From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Cinco De Mayo

May 5, 2014 ·
Filed under: New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Taken by Diane Greene Lent.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Fifth On Fifth



Granted, the photo could have— should have— been better. But this gentleman’s apparel and stance is flawless. So there!

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Cinco De Mayo Edition

Greenpoint, 11222


Sunset Park, 11232






Greenpoint, 11222 (10:40 p.m.)


For those of you who are wondering what this day of celebration is about (HINT: It ain’t “Mexican Independence Day”) the lovely proprietress of Huitzilli suggests this tome. And I offer this. Please put down the margarita and give ’em a read. Enjoy!

Happy Cinco De Mayo From New York Shitty!

May 5, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Quite honestly I was hoping to honor Cinco de Mayo with an announcement that Vamos Al Tequila is open for business. But alas we will have to wait a little longer. This great ride (which I spied at last weekend’s 5 Boro Bike Tour) will have to suffice. Not that it is nothing to sniff at, mind you. It’s awesome!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Miss Heather

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