New York Shitty Day Starter: A Thanksgiving Request From Reverend Merz

November 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As many of you know John Merz of our very own Church of he Ascension has been working very hard to help families impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Now he needs our help. He writes:

Hi folks,

As you know we do a Thanksgiving dinner every year for local people in need as well as cook another 2 or 3 hundred for homeless veterans in Queens. The recent hurricane relief efforts have been amazing and one of the most stunning outpourings of generosity and compassion I have experienced. However what has happened is there is a dearth of volunteers. Usually at this point the email I set up for it is buzzing away. There is literally nobody checking in. I wanted to know if you can publicize the page created on facebook. You go to Ascension Hunger Program, like it and share posts.

You can also share our website which has info and a link to volunteer:

Volunteer opps are Monday through Wednesday in the evening (6.30 to 8 or so) and Then 8 to 7 Thanksgiving Day… Thanks in advance for sharing this info in your networks. I wouldn’t reach out if I didn’t need the help.



Please take a little of your time this upcoming Thanksgiving and volunteer at this wonderful (and as I learned last year: fun) opportunity to meet some of your neighbors and help our community’s neediest. Oh yeah:  please spread the word!

And Now A Word From Our City Councilman

North ‘Pointers who want to lend a helping hand to our less fortunate neighbors please be advised of— and share— the following. City Councilman Levin writes:

Thanks to Rev. John Merz, our office is setting up a temporary satellite at Church of the Ascension at 122 Java St. Rami Metal will be there from 10-6 throughout the weekend and we are collecting donations to send to those in need of supplies in the Rockaways, Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, Staten Island, Red Hook, and Downtown Manhattan. So far the response at our district office at 410 Atlantic Ave has been extraordinary, and we’re coordinating multiple trips every day (special thanks to the volunteers who has lent their cars) but it’s been very difficult for Greenpointers to get down here.

Donations that are particularly needed right now are:
-non-perishable food, baby food
-clothing, baby clothing
-work gloves
-large garbage bags, cleaning supplies, basic tools

Rami can also help with Con Ed and small business issues and Congresswoman Maloney’s office has offered to help with FEMA, small business, and other issues as well…

Thank you Greenpoint/Williamsburg!

No, thank you Mr. Levin and Reverend “Pastor-in-Charge” Merz!

Reminder: 2 Blessed 2 Be Stressed

This is a quick reminder that tomorrow, October 13th, starting at 3:00 p.m. our very own Church of the  Ascension will be conducting its annual blessing of the animals/remembrance service. Those of you who are curious can view the program by clicking here. Check it out!

Blessing of the Animals & Remembrance
October 13, 2012 starting at 3:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222 

From The New York Shitty Inbox: 2 Blessed 2 Be Stressed

October 6, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention via an email blast from the wonderful Pastor-In-Charge of the Church of the Ascension, John Merz. He writes:

Dear folks

I am writing to have you help advertise our community Annual Blessing and Remembrance of the Animals to be held at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension Saturday October 13th at 3pm. If you were able to post on your blogs, online publications and facebook pages that would be wonderful. Here is the text for the ad and a jpeg of the poster is attached. And I might add if there are ever community events etc or things you would like to do at the church do not hesitate to contact me. Any questions about this please contact me (via email) at: ascensionbrooklyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Blessing of the Animals and Remembrance

Saturday October 13th 3pm @ the Episcopal Church of the Ascension

All creatures great and small and their caregivers are invited to join us in the Church as we bless our beloved animals and also remember those that have past. The simple service will last about 15 minutes. People are encouraged to stay around out in front of the Church or in the Garden to strengthen the bonds of our animal loving community. We ask that all dogs be on leash and cats in cat carriers or other suitable transport whatever your animal may be…

You can read an interview with Mr. Merz about this yearly event by clicking here. Check it out!

Blessing of the Animals & Remembrance
October 13, 2012 starting at 3:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222 

TOMORROW: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

There still seems to be some confusion as to when these meetings are scheduled so here is the calendar once again!

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
May 2, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
122 Java Street entrance
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Live From Greenpoint: The U.S.S. Monitor Parade!

January 29, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

After the ceremony

Civil Awar meets digital

On The Waterfront

Llamas and gas tanks

As the presence of llamas would suggest, today’s U.S.S. Monitor-related merrymaking had more than a few surprises. Excellent speeches were given by all; but I was especially fond of the ones given by our City Councilman, Steve Levin, and our 50th District Democratic State Committeeman Lincoln Restler. The llamas, on the other hand, seemed non-plussed by this, the unanticipated shower at the behest of a FDNY boat and the rifle salute which concluded today’s ceremony. Without further ado here is footage from today’s parade and the following ceremony at the site of the much-anticipated Greenpoint Monitor Museum on Bushwick Inlet.

The Parade Begins!

Parade On Manhattan Avenue

Ceremony, Part I: General Introduction

Ceremony, Part II: Flag Raising

Ceremony, Part III: Steve Levin Speaks

Ceremony, Part IV: Various Speakers

Ceremony, Part V: Lincoln Restler Speaks

Ceremony, Part VI: Lining Up

Ceremony, Part VII: Rifle Salute!

Wrapping things up, here is a slideshow of highlights from today’s proceedings. Enjoy!

Mark Your Calendars: 150th Anniversary of the Launch of the U.S.S. Monitor!

As some of you might recall last October there was ceremony at the site of the Monitor Museum in anticipation of the 150th Anniversary of the launch of the U.S.S. Monitor. Well, this anniversary will soon be upon us and the minds behind this endeavor, George J. Weinmann and Janice Lauletta-Weinmann, have assembled a wonderful roster of events to celebrate this, one of our community’s finest contributions to American history! Follows is a rundown of what they have cooked up for us. NOTE: all the these events are free unless otherwise indicated.

January 28, 2012

10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.: History Fair at the former Greenpoint Savings Bank (807 Manhattan Avenue). This will feature speakers and displays.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Wine & cheese at the Church of the Ascension (127 Kent Street)
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Civil War Concert (also at the Church of the Ascension). Suggested donation: $10.00 at the door.

January 29, 2012

10:00 a.m.: Memorial Service at the Church of the Ascension
12:00 p.m.: Parade from the Church of the Ascension to the Monitor launch site (Quay Street at West Street)
12:30: Ceremony at the launch site
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Reception at Grand Prospect Hall. This includes a presentation, speakers, Civil War dance and music (including an eleven piece brass band!), buffet dinner and unlimited open bar. Price of admission: $60.00.

January 30, 2012

9:00 a.m.: Wreath laying ceremony at the U.S.S. Monitor statue at McGolrick Park followed by U.S.S. Monitor Bus Tour (box lunch included):

  1. U.S.S. Monitor Launch Site
  2. Building 92 & Dry Dock #1 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard (where the U.S.S. Monitor was Commissioned)
  3. Grand Army Plaza Arch, Prospect Park
  4. Greenwood Cemetery (so as to view grave sites of crew members of the U.S.S. Monitor and the The New York Civil War monument)
  5. John Ericcson Statue, Battery Park

The cost of this tour is $20.00 and includes a box lunch. Those who wish to purchase tickets for any of the above-listed events— or simply desire more information, please contact either George J. Weinmann at (917) 832-9999 or Janice Lauletta-Weinmann at (718) 383-2637. Check it out!

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Live From The Church Of The Ascension

November 24, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

If what yours truly saw (and smelled) earlier today was any indication, I’d say this year’s Thanksgiving “dinner” is proving to be a smashing success. John Ricco, the owner of Grandma Rose’s pizzeria and a host of volunteers volunteers worked 48 hours straight to ensure that 1,000 delicious meals were prepared to feed our community’s neediest. After the feasting commenced, Pastor Merz and John shared a few thoughts— and a prayer.

Thanksgiving comes to pass only once a year. The Church of the Ascension’s soup kitchen and food pantry need your help year ’round. Those who are interested in volunteering (or simply making a donation) can learn more about how you can lend a hand by sending an email to the above-listed email address. Thanks!

New York Shitty Day Starter: Help Wanted For Thanksgiving

November 18, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Love Thy Neighbor 

Hi Greenpoint Blogs, (Greenpointers and myself — Ed. Note)

Could you spread the word for us?

Ascension Church is hosting a free Thanksgiving meal from 12-6 pm.  We expect 150-250 people to come eat, and we need help prepping, serving and cleaning!  We’d love to get more Greenpointers involved in service at the Ascension Food Pantry, which runs a weekly soup service.

The Thanksgiving meal takes place Thursday, 12-6 pm at Ascension Hall, 122 Java Street.  Volunteers are also encouraged to eat!

Tuesday and Wednesday will be prep and cook days at Grandma Rose’s Pizza, 457 Graham Avenue between Meeker Ave & Richardson St ( The hot food will be transported by hearse to Ascension on Thanksgiving morning.  Yup.

WE NEED HANDS — not only on the day, but also prepping the food. It’s a great way for people to serve, even if they are leaving town.

Monday 11/21 7-10p [chop/prep]
Tuesday 11/22 10-6 [chop w Carmelo] or 6-9p [butter-massage los turkeys]
Wednesday 11/23 10-10p [misc prep and cook] or 6-10p [set up at Ascension]
Thursday 11/24 10-8p [carve, serve, and clean at Ascension — 3 hour increments]

Any and all vollies should contact Kathleen at greenpointfoodpantry (at) gmail (dot) com. Speaking as a vegetarian, methinks I’ll forgo the free vittles and “butter-massage” and volunteer for clean-up. Anyone care to join me?

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From the 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

Here you go, folks: footage from this evening’s 94th Precinct Community Council meeting! If I had to identify one thing that made this meeting different than its predecessors it would be the rather substantial amount of time spent outlining and discussing the manifold number of quality of life issues posed by bars and nightclubs. Enjoy!

Part I: Two guest speakers and D.I. Hurson commences with the run-down of this month’s criminal activity/trends

1. Two guest speakers: Abby Tuller of the North Brooklyn Coalition Against Domestic Violence and officers from the 94th Precinct’s Domestic Violence Unit.

  • Ms. Tuller outlines two candlelight vigils to be conducted this month (NOTE: October is domestic violence awareness month.) You can learn more about these events by clicking here.
  • Two officers from the 94th Precinct’s own Domestic Violence Unit outlines options/services to victims of domestic violence. these include (but are not limited to): an alternative to shelter program (simply put, they will install an alarm system— this requires an order of protection and a land-line telephone); Safe Horizons (a shelter), and free cell phones (which can only call 911) an order of protection is required for this as well.

2. D.I. Hurson gives a general run-down of the month’s “business”.

  • There was a shooting at the Cooper Park Houses. A man was shot twice in the leg.
  • Hurson touches upon (briefly) the DWI fatality which came to pass on Meserole Avenue and Leonard Street. As it would happen, a patrol car was in the area, heard the crash and got to the scene immediately. The driver of said vehicle has been charged with manslaughter.
  • While overall crime is down, cell phones thefts are on the rise.
  • D.I. Hurson speaks briefly about the suicide which came to pass at McGolrick Park September 23rd. The man was described as being on-again/off-again homeless and they are still awaiting the results of the toxicology report.
  • D.I. Hurson gives the rundown regarding a hit and run which came to pass at Calyer Street and McGuinness Boulevard last month.

Part II: D.I. Hurson wraps up with a couple of less serious topics and the Q & A session begins!

1. The Open Space Alliance Concerts are (once again) brought to the table.

2. The issue of homelessness is (once again) raised and “wet shelters” (Also know as “harm-reduction shelters”) are mentioned.

3. A rather lengthy discussion about bars ensues. This is best listened to to be appreciated. However, I will list a few key points here:

  • The usual trifecta of trouble rears its ugly head: noise, crowd control/overall rowdiness and public urination.
  • North 3rd Street and Berry Street is apparently a “hot spot” for these activities.

Part III: Q & A Session, continued; more dialogue about bars

  • Spritzenhaus continues to be a problem. Per one attendee/neighbor, she tried to speak to the owner of this establishment and he was— and I quote— “nasty”.
  • An attendee asks if these is a way to get access to a log of 311 complaints about bars behaving badly.
  • A question is posed about whether or not motorcycles are required to have mufflers. In addition, some motorcyclists are doing “wheelies” on Leonard Street. The legality of this practice is questioned.
  • In a new development the Warsaw merits a mention.
  • Drug traffic is discussed.

Part IV: Q & A session, continued; miscellaneous

1. A citizen asks if citizens photographing/filming unlawful behavior is helpful. D.I. Hurson answers to the affirmative. “Everyone is a walking t.v. station.”

2. The “find my phone” app is explained by D.I. Hurson.

3. A rather subdued (and downright sweet) Phyllis speaks. She lauds Officers Adamo and hopes that Hurson will be with us for awhile.

Part V: Lincoln Restler speaks

1. Mr. Restler thanks yours truly for filming these proceedings and lauds Hurson for his hard work.

2. He talks about the relocation of the Open Space Alliance concerts to 50 Kent Avenue.

3. He briefly touches upon “Stand Up, Speak Out” and creating safe havens where victims of harassment can go until the police arrive.

4. The recent traffic fatality here in Greenpoint and overall traffic issues are explored.

5. Mr. Restler advises attendees to make their complaints regarding disorderly or simply obnoxious bars known to our local community board.

On a related/closing note, here’s my “advice” as to how to go about the complaint process. Those of you who were present at lst night’s meeting— or have issues with such an establishment and/or its patrons— please give it a read.

A New York Shitty Op Ed: As you will notice I was asked (once again) by a woman to turn my camera off.  I was quite prepared for this eventuality by the head of the Community Council beforehand. It would appear that she has received a number of complaints about yours truly filming these proceedings. In fact, two people left the community council for just this reason.

Here’s the deal, folks: these are public proceedings. I am perfectly entitled to film them— just as attendees are more than welcome to pose questions privately afterward. In other words: there is a system in place which balances my right to film these meetings with others who seek to air their concerns privately. It would appear that this seems to have gone unnoticed or has been simply disregarded by some.

I film these proceedings not because I find them enjoyable (although they can be); rather, I do so because I know a lot of people who consider themselves to be stakeholders in this community and as such are interested in what is going in north Brooklyn. These individuals simply cannot attend due to work schedules, child care; and (as Lincoln Restler mentioned) simply being ill. By filming this footage I am enabling these people to stay informed about the goings on in north Brooklyn.

Thus the question becomes:

Whose rights prevail?

I am more than willing to be sensitive to the rights of others. One woman requested that I not film her face this evening— so I didn’t. I completely understand. It is neither my desire not purpose to cause a “chilling effect” on people speaking out by filming these proceedings.

However, I have very serious issues with any one individual or group who/which sees fit to disallow me from filming these meetings— which is my right— because they do not like it. It is my understanding that the 94th Precinct Community Council meetings are intended as a means for our police department to share information and dialogue with this community. By filming and sharing these proceedings I am continuing this dialogue. To disallow my— or anyone else’s— documenting these proceedings truncates this dialogue and creates a “chilling effect” as well. Just a thought.

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