New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

Taken May 11, 2014.

TOMORROW: A Celebration of All of Brooklyn’s Irish American Community

March 19, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11215, Brooklyn, Park Slope, Park Slope Brooklyn 

Although this event is not in north Brooklyn in light of the recent hate crime in Williamsburg I feel compelled to pass it along. Tomorrow, March 20, 2011, the guys and gals of Lambda Independent Democrats will be having a press release and counter-demonstration (celebration?) calling for a more inclusive Irish American Day Parade in our fair borough:

Press Conference to Call for a More Inclusive
Brooklyn Irish American Day Parade
March 20, 2011 starting at 1:00 p.m.
Old First Reformed Church
729 Carroll Street (at 7th Avenue)
Brooklyn, New York 11215

You can get the full rundown (including the deets for after party) by checking out Lambda Independent Democrats web site or this event’s Facebook page.

Miss Heather

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