LAST GASP: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting & Community Board 1’s Parks Subcommittee Meeting

Both are set to happen the evening of October 11th! Am I the only person who would like to see greater coordination/communication between our Community Board, the Police Department and other community “groups”  so as to prevent overlaps like this? Why should we Greenpointers be forced to, for example, pick and choose between learning more about the tragic (and I suspect preventable) suicide which came to pass at McGolrick Park and what’s on Community Board 1 Parks Subcommittee’s agenda (which happens to be pretty Garden Spot-centric):

1. Presentation on Improvements/Renovation for Cooper Park – by Mr Martin Maher, Chief of Staff/Brooklyn – Parks Department, and Ms. Portia Cook-Dyrenforth, Capital Projects, Brooklyn – Parks Department
2. Proposed Green Thumb Interim Use For 59 Java Street – by Mr. Jack Hammer, NYC HPD.
3. Pathways of McCarren Park – Project status discussion.

In any case, make/take your choice, Greenburgers:

Community Board 1 Parks Subcommittee Meeting
October 11, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Community Board 1 Headquarters
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
October 11, 2011 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
NOTE: you must enter via the Java Street entrance!
Brooklyn, New York 11222

UPDATE, October 11, 2011: Per the revised agenda, item #2 has been cancelled.

LAST GASP: All Creatures Great & Small

October 1, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This is just a quick reminder that (among many other things) tomorrow the Church of the Ascension in partnership with Dog Habitat will be conducting its annual blessing of our local fur kids and a service of remembrance. Check it out!

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing of the Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 2, 2011 starting at 3:00 p.m
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part I: Blessing of the Animals

September 20, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Once again the folks of Dog Habitat along with the delightful Pastor Merz of the Church of the Ascension will be conducting an annual blessing of the animals and remembrance service this upcoming October 2nd, starting at 3:00 p.m. Here is some footage from last year’s procession for your viewing enjoyment.

Mark your calendars, animal lovers!

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing of the Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 2, 2011 starting at 3:00 p.m
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

THIS WEEKEND: Kent Street Annual Block Party!

September 20, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It’s that time of year again; time for the Kent Street Block Association’s Annual Block Party. A church history exhibit, musical performances, stoop sales and a raffle will for the offing. While perhaps not an entire afternoon’s worth of entertainment, this block party is always fun to check out. Go!

Kent Street Block Assocation Block Party
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Kent Street between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

THIS WEEK: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

There seems to be some confusion about exactly when this month’s 94th Community Council meeting is slated to happen. This is understandable given they announced at the last meeting it was going to be changed and, well, after “summer break” one tends to forget. I know I did, so I asked the head honcho of the 94th himself, Deputy Inspector Terence Hurson, to set the record straight. Without further ado here is the amended date for this month’s meeting (Thanks Mr. Hurson)!

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 starting at 7:30 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

P.S.: I will be posting an updated calendar for the remainder of the year for those of you who are interested.



TODAY: Be A Better Bad Dog

May 14, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention by Jay Lombard of Dog Habitat. Today starting at 2:00 p.m. there will be a live reading of Bad Dog: A Love Story by its author Martin Kihn. For those of you who are wondering what this tome is about (as I have) here’s a description courtesy of Amazon:

??Meet Hola. She’s a nightmare, but it’s not her fault if she tackles strangers and chews on furniture, or if she runs after buses and fried chicken containers and drug dealers. No one ever told her not to. Worse yet, she scares her family. Hola may be the most beautiful Bernese mountain dog in the world, but she’s never been trained. At least not by anyone who knew what he was doing.

Hola’s supposed master, Marty, is a high-functioning alcoholic. A TV writer turned management consultant, Marty’s in debt and out of shape; he’s about to lose his job, and one day he emerges from a haze of peach-flavored vodka to find he’s on the verge of losing his wife, Gloria, too, if he can’t get his life—and his dog—under control.

Desperately trying to save his marriage, Marty throws himself headlong into the world of competitive dog training. Unfortunately, he knows even less than Hola, the only dog ever to be expelled from her puppy preschool twice. Somehow, together, they need to get through the American Kennel Club’s rigorous Canine Good Citizen test. Of course, Hola first needs to learn how to sit.

It won’t be easy. It certainly won’t be pretty. But maybe, just maybe, there will be cheesecake.

Afterward a puppy graduation and Q & A session are promised. Check it out!

Be A Better Bad Dog
May 14, 2011 (TODAY!) starting at 2:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Messiah Sing In

December 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of John Merz, the new Reverend at Greenpoint’s very own Church of the Ascension on Kent Street! He writes:

Miss Heather,

I am the new Priest over at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension on Kent Street.
I am a friend of Jay Lombard over at Unleash Brooklyn as well as Lily over at Dandelion Wine and a bunch of other folks. You were kind enough to put a previous event on a post, our October Animal Blessing and Remembrance. It went great. We had 240 people, about 160 animals, a jazz group that played great music, including Wayfaring Stranger during the remembrance of beloved animals that have died. John Tapper at the Garden , Lily and others provided a big feast for the church garden after. It was a real community affair and a success in part due to your publicity (a website I have touted on our email lists to parishioners). So thank you!

I have been in this post for a few months and basically my job is to open Ascension up to the community in all kinds of ways, for arts stuff, religious, interfaith exploration or just anything interesting (bingo nights are something Lily and I are going to hopefully launch this winter). To survive the church needs to be a real part of the community and this is slowly happening. It helps that as Episcopalians we are about the most liberal brand of religious folks out there. In fact our religious detractors think of us as humanists with incense–not a bad charge by my estimation. In any case this is all a long way of introducing myself and wondering if this week you can publicize the event we are having this next Saturday?

It is a Messiah Sing In this Saturday December 18 at 4pm at the Church of the Ascension 127 Kent between Manhattan and Franklin. It is being done in collaboration with Thomas Toscano from operaogginy and info and scores can be found on the ascension website at Basically, if you like to sing then you come down, get a score and join the chorale. This is NOT a religious event, just a chorale nerd throwdown. There will be refreshments afterward. We hope that this will lead to the creation of a greenpoint-williamsburg chorale that would perform all kinds of works from the standard rep to the most modern experimental works out there.

You may know of Thomas. he is the dude who performed those one night opera’s and did that big thing at the Warsaw, the Polish Opera. He is a serious talent as well as delightfully nuts…

I cannot honestly say this is my kind of thing. Cut me some slack, fellow Greenpointers: I actually hung lights this year— albeit to Metallica. Enter Sandman to be precise. My all-time favorite Christmas tune is For Whom The Bell Tolls— but that’s another story. For those of you who are into Handel here’s where you need to go and when!

Messiah Sing-In
December 18, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m.
Church of the Messiah
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Mini Slide Show Du Jour: The Sights & Sounds Of The Garden Spot

October 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It is on days such as this that I am reminded— once again— that I live in a very special place. God bless you, Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

P.S.: As always, you can view this slide show in larger format by clicking here.

TODAY: All Creatures Great & Small

October 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Just a quick reminder! You can get the full rundown on this event by clicking here.

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing The Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 3, 2010 Today starting at 4:00 p.m. (the procession of adoptable cuties— including Buster— starts at 3:30 at Unleash Brooklyn)
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Calling All Creatures Great & Small…

September 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

(And The People Who Love Them!)

This item comes from my friend Jay at Dog Habitat. He writes:

Hey Heather! Here’s the scoop on the upcoming event on October 3! Could you please post early next week? We’re printing postcards and
posters that we’ll start handing out on Tuesday. THANK YOU!

Church of the Ascension and Greenpoint Williamsburg Mission in cooperation with Unleash: Brooklyn & Dog Habitat Rescue invite you
celebrate your beloved animal on October 3rd at 4pm at the Church of the Ascension. There will also be a service of remembrance for beloved
animals no longer with us — if you would like the name of your deceased animal read during the service, please send an email to ascensionbrooklyn (at) gmail (dot) com or call (718) 389-3831

Follows is the full rundown per the folks at the Church of the Ascension!

This St. Francis day, October 3, at 4 p.m. we will be holding an Animal Blessing and Remembrance service at 4pm at the Church of the Ascension (127 Kent St. between Franklin and Manhattan Ave — emphasize Kent Street, not Avenue!). It is a wonderful service for two reasons. First, animals bless us every day with their presence, their unconditional love and a communication that exceeds anything words could ever convey. Those of us who love animals, who live with them daily, feel as deeply toward them as we do toward humans (sometimes more deeply). On this day we gather to bless them, and ask for their health and joy in the coming year. In addition, we will be having a remembrance of those animals we love that have died. Losing an animal and the lack of closure or ritual around it is very hard for many of us left behind.  We hope that the solemn reading of their names during the service affords some sense of healing and shared mourning over these losses.

Beginning at 3:30 there will be a processional of rescue dogs from Dog Habitat Rescue. If you would like to join the parade we will be meeting at co-sponsor Unleash: Brooklyn (216 Franklin St between Huron and Green St) with the whole array of animals for a solemn, yet noisy procession (incense included) to the church — New Orleans style! If you prefer, you can meet at the church at 4 p.m. There will be tables outside the church to bring awareness to animal rescue concerns and rights issues. All are welcome – cats, dogs and all creatures great and small — inside the chapel for the service. At the conclusion of the service there will be a reception in both the back yard and front of the church replete with animal and human refreshments. Wine generously supplied by Lily from Dandelion Wine and her dog, Bonita (the cattle dog). The event is also sponsored by District Dog. Dogs must be on leash. Cats, rodents and other animals must be in carriers. Teddy bears may roam freely if accompanied by a child.

One such “rescue dog” is the cover canine gracing the flier at the beginning of this post. His name is Buster!

All Creatures Great & Small: Blessing The Animals and Service of Remembrance
October 3, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m. (the procession of adoptable cuties— including Buster— starts at 3:30 at Unleash Brooklyn)
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S.: I can only hope Draco, the Greenpoint dragon and resident of Kent Street, gets blessed. Sometimes those we love (and, in return, love us) have scales!

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