Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

June 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Whoops 600

Given the East River Ferry has not serviced Greenpoint since February 13th— and probably will not for the foreseeable future— I find this ad copy a mite bit troubling.  I predict a number of “foamers” being not the least bit pleased with being “detoured” to Williamsburg so as to be shuttled back to India Street and West Street (and from there, having to find this event). My (tongue in cheek) advice: take a cab instead.

Let’s all try to be good neighbors/”hosts” and help these folks find their way to their planned destination. By their fanny packs, visors and rather large cameras ye shall know them…

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