From The New York Shitty Inbox: Five Men & a Little Lady

Jim (who sent me the image to the left) writes:

We have a stray cat who has meandered her way into our(5 dudes in a loft) hearts…… She appeared over the summer looking for our inside cat-acknowledging us only with a vicious hiss and running away. A little love and affection later, she now lets us pick her up, purrs on our laps, makes us go “Aaaaawwwww”……

We want to bring her in, but need to get her fixed, get her shots, etc. Wondering if you have a place in the GP area where we could bring her to get that done at a reasonable price? The ASPCA van isn’t coming around this area too soon. Much appreciated and i love the blog-your the best!

If there’s one thing yours truly has a soft spot for it is men who like cats— and who couldn’t help but love this adorable lass? Here are a few thoughts off the top of my head:

  1. I recall the Toby Project occasionally provides affordable spay and neuter services in Brooklyn. I have checked their calendar and the next time they will be remotely near Greenpoint  is January 27. On this day they will be in Bedford Stuyvesant.
  2. Speaking for myself, my husband and I go to Northside Veterinary Clinic. I’ll be upfront: people tend to either really like Drs. Leiman and Eisner or can’t stand them. We have had positive experiences with them. I would also like to add that I recently accompanied a friend of mine who had rescued a kitten there for a “check up”. She was very happy and Dr. Eisner, knowing that “Peanut” was a rescue, gave her a 20% discount off the cost of all the tests, etc. I am certain it was still not very cheap, but the cost split five ways might be do-able for youse guys.

On that note, I am going to solicit thoughts/advice from my readers. If you have any advice for Jim please leave them in the comments. Thanks!

Congratulations Jim! Gasolina is a cutie!

Miss Heather

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