated. Regardless of what Steve Levin’s press release says, the approval of these projects is not a victory for Greenpoint residents. Nothing is affordable if the lives of children and adults are at risk b/c they have no choice but to go to a school so close to toxins because developers want to shave their bottom dollar. It’s deplorable that no other school sites were investigated. This land is undeveloped. GPL could have placed that school anywhere else. A through clean-up does nothing to address this fact. Also, the remediation set forth is not a full guarantee. Under the current language, if a property owner had that designation, they would not be able to plant a garden b/c the plants would die. This is the protection City Council approved.

Here is a link to the School Construction Authorities published RFP that states why they never explored alternative sites. Attached you will find the map.

Thanks again Miss Heather for getting the word out. This ugly truth needs to get out…

Mark Your Calendars: Stop The Towers

November 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Stop The Towers

NYPOscreencapNew York Shitty has a counter-proposal/suggestion:

Why not remind Steve “I often spend a half-hour or more looking for a parking spot in Greenpoint [where he lives], and at this point, I think I’m just going to pay for a garage.” Levin that his parking troubles are only going to get worse when those towers go up.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: F*ck Them

October 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, BULLSHIT, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Fuck MonstantoNYS

As some of you might recall I made a last minute announcement about a meeting regarding the future of Box Street Park. More specifically, there are some folks in our community who want to see this piece of public park space as a hang out and “chill” kind of place (“passive space”) as opposed to an athletic field. The latter is what has been proposed by the Parks Department.

martymaherQuite frankly, I had been— albeit slightly— leaning in favor of “passive space”. After being notified by a tipster that this park/athletic field will sport (as Marty Maher,  Brooklyn Parks Chief of Staff, as seen at left) stated that Chemgrass “may” be used I raised an eyebrow— and changed my mind. My tipster went on to opine that it sounded like something from the 1960’s. That is because, gentle readers, it IS from the 1960’s.

And our planet’s eco-terrorists good neighbors Monsanto, holds the patent for it.


Given the amount of environmental abuse this community has experienced— and continues to experience— presently, can we:

  1. Get a park with real grass in it?
  2. And not fill the coffers of a corporation that has no respect for the environment— or people— for that matter?

Then again:

Given the park space in question is the former MTA/Access-A-Ride depot at 65 Commercial Street…

View Larger Map

and contrary to prevailing real estate trends, was sold by our fair city to Clipper Equities…

(the developers behind 77 Commercial Street and its proposed “poor door”) at $8,000,000 (versus the original asking price of $12,000,000 back in 2008).

Should I really be surprised? Outraged (once again), yes! Surprised? No, not in the very least I am sad to say.

175 AMI: Or exactly WHAT constitutes "Low/Moderate/Middle" Income?

I mean, after all, what Greenpoint really needs is affordable housing at 175% AMI. Or at least Clipper Equities does— that way they can pass along the “charitable act” (more specifically its cost) of building this park (which, in return, they get to build a 40 story tower) onto their tenants— all of them.

Let them— or would that be us— eat cake, Astroturf, CHEMGRASS!

Live From The ULURP Review Meeting: 77 Commercial Street Presents

Pretty Shot

Borough Of Brooklyn

Chris O Is In The House

Rami Is In The House

175 AMI

As promised, here comes the footage from last night’s hearing regarding 77 Commercial Street. Enjoy!

The public speaking session starts.

And the ostensible “Voice of Our Community”, Christopher Olechowski, is nowhere to be found.

No worries, there were plenty of citizens with something to say. Like one of north ‘Point’s foremost and formidable badasses: Laura Hofmann! You can read her statement here.

Clipper Equity? That sounds vaguely familiar

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